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LOGICAL THINKING AS A CONSULTANT,DURING THE COURSE OF A STUDY TEAMS ARE CONTINUALLY MOVING FROM THINKING TO DOING,The Problem Solving Process,Organising,Thinking,Doing,Generate hypotheses/determine analytical paths/gather information,Write workplan,Working Slide 2,Working Slide 1,Draw conclusions from data,Map logical argument,Formulate recommendations,Final Slide 2,Final Slide 1,Provide detailed fact base for presentation,Gather data, do analysis,Slide Writing,DATA VS INFORMATION,WHAT IS DATA?, One competitor has significantly lower overheads Bondexs market share is 40%, Bondexs corporate policies not commonly applied across the divisions Competitors targeting middle segment have growing share Bondex has five divisions,Data is a set of discrete pieces of information,High Level of Abstraction Low,WHAT IS LOGIC?,Argument A Bondex has five divisions Corporate policies not uniformly applied across divisions This is creating conflicts in the way divisional performance is reported Need to align performance measurement for effective comparisons of performance,Logic is the system of relationships between those pieces of information,Flow of Logic,Argument B Bondex has five divisions Corporate policies not uniformly applied across divisions This is because some policies run counter to key divisional objectives Corporate policies need to be redrafted,IN A BROAD SENSE, ALL WRITTEN PIECES ARE LOOSELY STRUCTURED IN THE FORM OF A PYRAMID,Example Of A Written Work,Book Title,The Zen Master A Biography of Joe Blow,Chinas leading retail strategy expert,The child prodigy,Worldwide business and expert author,Reaching retail heaven,Chapter Headings,Subsections,Paragraphs,Progressively smaller, and more easily digestible pieces,ALL ELEMENTS OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION ARE FOUNDED ON ONE SIMPLE PRINCIPLE ,. tailoring the information to your audiences perspective,WHAT IS THE COMMON PERSPECTIVE OF OUR AUDIENCES ?,Your audience wants To be clear on the recommended path of action To take in what we are saying quickly and easily To have confidence in the validity of the material,This is fulfilled by Action initiatives are immediately obvious Transparently clear progression of ideas Absolutely convincing support,BUT, IN CONVENTIONALLY STRUCTURED DOCUMENTS CONCLUSIONS ARE BURIED AT THE ENDS OF SECTIONS,A Conventional Structure,Title:,Chapters:,Subsections:,Paragraphs:,Sale of the site,Relocation of plant and machinery,Reallocation of staff,Asset Deployment: Plant No. 7,Sale of site will generate RMB x Bn,SOLUTION: CREATE A LOGICAL STRUCTURE - THE PYRAMID,From the Data .,Golden Leaf Corp. Plant manager can replace retiring PM at Urumqi plant Location provides valuable advantages to two prospective buyers Packaging machines can replace slower, low tech machines at Urumqi Operators can be absorbed at Artux where throughput is growing Central For Double Happiness Inc. distribution outlets Harbin Holdings There are three prospective buyers for the sites These advantages are worth between RMB and RMB to each Mixing and filling equipment can be sold to private label suppliers Sale of site will release RMB to RMB Bn Adjacent to flour mill for Harbins bakery line Foremen and Chemist can be allocated to the new Beihai plant All of No. 7 plants assets can be effectively redeployed All staff can be retained for new positions in the new or higher capacity plants Double Happiness Inc. Therefore sale of site will release between RMB and RMB Bn Most plant and machinery can be sold or relocated,. to the Storyline,THE LOGICAL PYRAMID IS THE BEST STRUCTURE FOR PRESENTING INFORMATION-BASED MATERIAL,The essence of the argument is consistently extracted out of the body of detail Conclusions raised prominently to the top of each section Presenting the material in a pre-interpreted form for easy assimilation Every conclusion is grounded in a sound logical basis,CREATING A LOGICAL STRUCTURE FRAMEWORK,Key message:,Sections:,Subsections:,Paragraphs:,Structure consists of a logical framework,Applied Pyramid Structure,TO TEST THE SOUNDNESS OF YOUR PYRAMID STRUCTURE,Are the groupings at each level mutually exclusive ? Does each summary point completely and validly summarise the components of the group below it ? Do the components of each group interrelate logically i.e. either . . as a list of reasons, steps, pieces of evidence etc or . a chain of ideas that leads to a “therefore” conclusion,NOW ITS YOUR TURN,Golden Leaf Corp. Plant manager can replace retiring PM at Urumqi plant Location provides valuable advantages to two prospective buyers Packaging machines can replace slower, low tech machines at Urumqi Operators can be absorbed at Artux where throughput is growing Central For Double Happiness Inc. distribution outlets Harbin Holdings There are three prospectiv


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