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Unit 8 When is your birthday?,Birthday cake,Birthday card,-Whats the date today? -Its December 18th.,Calendar,Ja,nua,ry,Feb,rua,ry,M,ar,ch,A,pril,May,June,July,Au,gu,Sep,tem,ber,Oc,to,ber,No,vem,ber,De,cem,ber,st,January is the first month of the year. February is the second month of the year. March is the third month of the year.,序 数 词,February,January,March,_is the fourth month of the year. _is the fifth month of the year. _is the sixth month of the year. _is the seventh month of the year. _is the eighth month of the year.,April,May,June,July,August,序 数 词,September is the _ month of the year. October is the _month of the year. November is the _month of the year. December is the _month of the year.,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth,序 数 词,基数词 序数词 写作 one first 1st two second 2nd three third 3rd four fourth 4th five fifth 5th six sixth 6th seven seventh 7th eight eighth 8th nine ninth 9th ten tenth 10th,基数词 序数词 eleven eleventh 11th twelve twelfth 12th thirteen thirteenth 13th fourteen fourteenth 14th fifteen fifteenth 15th sixteen sixteenth 16th seventeen seventeenth 17th eighteen eighteenth 18th nineteen nineteenth 19th twenty twentieth 20th thirty thirtieth 30th,基数词 序数词 写作 twenty-one twenty-first 21st twenty-two twenty-second 22nd twenty-three twenty-third 23rd twenty-four twenty-fourth 24th thirty-one thirty-first 31st thirty-two thirty-second 32nd thirty-three thirty-third 33rd thirty-four thirty-fourth 34th ,基变序,有规律,词尾加上th. 1,2,3,特殊记,st,nd,rd 8加 h 9去 e f来把 v,e 替 整十变 y 为 ie,后跟 th 莫迟疑。 若想表示几十几,只变个位就可以。,Happy birthday!,Today is my birthday!,A:When is your birthday? B:My birthday is on October 16th.,When is New years Day?,Its on January 1st.,When is Womens Day?,Its on March 8th.,When is Labours Day?,Its on May 1st.,When is Childrens Day?,Its on June 1st.,When is Teachers Day?,Its on September 10th.,When is Christmas Day?,Its on December 25th.,When is New Years Day(元旦)? Its on January 1st. When is Womens Day(妇女节)? It is on March 8th. When is April Fools Day(愚人节)? Its on April 1st. When is Working Peoples Day(劳动节)? Its on May 1st. When is National Day(国庆节)? Its on October 1st. When is Christmas Day(圣诞节)? Its on December 25th.,When is National Day?,Its on October 1st.,Its our countrys birthday.,February 14th,March 8th,April 21st,January 29th,August 12th,September 10th,October 1st,December 25th,1.2月14日 2.3月8日 3.4月21日 4.1月29日 5.8月12日 6.9月10日 7.10月1日 8.12月25日 9.6月15日,June 15th,Can you say the dates(说说日期):,when用来对年、月、日以及时刻进行提问。 句型:When + is + 主语? When + are +主语?,Grammar focus,Tips:回答时常用介词in, at, on等词组成的表时间的介词短语。,Grammar focus,in 年月 on 日 at 小时,Its in 1992. 在1992年。,Its in May. 在五月。,Its on May 1st. 在5月1日。,I always go home at 8 oclock.,Bill: Hi, Alan. Happy birthday! Alan: Thank you, Bill. Bill: So, how old are you, Alan? Alan: Im twelve. How old are you? Bill: Im thirteen. Alan: When is your birthday? Bill: My birthday is in August. Alan: Well, do you want to come to my birthday party? Bill: Oh, yes. When is it? Alan: At three this afternoon. Bill: OK, great. See you!,birthday party,English test,school trip,basketball game,party,school trip,English test,basketball game,2c,Listen again. Fill in Johns calendar.,the school trip,the school trip,the English test,the basketball game,soccer game 足球比赛 school trip 学校旅行 School Day 校庆,学校开放日 book sale 跳蚤市场(图书二手市场),English Day 英语活动日 art festival 艺术节 Sports Day 体育活动日 party,Dear students, We have some interesting and fun things for you this term. On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon. October is a great month. On the 12th and the 15th, we have two ball games, soccer and volleyball.,2b,School Day is on October 22nd. Your parents can come to our school. Next month, we have an art festival. Its on November 3rd. We have an English party on November 30th. And on December 3rd, we have a book sale in the school library. This is a really busy term! Have a good time!,September 21st October 12th October 15th October 22nd November 3rd November 30th December 3rd,school trip,soccer game,volleyball game,School Day,art festival,English party,book sale,We have .on 月日. On 月日,we have. is on 月日,English test December 10th basketball game December 12th Christmas party December 25th,Dear parents, How are you? We have some interesting and fun things this month. We have an English test on December 10th. We have a basketball game on December 12th. We have a Christmas party on December 25th. XX,Dear Alan, Do you sports? Do you have a ? Please come to next week. We have a basketball . Its on 28th. See you there! Guo Peng,3a,写便条,邀请他人来参加活动,like,basketbal


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