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TEM 8 Listening comprehension,General Introduction,Course Plan,First time: pronunciation and some exercise Second time: note-taking skills and mini-lecture Third time: conversation or interview Fourth time: News report and a model test Fifth time: test strategies There are some exercises followed every lecture.,TEM8 LISTENING,PRONUNCIATION,STAIRCASE INTONATION,Do not speak word by word! Connect words to form sound groups Use staircase intonation A noun would start a new staircase when we want to emphasize this information。,What is staircase intonation?,Nouns are always on the top of the staircases. Pronouns are always on the bottom of the staircases along with a stress of a verb. In a statement, nouns would be at the same height as the pronouns, while in a question, nouns would take a more important place than other words. In emotional or rhetorical questions, nouns are always on the top of the staircase with a rising intonation.,Spellings and numbers,For abbreviation, the last letter should not be reduced but stressed. -IBM For word spellings, the last letter also should be stressed. - Wilson For numbers area code: 0086 zip code: 410082 date: 4/1/08 phone number: 0800-799-490,Distinctive sounds,The vowel sounds “A” in stressed closed syllables would sound like /æ/ in American accent. I cant dance, but you can. Lets listen and read:,“O” in a stressed closed syllable would sound like /ä/ in American accent. Its very hot here. Lets listen and read:,The schwa / A mid-central neutral vowel, typically occurring in unstressed syllables, as the final vowel of English sofa. Also called indeterminate vowel. We have to talk through our teeth from far back in our throat when speaking in American accent instead of moving our lips much. Lets listen and read:,The L sound,The difference among T/D plosive, N nasal, and L lateral. Read after the recording. Final L with schwa Many final Ls Final L practice Lets listen and read:,The American T,At the top of a staircase, T is pronounced T. In the middle of a staircase, it is pronounced as D. At the bottom of a staircase, it isnt pronounced at all. T is held before N in tain and ten endings. T is silent after N with lax vowels.,Word connection rules,Consonant vowel Consonant consonant Vowel vowel T,D,S or Z + Y T+Y=CH D+Y=J S+Y=SH Z+Y =ZH LETS PRACTICE!,Common reduction,Unstressed pronouns H and TH sounds in unstressed pronouns are often dropped. Tag endings With a query, the intonation rises. With confirmation, the intonation drops. Reducing articles Squeezed out syllables,Commonly reduced sounds,There are a lot of commonly reduced sounds in American accent. While youre listening to the following parts of the recording and repeat. To/at/it/for/from/in/an/and/or/are/your/one/the/a/of/can/had/would/was/what/some Most of the vowels like/æ/,/a:/,etc. would be reduced into /,Tem8 listening,Note-taking skills & Mini-Lecture,Short Form Strategy Training ntk-g(sht) - note-taking (short form),Short form note-taking methods The following are five most frequently used ways of shorthand writing. sylb syllable cnsnt(-vwl) consonants (no vowels) end-g endings symb symbols stnd abbr standard abbreviations,Try out all the different ways carefully to get an idea of short form notes. Keep in mind that you should develop a short form writing system of your own.,常用的符号,+ : many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of, etc. +(+2) more +3 most : little, few, lack ,in short of/ be in shortage of etc. × :wrong/incorrect,something bad,notorious,negative, etc. 表示“多于“概念:bigger/larger/greater/more than/better than, etc.表示“高“ 概念:superior to,surpass, etc. 表示“少于“概念:less/smaller,etc.表示“低“概念:inferior to,etc.,= 表示“同等“概念:means,that is to say, in other words,the same as,be equal to, etc.表示“对手“概念:a match, rival, competitor, counterpart, etc. ( ) 表示“在之间“:among, within, etc. 表示“不同“概念:be different from, etc. 表示“无敌“概念:matchless, peerless, etc. 表示“大约“概念:about/around,or so, approximately, etc. / 表示“否定“,“消除“等概念:cross out, eliminate, etc. -ism:m socialism Sm -tion:n standardization (标准化) stdn,-cian 简 简写为 o 例如:technician techo -ing 简写为 g 例如:marketing (市场营销) MKTg -ed 简写为 d 例如:accepted acptd -able/ible/ble 简写为 bl 例如:available avbl -ment 简写为 mt 例如:amendment amdmt -ize 简写为 z 例如:recognize regz -ful 简写为 fl 例如:meaningful mnfl,Mini-Lecture and gap-filling,要求先听一篇900-1000个单词左右的讲座,约7-8分钟,边听边做笔记,讲座完了之后整理笔记两分钟,然后发答卷,用十分钟的时间完成10个空格的填空任务。 讲座的内容很广泛,但是学术性比较强,使用的语言比较规范,虽然会出现一些专有名词和术语,但是一般不会影响理解。 讲座的整体结构很分明,逻辑性强,信息词连接词出现频繁,一旦掌握了逻辑思路,就比较容易提高做题的正确率。,常考的题型和解决方法,细节题:常常出现在举例、解决方法等细节性的题中。 要点题:一般是讲座的提纲性内容或者框架。 推断题、归纳总结题:考查理解能力和语言应用能力。一般要根据笔记和记忆中的细节内容来推出答案。这类型的题只要符合原文含义、语法上正确就OK。,平时训练方法,听懂主题 理清逻辑顺序,有选择的记笔记,而不是什么都记。 注意讲座的开头,一般讲座都会开门见山指出主题和分几点做出分析。 决定如何利用草稿纸,提高长时间记忆力 a. 目的性记忆 b. 复述记忆 c. 关键词句记忆,提高记笔记能力 a. 把握讲座的结构: 垂直或阶梯式,要留空间。 b. 了解出题意图:一般细节题会占5分左右;但要注意词性的转换、思维角度的转换,TEM 8 LISTENING COMPREHENSION,INTERVIEW OR CONVERSATION,选材特点,此部分的听力材料是一篇800-900词的对话或者访谈,语速在160词/分钟。大概6分钟左右。 在98-08年的专八考试中,有8篇是人物访谈,其


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