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2018秋冀教版九级全册英语同步练习:unit 1 lesson 3

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2018秋冀教版九级全册英语同步练习:unit 1 lesson 3

Unit 1 Stay Healthy.Lesson 3 Good Food, Good Health同步练习 根据所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Vegetables and fruits can help us stay _ (health).2. _ (potato) are a kind of popular vegetable in North America.3. You need to have a _ (balance) diet.4. We must eat _ (difference) foods if we want to be healthy.6. His _ (foot) are bigger. 英汉互译1.和不同_2.别的什么_3.平衡的饮食_4.保持强壮_5.饮食习惯_6.豆制品_7.传统食物_8.越来越流行_9.含蛋白质食物_10.含钙的食物_ 单选题1. Do you think soy milk is different _ milk?A. with B. from C. like D. as 2.Protein helps your body _ strong.A. go B. come C. make D. stay3. French fries are made _ potatoes.A. in B. with C. from D. by来源:学优高考网gkstk4. What is the most important?_.A. Fruit B. A Balanced diet C. Protein D. Vegetables 根据汉语意思翻译句子1. 我们家上周搬到了北京。Our family _ _ Beijing last week.2. 这把椅子是由塑料制成的。This chair is _ _ plastic.3. 蛋白质有助于身体生长并保持强壮。 Protein helps your body _ and _.来源:学优高考网gkstk 阅读理解A man was sitting in the doctors office. He was telling the doctor about his problem. “I like football, doctor,” he said. “Please help me. My life has never been a good one since I became interested in football; and it is getting worse and worse. I cant even get away from it in my sleep. As soon as I close my eyes, Im out there on the football field and running after a flying ball. When I wake up, Im more tired than I was when I went to bed. What am I going to do?” The doctor sat back and said, “First of all, you have to do your best not to dream about football. When you close your eyes, try to think about something else. Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several million dollars.” “Are you crazy(疯狂的,古怪的), doctor?” the man shouted at the doctor, “I will miss my ball!”1. The man went to see the doctor because _.A. there was something wrong with his heartB. the doctor was interested in footballC. he wanted to get some advice about his trouble with footballD. his wife was ill2. Football makes the mans life _.A. happy B. interesting C. good D. difficult3. The man felt more tired after he got up because _.A. he played football too hard in the dayB. he thought of football even in his sleepC. he watched a football match on TV too late at nightD. he ran after the flying balls before he went to bed4. The doctor told the man _.A. not to think of football when he went to sleep来源:学优高考网gkstkB. not to close his eyes when he was lying in bedC. to be a rich man with several million dollars D. not to dream in his sleep5. The best title for this story is “_”.A. Crazy Doctor B. Flying Football C. Exciting Football D. A Man Crazy about Football参考答案 根据所给单词的适当形式填空1. healthy 2. Potatoes3. balanced 4. different 6. feet解析:1. 固定词组,保持健康是stay healthy。2. 本句中说的是土豆这个种类,因此为potatoes。3. 平衡饮食为balanced diet。4. 不同的食物为different foods。5. 因为脚是一双,两只,因此用复数形式feet。 英汉互译1. be differentfrom 2. what else 3. a balanced diet 4. stay strong 5. eating habits 来源:学优高考网gkstk6. bean products 7. traditional 8. more and more 9. protein foods 10. calcium foods 单选题来源:学优高考网gkstk1. B 2.D 3.C 4. B解析:1. be different from: 不同于,与不同。2. 保持强壮为stay strong。3. be made from由制成。4. 由题意可知下列四个选项中平衡饮食是最重要的。 根据汉语意思翻译句子1. moved to2. made of3. grow4. stay strong 阅读理解1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D解析:这篇文章讲述了一个人因为太喜欢足球而让生活变得非常糟糕,晚上睡不好觉,人越来越瘦,他不得不去看医生。医生建议他睡觉时想想其他的事情,他说那会让他怀念他的足球的。1. 根据文中第一段内容He was telling the doctor about his problem.他告诉了医生他的问题;故此题选C,他想从医生那里得到关于他问题的建议。2. 根据文中第二段内容Night after night, when I close my eyes, Im out there on the field and running after a flying ball. When I wake up, I always feel tired.一夜又一夜当我闭上眼睛,我就在运动场上奔跑去追那足球。当我醒过来,我总觉得累。3. 根据文中第三段内容When you close your eyes, try to think about something else.当你闭上眼睛的时候,努力去想其他的事情;故选B,睡觉的时候不要想着足球。4. 根据文中内容得知,这个男人因为足球都睡不好觉,而且越来越瘦,足球给他带来了很大的问题,故选C,足球使这个人的生活变得很糟糕。5. 这篇文章讲述了一个人因为太喜欢足球而让生活变得非常糟糕,晚上睡不好觉,人越来越瘦,故最佳标题选B,一个对足球痴迷的人。


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