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中考英语 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 九全 第18讲 课件

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中考英语 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 九全 第18讲 课件

九年级上册,第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石,第 18 讲 Unit 3Unit 4 话题本讲涉及了“四处活动和我们的变化”等相关话题。,要点梳理过关,重点词汇过关,单词拼写 1Jim has collected two hundred s tamps (邮票)since three years ago. 2Mr.Liu,did I spell the word c orrectly (正确地)? 3Mrs.Green is looking forward to v isiting (参观)the Great Wall. 4You need to give this letter of i ntroduction (介绍)to Mr.Huang. 5Shes very good at making friends and influencing (影响)people. 6Tom is popular among his classmates because he is very h umorous (幽默的),7We are going to have a telephone i nterview (采访)tomorrow morning. 8There are some tall buildings b eside (在旁边)our house. 9You should eat more vegetables because they are h elpful (有益的)for your health. 10Eric lives near the railway station.Its c onvenient (便利的)for him to take the train. 11Grace woke up late this morning.And she had to r ush (仓促)to school. 12My brother was very sad because he f ailed (不及格)the English test.,13China is an A sian (亚洲)country.It lies in the east of Asia. 14I didnt know what to do.And he s uggested (建议)going to the cinema.,高频考点精讲,考点1 suggest的用法 I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World.我建议去水上世界的水上城市餐馆。 Unit 3 P19 【透析】suggest作动词,意为“建议;提议”,其后可以跟名词、动词ing形式以及“特殊疑问词动词不定式”的复合结构,还可以跟宾语从句。 【拓展】 派生词:suggestion n建议;提议(可数名词) 近义词:advise v建议;提议(advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事),【归纳】 (1)suggest sth.(to sb.)(向某人)建议某事 (2)suggest(how / when )to do sth.建议(如何 / 何时)做某事 (3)suggest doing sth.建议做某事 (4)suggest that句子 建议 (5)suggest sb. / ones doing sth.建议某人做某事,考点2 辨析no longer,no more,not.any longer与not.any more Now shes not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.现在她不再害羞,并且喜欢在众人面前唱歌。 Unit 4 P27 【透析】(1)no longer相当于not.any longer,指持续了一段时间的动作或状态已“不再延续”,着重指时间方面,常与延续性动词连用。如:You are no longer a child.You arent a child any longer.你不再是个孩子了。 (2)no more相当于not.any more,指某一反复发生的动作已“不再重复”,着重指重复次数方面,还可指程度上和数量上不再重复,常与非延续性动词连用。如:The baby no more cried.The baby didnt cry any more.这个婴儿不再哭了。,(3)no longer和no more 不分开使用。 (4)not.any longer和not.any more结构中,not常与动词、助动词或情态动词连用,而“不再怎么样”中的“怎么样”用在not与any longer或 any more中间。如:They are no longer living here.They are not living here any longer.他们不再住这儿了。I see him no more.I do not see him any more.我再也见不到他了。,考点3 辨析deal with与do with Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.坎迪告诉我她过去真的很害羞,她从事歌唱是为了克服害羞。 Unit 4 P27,考点4 require的用法 You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.你真的需要很多天资和勤奋才能成功。 Unit 4 P27 【透析】 requine作动词,意为“需求;需要”。常用于以下结构: (1)requiren.“需要”。如:They require our help.他们需要我们的帮助。 (2)require doing / to be done表示被动,意为“有的需要”。如:The bike requires repairing.The bike requires to be repaired.这辆自行车需要修一下。 (3)require sb.to do sth.“要求 / 命令某人做某事”。如:All the members are required to attend the meeting.全体成员均被要求出席会议。,(4)require that.(should)do.“要求(应该)做”。如:Although the future is unexpected,many of our decisions require that we should consider possible future events.虽然未来是不可预料的,但我们的很多决定要求我们应该考虑将来可能发生的事情。,考点5 proud的用法 I know my parents love me and theyre always proud of me.我知道我的父母爱我,并且他们总是以我为傲。 Unit 4 P30,【透析】 proud是形容词,意为“自豪的;骄傲的”,常用搭配如下: (1)be proud of (doing)sth.“为(做)某事感到自豪”。如:He was proud of himself for not giving up.他为自己没有放弃而深感自豪。 (2)be proud to do sth.“做某事很自豪”。如:I feel very proud to be a part of the team.能成为队中的一员我感到十分荣幸。 (3)be proudthat从句,意为“很自豪”。如:Kate feels proud that she is a musician.凯特为自己是一名音乐家而感到自豪。,关联语法链接 语法1:wh-引导的宾语从句 见P192 语法2:used to的用法,考点即时运用,单项填空 1考点5Everyone in China was proud_Zhang Mengxue who won the first medal in shooting race for China in 2016 Brazil Olympic Games. Ain Bof Cat Dfor 2考点1May I suggest a glass of white wine with this dish_you,sir? Afor Bto Cof Din 3考点4Seeing there was a stranger in our house,my parents required me_silent and they called the police. Akeep Bkept Ckeeping Dto keep,D,B,B,4考点2They were good friends before,but now they_like each other_ Anot;any more Bdont;no more Cdont;any more Dno any more 5考点1Robert Hunt sometimes advises the students_common problems. Ain Babout Cwith Dfor 6考点4The situation required that we_here all the time no matter what happened. Astaying Bstays Cstay Dstayed 7考点1After supper,I suggested_for a walk in the park and my parents agreed. Awent Bgoing Cto go Dgone,C,B,C,B,8考点3I really dont know what I should _these old newspapers.Could you help me? Of course. Ado with Bdeal with Cagree with Dshare with 9考点5Im proud_you that you have won the game. Atell Btold Cto tell Dtelling 10考点3Weve been trying hard,but still cant solve the problem. I think you can_it in another way. Ashare with Bdeal with Cstart with Dcatch up with,A,C,B,11语法12017·德州中考Excuse me,I wonder_ Yes,its near the bookstore. Awhere we will go for the holiday Bif there is a lost and found office Cwhen she will give me a call Dhow we can go to Hong Kong 12语法22016·莒南一模She used_on the right in China,so she is


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