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Look at some pictures from the textbook. What do you think has happened to the boy?,Reading,Do you know about aliens? Do you really believe in them?,Look at some pictures, and discuss what it is like?,Lead-in,How do they come to the earth?,Where do they live?,UFO Unidentified Flying Object,Do you often read newspapers? What kind of news do you like to read? ( sports news, entertainment news, political news or economic news ) How do you select the news you like to read, by taking a look at its title or by being attracted by its colorful pictures?,Discussion,title,the first paragraph,( to give a general idea about the news ),the following paragraphs,How to read a newspaper article,( to tell readers “who” “when” “where” “what” “why” “how” ),( to give detailed but less important information ),Reading strategy :,Boy missing, police puzzled,A boy is missing and the police are puzzled.,Whats the features of a news title?,short and brief,attractive, exact, direct,What is the article about? Who is missing? Do the police know what happened to Justin?,Its about a missing boy,UFO and aliens.,Justin Foster is missing.,No.,Skimming Task : Exercise A (p. 2),2. What sports does Justin play?,3. What time did the witnesses see Justin walking home?,He lives in Dover, New Hampshire.,He plays baseball.,At 10.45 p.m.,Scanning Task1: Exercise C1 (p.4),1. Where does Justin Foster live?,4. Does Justin have any brothers and sisters?,5. What colour were the aliens?,6. Who else has been taken by the aliens?,7. Who is in charge of the case?,He has a sister.,They were white.,Mavis Wood has been taken by the aliens.,Detective Sam Peterson is in charge of it.,According paragraph 1, _. A. Justin was killed by Yetis B. people showed great interest in Justin Fosters being missing C. the police have discovered the truth of Justins being missing D. Justin went lost last night 2. In the text, “show up” means_. A. arrive or appear B. reach C. disappear D. reach for,Task2 Multiple choice,3. From the third paragraph, we know that_. A. Justin did not go home that night B. after the game Justin spent the night with a friend that night C. Justin returned home that night D. Justin was playing baseball with a friend all the night.,4. According to Paragraph 6, we know that _. A. the light that Kelly saw was the light of the full moon B. the spaceship was white all over C. Kelly saw the aliens take Justin away D. Kelly was quite sure that the aliens took Justin away,5. From the last paragraph we can know that_. A. the police have given up looking into space B. the police didnt believe what kelly and other people said at all C. the police will also try to find out some other possibilities D. the people have found out that someone made up the story of Justins missing,Writing,Give an ending to the story. Though the police have made efforts to investigate the case, how Justin was missing remained a mystery. Was he really seized by aliens or were there any other reasons?,1. Review the strategy we learned today. 2. Recite the new words. 3. Learn the phrases we learnt today by heart . 4.Write an ending of the story.,Homework :,


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