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2017-2018学年牛津版 必修二 unit 1 tales of the unexplained-project课件 (共23张ppt)

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2017-2018学年牛津版 必修二 unit 1 tales of the unexplained-project课件 (共23张ppt)

Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained,Project,Telling about an unexplained mystery,Yeti, Bigfoot and the Wild Man of Shennongjia,Warming up,How much do you know about the creature? What else would you like to know about it?,In some areas of the world, there have been reports of Yetis. Do you believe such a creature exists?,Skimming,1.What is the main idea of this story ? 2.Where have Yetis been seen? 3.Do scientists believe in Yetis? 4.Is there a definite(确定的) conclusion(结论) for this story?,1.What is the main idea of this story?,Yetis are reported to have been seen all over the world.,2. Where have Yetis or similar creatures been seen?,Yetis have been seen on the Chinese side of the Himalayas and in the Shennongjia National Forest Park in western Hubei Province.,3. What does an American scientist think of Yetis ?,4.Is there a definite(确定的) conclusion(结论) for this story?,No, Scientists hope that one day this mystery will be solved.,He became convinced that they exist.,1. Which of the following is not the description about Yetis? A. hairy B. large C. very fierce D. thick black fur 2. Which of the following is right ? A. Yetis often attack the local villagers. B. Scientists doubt whether there are Yetis. C. An American mountain climber said he saw a Yeti in 1998. D. Dr Krantz believed that Yetis lived in Asia 3,000 years ago.,C,C,3. The author thinks the story about Yetis_. A. doubtful B. believable C. romantic D. funny 4. This passage is perhaps taken from_. A. scientific reports B. a history book C. a magazine entitled “Animal World” D. a magazine entitled “Humans and Nature”,A,A,Yeti, Bigfoot and the wild Man of Shennongjia,Para,1,Sightings of Yetis are reported.,Para,24,Witnesses gave similar descriptions of Yetis.,Para,5,An American scientists opinion.,The hope for the solution of the mystery.,Para,6,title,beginning,details,opinions,an open end,hairy,a human being,fur,huge shoulders,in length,with amazing speed,existence,convinced,opinion,solution,Listening & Reading,Write a story about one of the mysteries,UFO,What is UFO? Is it aliens transport?,“七仔“is a shape of alien ,who has special energy.,Crop Circles,A crop circle is a large pattern created by the flattening the crop. The first crop circle was discovered in England in 1647. Some people think it is created by aliens.,Bermuda Triangle,Bermuda Triangle is a mysterious areas of the Atlantic Ocean.,Some scientists assume that the triangle is a place where beings from outer space hurt human specimens for their “zoos”.,Loch Ness Monster,The Lake monster was first seen one hundred years ago in Lake Tianchi of changbaishan ,Jilin Province ,which is one of the Chinese Natural Reservation Zones .,The Loch Ness Monster has helped bring tourists to Scotland since 1930s ,when the photos of the creature was taken.,1. Which mystery are you interested in? 2. What will your story be about?,Planning: Discuss the mysteries in groups,1. Find information from various sources on the mystery.,2. Decide what to include in the story and what to leave out.,3. Organize the information you decide to use and write an outline for the story.,Preparing,1. Follow the outline and write the story.,2. Proofread the story, correct any mistakes and add any new ideas you can think of.,3. Revise the story based on the suggestions.,4. Draw pictures that represent places, characters or events in the story.,Producing,Tell the story to the class.,Presenting,Finish all the exercises of Unit 1,Homework,


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