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中考英语 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 七下 第6讲 课件

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中考英语 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 七下 第6讲 课件

第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石,七年级下册,第6讲 Unit 10 Unit 12,话题本讲涉及了“谈论餐馆、食物,谈论学校旅行及周末活动”等相关话题。,要点梳理过关,重点词汇过关,单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 1I called you half an hour ago.But there was no answer(应答) 2What languages(语言)can Jane speak? French and Japanese. 3After working for several hours,he was tired(累的)and fell asleep soon. 4Please speak loudly so that we can hear听到)clearly. 5Hello,Ann! Can you pick(采)some pears on the tree for me? 6The guide is showing these visitors(游客)around the museum.,7There used to be lots of mice(老鼠)in the room. 8The cat jumped(跳)down and came to meet us. 9I left my dictionary at home. Dont worry(担心)You can use mine. 10They grew(种植)roses in the garden last year. 11There are three beautiful paintings(油画)on the wall. 12We should make good use of natural(自然的)resources. 13There are a lot of sheep(绵羊)on the farm. 14The scarves in this store are cheaper(便宜)than those in the supermarket.,高频考点精讲,考点1 辨析yet,still与already What would you like?你想吃什么?Im not sure yet.我还没有确定。 Unit 10 P55,考点2 order的用法 May I take your order?我可以为你点菜吗?Yes.好的。 Unit 10 P56,【透析】 (1)在此句中,order作名词,意思为“点菜”。 order作名词的其他具体用法如下: 意为“命令”。如:He gave orders for the work to be started.他下命令开始工作。 意为“顺序,秩序”,常用短语:in order按顺序;in good order状态良好;out of order出故障。 意为“订单”。如:Id like to place an order for some tea.我想下一个茶叶的订单。,(2)作动词 意为“命令、指示”,常用于:order sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事。如:The policeman ordered the thief to walk in front of him.警察命令小偷在他前面走。 意为“订购”。Tom was hungry.He ordered two sandwiches and a glass of beer for lunch.汤姆饿了。他点了两份三明治和一杯啤酒作为午餐。 【拓展】 in order to后接目的状语,to后接动词原形,不能接句子。如:She studies very hard to pass the final exam.She studies very hard in order to pass the final exam.她学习非常努力,为的是能通过期末考试。,考点3 辨析answer与reply The answer would be different in different countries.不同的国家有不同的答案。 Unit 10 P59,考点4 辨析the number of与a number of The number of candles is the persons age.蜡烛的数量代表着过生日的人的年龄。 Unit 10 P59,考点5 feed的用法 feed chickens喂鸡 Unit 10 P61,【透析】 feed可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。 作及物动词时,feed意为“喂养;饲养”,常用结构有:feed sb.sth.;feed sb.with sth.意为“用喂养”;feed sth.to sb.意为“把喂给”。 作不及物动词时,可与介词on连用,构成短语feed on.意为“以为食”。 关联语法链接 语法1:would you like 句型 语法2:一般过去时 见P179 语法3:some与any,考点即时运用,1.考点4 The number of students in our class _ about twenty and a number of them_from countryside. Aare;are Bis;are Care;is Dis;is 2考点1I sowed some seeds last week,but they havent come up _ Ayet Bstill Calready Dever 3考点22017·贵阳中考改编We should not cut down trees _ make our environment more beautiful. Awhen Bso that Cunless Din order to 4考点5The guide warns the tourists not to _ monkeys while paying a visit in the mountain. Aride Bfeed Cmake Dsee,B,A,D,B,5语法12017·上海中考Would you like to join me in making cakes tomorrow? _ AIt doesnt matter BDont worry CYoure welcome DId love to 6语法22017·重庆中考BJohn and I _to visit his grandparents last Sunday afternoon. Ago Bwent Cwill go Dhave gone 7考点3Jenny _ her phone on the first ring because she knew thats from her mother. Aanswered Basked Creplied Dsaid 8考点3 I got a letter from my pen friend last week but I havent _ him yet. Areplied Breplied to Canswer Danswer to,D,B,A,B,9考点4 Its reported that a number of _ about how to prevent water pollution have been found. Anews Bdata Cmethods Dinformation 10语法12017·泸州中考Would you like some tea? _ AYes,please BMy pleasure CHelp yourself DThe same to you,C,A,话题写作指导,话题2:假期与旅行,考情分析,从全国近3年“假期与旅行”相关话题书面表达的命题来看,通常有以下三种命题角度:介绍旅行前的准备和旅行时需注意的事项;旅行中的活动及感受;对旅行方式的看法。如:2017·哈尔滨;2017·临沂;2017·扬州;2016·温州;2016·苏州;2016·潍坊;2015·绥化;2015·杭州;2015·乐山等。 分析安徽近10年真题,2011年安徽中考的书面表达涉及了这个话题。,常用短语句型,【积累背诵】 假期打算或安排: 1come to an end 结束 2be going to do sth.将要 / 打算做某事 3plan to do sth. / make a plan to do sth.计划做某事 4go on / for a trip去旅行 5be known / famous for 因而闻名 6make a decision做决定 假期活动: 1pay a visit to去参观 2places of interest 名胜古迹 3around the world / all over the world 全世界 4show sb.around带某人参观 5go sightseeing 去观光 6take photos / pictures 照相 7spend time on / (in)doing sth.花费时间(做)某事,谈感受: 1have a good / great / wonderful time / have fun / enjoy oneself 玩得愉快,过得愉快 2open up ones eyes / mind开阔某人的眼界 / 思维 3enjoy the beauty of nature领略大自然的美丽 4look forward to 期待 5cant wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事 注意事项: 1keep away from 远离 2Safety comes first.安全第一。,【基础写作运用】,1我们打算去北京参观一些名胜古迹。 We are going to pay a visit to some places of interest in Beijing. 2我父亲经常带我去世界各地旅行来开阔我的眼界。 My father often takes me to travel around the world in order to open up my eyes. 3我期待下个月去黄山旅行。据说在那里可以领略大自然的美丽。 Im looking forward to going for a trip to Mount Huang next month. It is said that we can enjoy the beauty of nature there. 4旅行中玩得开心很重要,但永远不要忘记“安全第一”。 Its important to enjoy yourself during a trip,but never forget that “Safety comes first”,经典亮句积累,开头句 1Summer vacation is coming soon.How will you spend it?暑假快到了。你将如何度过它? 2Im so excited about my trip to Hong Kong.对


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