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Teaching Plan for Unit 3 (Go For It ),. Analysis of the teaching material;,. Analysis of teaching aims;,. Analysis of Teaching and Learning;,. Analysis of Teaching Process;,V .Assessment., Analysis of the teaching material;,1. Position and content: the first period of Unit 3, which is about the usage of the past continuous tense. The tense is the basis of the whole unit,2. What to teach: the past continuous tense,3. Teaching Key points:,the usage of the past continuous tense,4. Teaching Difficulties:,how to use the past continuous tense in the adverb clause of time leaded by “when”, Analysis of the teaching material;, Teaching Aims;,1. Knowledge objects (知识目标) 2. Ability objects (能力目标) 3. Moral objects (情感目标) 4. Study strategy objects (学习策略目标), Analysis of Teaching and Learning;,1. How to teach 1) Task-based Language Teaching (任务型教学) 2) Situation Approach (情景教学法) 3) Communicative Approach (交际教学法), Analysis of Teaching and Learning;,2. How to learn,1) be good at grasping the chance of communication,2) take an active part in the class activities and do well in the cooperation with other partners, Analysis of Teaching Process.,Step 1 Organization,Step 2 Revision,Step 3 Leading in,Step 4 New lesson: Section A 1a 1b,Step 5 Four Tasks,Step 6 Summary,Step 7 Assignments,Step 2 Revision,What are they doing?,They are running.,What is he doing?,He is playing tennis.,What is he doing?,He is eating.,I am writing on the blackboard.,I am walking in the room.,Step 3 Leading in,What were you doing when he came in?,I was writing on the blackboard when he came in.,I was walking in the room when he came in.,Step 3 Leading in,I am writing on the blackboard.,I am walking in the room.,I was writing on the blackboard.,I was walking in the room.,Step 3 Leading in,含义: 表示过去某个时刻正在进行的动作。 结构: be (was / were ) + doing 例句:I was writing on the blackboard I was walking in the room.,含义: 表示现在 正在进行的动作。 结构: is/am/are + doing 例句: I am having an English class,含义: 表示过去某个时刻 正在进行的动作。 结构: was/were + doing 例句: I was having an English class.,Step 3 Leading in,Step 4 New Lesson,Match the statement with the people in the picture.,Step 4 New Lesson 1 a,1. _ I was in the bathroom. 2. _ I was in my bedroom. 3. _ I was in front of the library 4. _ I was in the kitchen 5. _ I was in my barber shop. 6. _ I was in the barbers chair.,D,B,A,C,E,F,a. standing in front of the library / studying in the library b. cleaning my room / sleeping late c. making a smoothie / cooking dinner d. getting out of the shower / talking on the phone e. eating lunch / cutting hair,Listen to the reporters questions and circle the correct responses,Step 4 New Lesson 1 b,Where was he? What was he doing when the UFO arrived?,Where was he? What was he doing when the UFO arrived?,Use: - - - What was he/she doing when the arrived ? - - - He/she was,talk about what people were doing when the arrived,He /She was watching TV at 7:00 p.m. They were swimming at 4:00 p.m.,A Memory Competition,根据显现的图片、时间,用过去进行时造句,at 5 :10,A Competition,A Competition,at 5 :10,He was playing basketball at 5:10,A Competition,at 10 :10,A Competition,A Competition,at 10 :00,He was playing computer at 10:00.,A Competition,at 8 :10,A Competition,A Competition,at 8 :10,She was riding at 8:10,A Competition,Step 6 Summary,Summary,Assignments,Make a survey: ask your two partners what they were doing at these time yesterday.,Step 7 Assignments,blackboard work,


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