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初二英语复习练习,词汇挑战:,1.The children enjoyed _ (they) in the park yesterday. 2.Walk along the road, and turn left at the third _(cross) 3.The mother seems to be _ (worry)about something. 4.The accident stopped us from _(come) here on time 5._(Italy) like to eat pizza a lot. 6.Half an hour _(late), the boy arrived there. 7.I dont want any of them to get _(lose) . 8.What an _ (interest) story it is!,themselves,crossing,worried,coming,Italians,later,lost,interesting,词汇挑战:,9.My little dogs _(die) makes me very sad. 10.The poor girl is coughing _(terrible). 11.She was one of the best _(sing) at the concert. 12.Neither Tom nor his brother _(be) right. 13.-The girl is very nice. - So she _.(be) 14.The boys watered the flowers. So _(do) Lily. 15.The foreign _(visit) will come to the Great Wall tomorrow,death,terribly,singers,is,is,did,visitors,词汇挑战:,16.After a while the baby stopped _(cry) and smiled. 17.If it _(not rain) tomorrow, we shall go to the zoo. 18.The accident stopped us from _(come) here on time. 19.I went to bed after I _(finish) the letter to my father. 20.Somebody _(want) to see you. 21.The teacher told the students _(not talk) in class. 22.Ill tell him as soon as he _(come) back. 23.Either Lucy or the boys _(have) some books. 24. Neither of them _(be) good at physics.,crying,doesnt rain,coming,finished,wants,not to talk,comes,have,is,词汇挑战:,25.I dont need your help . I can do it by _(I) 26.Look,the children are dancing_ (happy). 27.The sun is _(far) than the moon to us.,myself,happily,farther,选择:,1.She looked inside the box, but she saw _ in it. A. something B. anything C. somebody D. nothing 2.In China everyone _eating dumplings. A. like B. likes C. is like D. are like 3.Could you give me _ to drink? A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything,4.My baby is _. A. ten month olds B. ten months old C. ten month old D. ten months olds 5.Lucy didnt know the time because she_her watch at home. A. leave B. left C. forget D. forgot 6.Is there _ in todays newspaper? A. anything new B. something new C. new something D. new anything,选择:,选择:,7.The boy went out of the room angrily_ saying any words. A. without B. with C. by D. at 8.My mother told me _eat anything dirty. A. not to B. to C. dont to D. not 9.Stop _! Listen to me, please. talk B. talking C. to talk D. and talk 10.Ill give you a ring if Mike _tomorrow. A. comes B. will come C. came D. is coming,选择:,11.The girl is late and_. so the boy is B. so is the boy C. so does the boy D. so the boy does 12.She is very busy _a letter in English. writes B. to write C. writing D. write 13.All the food _ on the table now. A. was B. are C. were D. is 14.The film isnt interesting, and _people like it. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few,句型转换:,1.Her mother had to go to see a doctor.( 否定句 ) Her mother _ _to go to see a doctor. 2.Mr Wang reached Shanghai last Monday.(同意句) Mr Wang _ _ Shanghai last Monday . 3.Get up early and you wont be late.(条件状语从句 ) If you _get up early , you _ be late. 4.There is nothing in the box.(同意句) There _ _in the box.,didnt have,got to,dont,will,isnt anything,句型转换:,5.She didnt feel like eating anything.(同意句) She felt like eating_. 6.My mother had a cold yesterday.(划线提问) What was _ _ with your mother yesterday? 7.My father doesnt help my mother cook. My brother doesnt, either. (同意句) _my father_ my brother _ my mother cook. (同意句) 8.Maybe he is our headmaster. (同意句) He _ _ our headmaster.,nothing,the matter,Neither,nor,helps,may be,句型转换:,9.I had a pain in my head. I had a _. 10.In the library we should be quiet. Dont _any _ in the library. 11.He is looking for his pen here and there. He is looking for his pen _. 12.He returned the book to me yesterday. He _the book _to me yesterday. 13.I want to go to Beijing_ _ Shanghai.,headache,make,noise,everywhere,gave,back,instead of,句型转换:,14.They no longer live there. They _ live there_ _. 15.We will go home after we get our picnic basket back. We _ go home _we get our picnic basket back. 16.We must look after the old people well. We must _ _ _ _ the old people. 17.She asked the boy not to cry. She _ the boy _ _.,dont,any longer,wont,until,take good care of,stopped,from crying,补全对话:,M: Hello, Jill! Whats the matter with you? You look_. J: Nothing _. M: Its not _ for you to cough. Have you _ to the doctors? J: Yes, I went there this morning. M: What did he say? J: He said Id just caught a _ of a cold. He told me to have a good rest and drink _ water. M: You should lie in bed and _ to take your medicine_ _


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