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为隆重中国共产党成立97周年,充分发挥基层党组织战斗堡垒和共产党员的先锋模范作用,在二轻系统营造奋勇争先、创造新业绩的浓厚氛围Unit 4 Making the news-Period 3I单词拼写1. You should phone his secretary if you want to make an _(预约)。2. He has made an _ (精确的)measurement of my garden.3. She is unfit for such a _(高级的)position.4. He works as a _(主要的)editor on China Daily.5. You can join our club if your parents _(赞成)of it.II.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空be involved in, (be) senior to, make an appointment with, approve of, ahead of, to ones delight, in process, commit a crime, be guilty of, (be) skeptical of 1. We were praised by the manager for completing the work five days _time.2. The organization denied the accusation that it _ the murders.3. Mr. Smith was unfit for the position. It had to be filled by an officer _ him.4. The research into the cause of the accident is still_.5. _ ,our daughter adjusted (herself)to campus life a month after entering the college.6. We doubt whether John will defeat his opponent. This means we _ his chances of winning.7. We live in a society ruled by the law. If you _, you can never escape being punished.8. If you _ a suggestion, you like it or are pleased about it.9. He _stealing and taken into prison.10. Id like to _ the doctor. Im not quite myself these days.III单据语法填空1.Good morning. Ive got an _(appoint)with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department.-Ah, good morning. You must be Mrs. Peters.2. The quality of _(process)food largely depends on the raw material and the way it is _(process). 3.Im afraid that your parents wont approve _ your marrying him.4.Sam polished _ the rest of the pizza.5. In the company he is senior _ Tom, while in life he is Toms junior _ two years.IV单句写作1. Finally my parents _ _ (同意)my decision.2. We were told to finish all the work _ _ _ (提前).3. He _ _ _ _ (擦亮鞋子) and went to see his friend.4. The plan is _ _ _ _ _ (在讨论中).5. Have you _ _ _ _ _ _(与经理的约定)?V单句完形填空1. Plan your shopping _ time. Avoid last-minute rushes to the grocery store when you are hungry.A. in front of B. in advance C. ahead of D. apart from2.I have been convinced that the print media are usually more _ and more reliable than television.A. accurate B. ridiculousC. urgent D. shallow3.-What if I want to have my shoes_? -Just leave them outside the room before going to bed and theyll be ready in the next morning.A. processed B. combinedC. update D. polished4. If you want to see the director of the department, youd better make a(an) _with his secretary first.A. assignment B. agreementC. appointment D. settlementVI.阅读理解From the very beginning of school we make books and reading a constant source of possible failure and public humiliation. When children are little we make them read aloud, before the teacher and other children, so that we can be sure they ” know ” all the words they are reading. This means that they dont know a word, they are going to make a mistake, right in front of everyone. After having taught fifth-grade classes for four years, I decided to try at all costs to rid them of their fear and dislike of books, and to get them to read oftener and more adventurously.One day soon after school had started, I said to them, ” Now Im going to say something about reading that you have probably never heard a teacher say before. I would like you to read a lot of books this year, but I want you to read them just for pleasure. I am not going to ask you questions to find out whether you understand the books or not. If you understand enough of a book to enjoy it and want to go on reading it, thats enough for me. Also Im not going to ask you what words mean.”The children sat stunned and silent. Was this a teacher talking? One girl, who had just come to us from a school where she had had a very hard time, looked at me steadily for a long time after I had finished. Then, still looking at me, she said slowly and seriously,” Mr. Holt, do you really mean that? ” I said just as seriously, “ I mean every word of it.”During the spring she really astonished me. One day, she was reading at her desk. From a glimpse of the illustrations I thought I knew what the boos was. I said to myself, “ It cant be,” and went to take a closer look. Sure enough, she was reading Moby Dick, in the edition with woodcuts. I said, “ Dont you find parts of it rather heavy going?” She answered, “Oh, sure, but I just skip over those parts and


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