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2017-2018学年人教版 必修二unit 1 cultural relics-reading课件(共29张ppt)

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2017-2018学年人教版 必修二unit 1 cultural relics-reading课件(共29张ppt)

TAJ MAHAL(泰姬陵),1.It is located in India. 2.It is the grave a king built for his wife. 3.It showed the deep love of the king and queen.,Terracotta warriors and horses,1.It is located in Xian, China. 2.It is a part of the grave of the first emperor of China,The London Bridge,1.a bridge across the Thames 2.located in London, the UK 3.one of the landmarks of London,color yellow- brown feel like Amber is the fossil(化石)form of resin(树脂) from pine trees. If it has come into contact with insects when still in its liquid form, they may become part of the amber. It takes millions of years to form.,feel as hard as stone,What is amber?,Pre-reading,Amber,But can you imagine a room made of amber?,IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM,Pre-reading,Look at the title and the picture then predict what the passage is about.,Read the passage quickly. Answer the following questions:,When and where did the story happen? Who made the Amber Room? Why? When did the Amber Room disappear? What finally happened to the Amber Room?,Discussion:,Are all the old things cultural relics? What kind of things are cultural relics? Whom do cultural relics belong to? All peoples and the whole society or a certain individual?,Do you know some other cultural relics in China and abroad? Look at the pictures on page 1. Do you know what material they were made of?,1,4,Detailed reading,Look at the following sentences. Combine them using attributive clause.,The Amber Room is a gift. The amber was selected. The Amber Room is decorated with gold and jewels.,Several tons of amber were used to make it. B. It had a beautiful yellow-brown color like honey. C. It took the countrys best artists about 10years to make it.,Guess the meaning of the words “select” and “decorate”.,Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions:,The Amber Room _ _ Fredrick William at first. However, he didnt want to keep it and gave it to Peter the Great as a _. The Czar sent him a troop _ _. Later another ruler of Russia, Catherinehad the Amber Room _ to a palace outside St. Petersburg. More details _ _ _ it. Unfortunately, the Amber Room _ mirrors and pictures are shinning like gold is now missing.,belonged to,gift,in return,moved,were added to,whose,2. Paraphrase the sentence: About four meters long, the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors. Translate the sentence: Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace, the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room.,Why Russians and Germans built the new Amber Room together?,On the one hand, Germans want to do something to make up their fault. On the other hand, the Amber Room has already become one of the world relic which should be protected and treasured by all the nations and peoples all over the world.,What does the word “former” mean?,Who built the city of St. Petersburg according to the information in the text? 2003-300th birthday-1716-Peter the Great,True or false,1. The Amber Room was a gift given to the Russian people by Frederick William . 2. It took Prussias best artists about ten years to build the Amber Room. 3. The room was at first designed for the palace of the King, Frederick .,F,T,T,4. In St. Petersburg, the room was just used as a small reception hall for important visitors. 5. In 1770, the Amber Room was rebuilt the way Catherine wanted. 6. Germans secretly stole the room when Germany and Russia were at war in 1930s.,F,T,F,Structure of the text:,The creation of the Amber Room-Frederick William ,A gift for the Czar Peter the Great,New owner: Catherine,Russians and Germans rebuilt the Amber Room.,In 1941, World War : The Amber Room was stolen.,Suppose you are the guide of the Amber Room! You are going to introduce the Amber Room to visitors. What are you going to introduce? Basic information: made of . History: 1716 1770 1941 2003,welcome,Frederick William I,Catherine II,German Nazis,Russians & Germans,Role-play,Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Amber Room. Im glad to introduce the Amber Room to you.,Built in Prussia,gave it to 1716,move added,_,Frederick,Frederick William ,Peter the Great,in return,Catherine ,natsi,rebuilt,Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Amber Room.,stolen1941,Thinking,Recently, it is reported that the Hengdian Group in Zhejiang province will invest 20,000,000,000 yuan to rebuild the Imperial Palace (圆明园). It will cover an area of 3,500,000 square metres, the same size as the Imperial Palace in Beijing. Do you think it necessary?,Should we rebuild Imperial Palace / Yuan Ming Yuan?,1.cost; 2. meaningless; 3.forget history; ,1.attract more tourists; 2.make more money; 3. cultural relics; ,I think/dont think it is worth rebuilding because . Sorry, I agree/ dont agree with you. In my opinion,For,against,Debate:,Thank you!,A cultural relic may be many thousands of years old or it may be a few hundred. It


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