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七年级英语上册 unit 8 when is your birthday测试题(c卷) 人教新目标版

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七年级英语上册 unit 8 when is your birthday测试题(c卷) 人教新目标版

Unit 8 When is your birthday第卷 听力部分 (15分).听句子, 选择与其意思相符的图片 (有两幅多余图片)(5分)1We have a Music Festival at school every year.2They're very happy at Mary's birthday party.3Do you have a basketball game in May?4When is the English speech contest?5We have a school trip every term.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._.听对话, 选出与对话内容相符的选项 (5分)M:Hello, Linda!How old are you?W:I'm ten years old.6A. Linda is ten years old.BLinda is twelve years old.CLinda is eleven years old.M:Do you have a School Day at your school, Gina?W:No, we don't.7A.There is no School Day at Gina's school.BThere is a School Day at Gina's school.CThe School Day at Gina's school is October 20th.M:Hi, Alice!When is Bill's birthday party?W:It's October fifteenth.8A.Bill's birthday is October fifteenth.BBill's birthday is October fifth.CAlice's birthday is October fifteenth.W:Hello, Eric!Is your brother twelve years old?M:No.He is thirteen years old.I'm twelve years old.9A.Eric is thirteen years old.BEric's brother is twelve years old.CEric's brother is thirteen years old.M:When is the Art Festival, Sandy?W:It's May 19th.How about your Art Festival,Tony?M:It's October 20th.10A.Sandy has an Art Festival on May 19th.BTony has an school trip on May 19th.CSandy has an school trip on October 20th.听短文, 完成表格 (5分)My English teacher is Cindy Brown.She is from England.Her Chinese name is Zhang Li.She is 36 years old.Her birthday is July 21st.She likes red.Look!Her sweater and hat are red.My math teacher is Bill Miller.He is from America.His Chinese name is Gong Wei.He is only 24 years old.His birthday is September 9th.He doesn't like blue.He likes black.His clothes are all black.My Chinese teacher is Tan Mei.She is from Shanghai.Her English name is Tina.She is 25 years old.Her birthday is August 17th.Her mother buys a green T­shirt for her.She likes it very much.Look!Her pants are green, too.Miss Tan likes green.Information cardChinese NameEnglish nameAgeBirthdayFavorite colorFromZhang LiCindy Brownthirty­six13._14._EnglandGong WeiBill Millertwenty­fourSeptember 9thblack15._ _Tan Mei11._12._August 17thgreenShanghai第卷 笔试部分(85分).单项选择(10分)16_are you?I'm twelve.AHow BHow oldCHow much DWhat17Jim is ten.I'm ten, too.We are the same (相同的)_Aold BageCdate Dbirthday18Today is my mother's _ birthday.Aforty Bthe fortyCthe fortieth Dfortieth19_father is a teacher.ALucy and Lily BLucy and Lily'sCLucy's and Lily's DLucy's and Lily20There are twenty­eight or twenty­nine days in _.AJanuary BFebruaryCNovember DDecember21Christmas (圣诞节) is the _ of Jesus Christ.Adate BdayCtime Dbirthday22_is the school trip?_May.AWhen;In BWhat;OnCWhere;In DWhen;On23The girl is _.Today is her _ birthday.Atwentieth;twentyBtwenty;twenty Ctwentieth;twentiethDtwenty;twentieth24Do you have an Art Festival at your school?_.We have it every year.ANo, we don'tBSorry, I don't know CYes, we doDOK25How many _ are there in a year?_.Amonth;six Bmonths;TwelveCmonths;Four Dmonths;the twelfth.完形填空(10分)The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year's Day.It usually _26_ in January or February.Everyone in _27_ likes the Spring Festival very much.When the Spring Festival comes, Li Lei usually _28_ his parents clean their house and do some _29_ and other housework._30_ that day _31_ in China eats _32_, New Year's cake and some other _33_ food.Li Lei likes New Year's cake, but Wang Lin doesn't.The Chinese people _34_ the New Year's cake and jiaozi in their houses._35_ happy they are!26A.come BgetsCcomes Dgoes27A.America BChinaCEngland DAustralia28A.asks BtellsCtakes Dhelps29A.cleaning BfishingCreading Dshopping30A.On BInCOf DAt31A.everyone BsomeoneCno one Deverything32A.eggs BmeatC. jiaozi Dmooncakes33A.nice BoldCbig Dbest34A.eat BdoesCbuy Dsell35A.Much BVeryCWhat DHow.阅读理解(30分)ADo you know Jin Mincan?He is a boy from South Korea(韩国)He is eight years old and his birthday is August 31st.Boys and girls like to call him Cancan.Cancan likes eating.He likes red,too.At his home,you can see lots of red clothes.Cancan's family is not small.In his family there are five people.They are Cancan,his father,mother,brother and sister.Cancan's brother is Jin Mingzai.He's six years old.His birthday is May 1st.His sister is Jin Mingzhi.She's only four years old.Her birthday is January 21st.In South Korea,Cancan has a good friend.Her name is Huang Enhui.Enhui and C


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