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Author:,Reviewer:,bc,Develop the Individuals,December 1998,Copyright© 1998 Bain & Company, Inc.,Jacintha Peeris,Dianna Magnani,2,DeveloptheIndividuals,Key Elements of Effective Leadership,Create a shared vision,Mobilize and inspire,Manage for results,Develop the individuals,Effective leadership encompasses four core elements.,Understand the big picture Plan in advance Align the team Maintain direction,Build enthusiasm Motivate the team Enable the individuals,Stick to a rigorous upfront plan Manage aggressively Troubleshoot Change behavior in response to feedback,Develop an exciting plan for growth Be the coach Measure and communicate performance,3,DeveloptheIndividuals,Overview How to Develop the Individuals Develop an Exciting Plan for Growth Be the Coach Measure and Communicate Performance Key Takeaways,Agenda,4,DeveloptheIndividuals,The Importance of Developing People,Source: Bain Worldwide Employee Satisfaction Survey,Opportunities for professional and personal development are critical elements of overall employee satisfaction.,Importance,“How important is each of the following?”,5,DeveloptheIndividuals,Benefits,Developing people has some obvious benefits.,Enhance Ongoing Team Process,Strengthen Quality of Results for Clients,Contribute to Long-term Growth in the Business Through Retention,Satisfied Employees,6,DeveloptheIndividuals,Agenda,Overview How to Develop the Individuals Develop an Exciting Plan for Growth Be the Coach Measure and Communicate Performance Key Takeaways,7,DeveloptheIndividuals,How to Develop People,Excellence in developing people can be achieved through three major activities.,Be the Coach,Develop an Exciting Plan for Growth,Measure and Communicate Performance,Reassess,8,DeveloptheIndividuals,Agenda,Overview How to Develop the Individuals Develop an Exciting Plan for Growth Be the Coach Measure and Communicate Performance Key Takeaways,9,DeveloptheIndividuals,Plan for Growth,Review capabilities required for a person at their level Solicit input from the individual Read previous performance reviews (with the individuals permission) Talk to the persons other managers Review allocated workstream against capabilities and development needs and adjust as necessary,At the beginning of a case, the caseteam leader should develop a case-specific skill plan for each team member.,Write a skill plan with the individuals help Discuss the plan in a one-on-one conversation with the individual to ensure buy-in and enthusiasm for it,10,DeveloptheIndividuals,Skill Plan Myths,The following are some common myths and realities about skill plans.,The skill plan found on the consensus review form is sufficient for helping people develop Skill plans are disruptive because workplans rarely match development needs Skill plan discussions are very time consuming Skill plans should be filed away at the beginning of a case for review at the end of the case,The consensus review form highlights a generic list of development needs for an individual. A case-specific skill plan focused on the individuals workstreams for a particular case is an important supplement. There are usually a number of ways to meet a generic development need regardless of the case - e.g., a client experience need on a market overview stream could be accomplished through expert and competitor interviews. Once the workplan has been described, individuals should be asked to draft skill plans. A skill plan should focus only on the two or three most important needs. Reviewing and discussing the plan typically takes less than an hour. The whole point of a skill plan is to provide an ongoing focus for development needs. Skill plans should be referred to during coaching meetings and regularly reviewed and revised during the case.,Myth,Reality,11,DeveloptheIndividuals,Skill Plan Imperatives,To get the most out of skill plans:,Everyone should have one,Skill plans should be specific and actionable,Ensure that the skill plan includes specific HLAs that tie to the major developmental needs identified in the individuals latest review. Test HLAs for reasonableness. Unrealistic goals set people up for failure and disappointment. The end of case review should show achievement on many of the HLAs.,Skill plans should drive regular PD discussions,Clearly identify your expectations for the content, frequency, and method of updates. Review progress against their skill plan periodically with each team member.,Everyone should have a skill plan that you review and discuss. This is your opportunity to ensure that team members expectations are in alignment with yours. For new people, you should take the first cut at the plan and review it with the individual. For experienced team members, they should take the first cut, and then review it with you.,12,DeveloptheIndividuals,Skill Plan Form,Team Member: Caseteam leader/Manager: Case Code: Date:,Scheduled Updates:,13,DeveloptheIndividuals,Agenda,Overview How to Develop the Individuals


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