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2017-2018学年牛津版 必修二 unit 1 tales of the unexplained-project课件 (共26张ppt)

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2017-2018学年牛津版 必修二 unit 1 tales of the unexplained-project课件 (共26张ppt)

Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained,Task Conducting a survey,The rules to conduct a survey:,1. Ask one piece of information at a time.,2. Use short and simple sentences.,3. Avoid negative sentences.,4. Use precise(精确的) language.,5. Give specific(特殊的;明确的) references.,6. Make sure people have the necessary knowledge to answer.,Next is a questionnaire about peoples shopping habits. The statements are not properly constructed. Point out which rule each statement does not follow. Write the numbers in the blanks. You do not have to fill in the questionnaire.,Finding mistakes:,Questionnaire,Tick your level of agreement with the statements below (A stands for Agree, D for Disagree, and N for Not sure).,I do not go shopping in supermarkets. A D N 2. I go shopping once a day and spend more than ¥15 each time. A D N 3. I have gone shopping at Smiths. A D N 4. When I go shopping, I always go with my friends who live near my house that is near a shopping center. A D N 5. I often go shopping. A D N 6. I buy a new top every month. A D N,_,_,_,_,_,_,1,3,6,2,5,4,work in pairs,You work for a book club and have drafted a questionnaire for a survey, but there are three inappropriate(不适当) questions/ statements in it. Correct them according to the rules on page 12.,Designing a questionnaire page13.,Question 2 should be divided into two questions:,2. How did you find out about Best Book Club? Newspapers magazines friends Internet TV 3. When did you join the club? 2000 2001 2002 2003,The original Question 4 should be more accurate and changed into Question 5 like the following:,5. How many times have you visited bookshops in the last 6 months?,Listen to the first part of his conversation with you and check your revisions. Then listen to the second part of the conversation and add two questions as your boss requires.,B 9. Are you interested in a mystery book club? Yes No 10. How much would you spend on mystery books each month? Less than ¥10 ¥10-19 ¥20-29 no less than¥30,Greeting others and,making introductions,Greeting someone formally. Greeting a friend or classroom. Greeting a stranger.,Good morning/afternoon. Nice to meet you.,Hello! Hi!,Excuse me, (sir/madam).,conducting an interview,A.on page 14 and B on page 15,Skills building 3: analysing statistics page 16-17,Conclusions: 1 2.The second most popular activity for students in the school is surfing the internet. 3.Only a few students in the school like reading. 4.Most students in the school dont like dancing,Recommendations: 1. 2. the school should guide students in surfing the internet. 3. The school should find ways to arouse students interests in reading. 4. The school should take measures to make more students become interested in dancing.,Step 3:,Mystery books members are interested in:39% Number of people interested in a mystery book club : 81% Monthly amount of money members willing to spend on mystery book: Below10 RMB 23% 10-19 RMB 42% 20-29RMB 30% no less than 30RMB 5%,The Possibility of Starting a Mystery Book Club Conclusions drawn from the statistics: From the statistics,we can determine that about 39% of the members in our book club are interested in mysteries. About 81% of the people who answered the questions are interested.About 77% of them are willing to spend more than 10 yuan on mystery books every month. Of these people 5% would spend no less than 30 yuan and 30% would like to spend 20-29 yuan. So I think more people than we expected are interested in mysteries. They are willing to read books about mystery,Recommendation based on the conclusions: We can start a mystery book club and many people will join it.,language points,rate,名词 n. 比率;率 ;速度 ;价格;等级,5.That book is only second rate.,1.利率是百分之五。2.今天美元和英镑间的兑换率是多少? 3.火车正以每小时公里的速度前进。 4. 我们的汽车开得很快。5.那本书只是第二流的作品。,1. The rate of interest is 5 percent.,2.Whats the rate between dollars and pounds today?,3.The train was going at the rate of 95 kilometres an hour.,4.We were driving at a great rate.,vt. 叱责 vi. 被评价,被认为,I was soundly rated by my father.,我被父亲痛骂了一顿。,My daughter rated very high in her class.,我的女儿在班里评价很高。,ensure vt. 保证 ·.,They ensured that he would win the prize.,他们保证他会获奖。,ignore vt. 忽视;不顾;不理睬,ignore a danger sign,忽视危险的记号,ignore a person's value,忽视某人的价值,Avoid vt. 避免;躲开;逃避,Try to avoid danger.,尽力避免危险。,He has been avoiding me.,他一直避开我。,你不要误了上课。,You should avoid being late for your class.,我设法避免回答他的问题。,I tried to avoid answering him.,The wheel of history cannot be turned back.,历史的车轮不能倒转。,阻止,阻挡,Our papers have to be turned in one week before the examination.,我们的论文必须在考试一周前交上去。,In the winter, the water turns into ice.,冬天水变成了冰。,上交,变成,When you play cards, each player plays in turn.,玩牌的时候大家轮流出牌.,轮流,The boy wanted to join the Red Army but was turned down because he was under age.,男孩要求参加红军,但因为年纪小没有被


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