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外研版九年级英语上册 市优质资源评比精品导学案 module 9 unit 2(1)

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外研版九年级英语上册 市优质资源评比精品导学案 module 9 unit 2(1)

Unit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet?学校 茨头堡中学主备人:韩树春 宋学静 班级:九年级上 时间:2015、7、30审核人: 学习目标:1.知识目标:学习、掌握生词和词组。2.能力目标:(1)能够读懂有关发明创造的文章,掌握其细节内容。(2)能够使用含有被动语态的句子表述发明对人类的影响,并恰当使用as, as a result, because and so.3.情感目标:对现有在发明提出自己的意见,并与同学交流。 课前预习导学英汉互译单词:1.pinting _ 2. development _ 3. trade _ 4. result _5.spread (spread, spread) _6. introduction _7. amount _ 8. store _9. varied _ 10. form _ 11. connection _ 12. single _ 13. direction _ 14. replace _短语: 1. 快速阅读;浏览 _ 2. 每次;一次 _3. 用手;靠手做 _ 4. 等等看 _5. compareto _ 6. in a way _7. in those days _ 8. an amount of _9. in the future _ 10. be replaced by _ 课内探究分享 一、 交流分享 What are the advantages of books and the Internet? 二、Fast reading (快速读课文)Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs. (速读课文,将段落和标题匹配)a) The world before printed books b) The world after the invention of printing c) Life with paper and printing d) Technology and books e) The future of books 三、 Careful reading (细读课文)1)Read Paragraph 1 and answer the questions.( 读第一自然段回答问题)1. What does my father do every morning?2. What do I do every day?3. What does my mother do every evening?4. What do I do every night?2) Retell the Paragraph 1 according to phrases and questions:(根据短语和问题,复述第一自然段) Every morning buy a newspaper on ones way to Every day in classstart my lessons Every evening look through Every night the photos of go to sleep3) Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the blacks.(读第二自然段用介词填空)Paper was first created about 2000 years ago _ China. After its invention, people started _ write _ paper to make books. _ those days, books were only produced one _ a time _ hand. _ a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive. So few people had the chance _ learn to read. 4) Read Paragraph 3 and find out the phrases. (读第三自然段,找出短语)使得做某事成为可能 _ 更快更便宜 _ 在图书方面 _ 学会读书 _ 传播得更快 _ 从前 _ 从某种程度上 _ 把与相比 _ 的发明 _ 的介绍_5) 合作探究有关look 的用法以及短语_6) Read Paragraph 4 and correct the wrong sentences. (读第四自然段,改正错误句子)1. The book is still young. 2. The Internet is growing very slow.3. Printing may become more powerful than the Internet.4. A little information can be stored in more varied forms on the Internet than in books.5. Someone with an Internet connection can find information much more hard than they can find it in printed forms.7) Read Paragraph 5. 找出含有被动语态的句子。1. _2. _3. _四、Retell the passage according to the table. (根据表格,复述课文)WhenWhatAbout 2000 years ago paper _ people started to write _ to make books books _ one at a time by handDuring the Sui and Tang Dynasties printing _ in China developments in printing made it possible _ produce books more quickly and cheaply. a trade in books _ more people learnt _Today the Internet is growing _ computers and the Internet _ in classrooms newspaper and magazines _ online五、自主学习1.at a time “每次;一次”,常与表示数量的词语搭配使用。 She ran up the stairs two at a time. 她一步两阶地跑上楼梯。 at one time “曾经;一度”,常用于过去时。 He was a teacher at one time, but now he is a famous singer. 他曾是名教师,但现在他已是著名的歌唱家了。联想:every time 每次 from time to time 不时;有时 in time 及时 in no time 立刻;马上 2. as a result “结果;因此”The traffic was very heavy and as a result we didnt arrive on time.交通非常拥挤,结果我们没有按时到达。 as a result of 意思和as a result 截然相反,意为“由于”,表示原因,相当于because of.As a result of his fathers illness, he left school. 由于父亲生病,他辍学了。3. in a way 从某一角度;从某种程度上In a way, difficulty can help us make progress. 从某种程度上说,困难能够帮助我们进步。联想:to some degree在某种程度上 in this way 用这种方式4. a large amount of 大量,修饰不可数名词。Betty drank a large amount of tea. 贝蒂喝了很多茶。联想:a good great amount of 大量 a small amount of 少量5. direction 方向 in all directions (=in every direction) 四面八方六、Writing Write a passage about traditional printing and its future.1. Why is it hard to imagine a


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