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生活时尚英语口语:时尚娱乐汇总1、八卦娱乐圈Be on your guard when people flatter you.有人吹捧你的时候,千万要当心。1.Do you know who Sammo Hung is?你知道洪金宝是谁吗?2.Could you tell me who Jackie Chan is?你能告诉我Jackie Chan是谁吗?3.Do you know how Jackie Chan meosures his worth?你知道成龙用什么来衡量他自身价值吗?4.He is now 50 years old.And he started out studying aerobics ,singing,dancing and martial atls at age of nine,ond has starred in 140 kung fu flms.He has also become an independent producer and director.他现年50岁。他9岁开始学健美、唱歌;跳舞和武术。他出演过140部功夫片并成为独立制片人和导演。5.Jackie Chan is o very famous movie star in Hong Kong His Chinese name ts Cheng Long.Jackie Chan是一位非常有名气的香港电影明星。他的中文名字叫成龙。6.Ha,l know Cheng Long a lof.哈,我太了解成龙了。7.He was promoted as the new Bruce.人们尊称他为李小龙二世。8.Then tell me what else you know.那么给我说说你还知道他什么事?9.This is because he is movie-action incamate or action-star extraordinaire around the world.这是由于他是动作片的化身或者说他是位非凡的国际动作影星。10.Hackneyed theme !都老掉牙了!11.Movie-goers at that time could get a look at the people involved in cnme and their violent activities by watching it.那时的影迷们通过看这种片子可以看到犯罪的人和他们的暴力行为。12.There was one kind thcrt could be found throughout all of these ears,and that was the,mm, the.还有一类片子是贯穿整个时期的,是,嗯,是。13.A lot of people compare you to Julia Roberts.I wondered if there was anyone that you compare yourself to in Hollywood.很多入把协跟朱莉亚.罗伯茨相比。你觉得自己更像谁呢?在好莱坞。2、大众传媒Curiosity killed a cat.爱管闲事,自己吃亏。1.Which financial magazines and newspapers do you think do the best job of checking facts?你认为哪家报纸或杂志在核对事实方园做得最好呢?2.Some feel that the media has too much power these days.有人认为现在媒体的威力太大了。3.Theyd never dare to publish this informohon,there would be a panic not.他们不敢报道这条消息,因为这会引起恐慌。4.The way an event is portrayed in the media largely determines how it will be viewed by the public.媒体对新闻的报道方式很大程度上决定着观众看待这件事的方式。5.Television is the most powerful persuasion that man has ever crecrted.电视是人类所创造的最有威力的游说工具。6.I think the newspaper put a bad spin on these lcrtest events.我认为报纸歪曲了最近发生的事件。7.The media is amazing these days,we can watch world changing events happen live right in front of our eyes.现在台9媒体确实很神奇,我们能亲眼目睹世界上刚发生的事情。8.His popularity has soared thanks largely to his TV appearances.由于经常出现在电视上,他的知名度日趋上升。9.The rodio has lost most of ks audience,thanks to TV.由于电视的存在i收奁机失去了大董听众。10.If you want a job in joumcdism,youll need to undertake media studies如果你想在新闻界的王傺,你得学习媒体知识。11.The reporters and cameramen swormed around the accident like bees around a honey pot.为了报道这件事祷;记者和摄像麴蜂捅而至。12.I only hear it's financed by a movie star.我听说是影星资助的。13.The paper itself is profitable.报纸本身赚钱。14.But newspapers do get some extra income by offering space for ads.可报刊确实靠出售广告版面赚点外快。15.I just need somethfng about business news.我需要最近的商务消息。16.I want to subscribe to The New York Times.我要订纽约时报。17.I advise you to read Playboy,我建议你读花花公子。18.As far as the language is concemed,it's worth reading.就语言而言,它值得一看。19.Very often l don't agree with the stand butl I still read it carefully.我常常和他们的立场不一致,但我仍认真阅读。20.The magazine is well known for sports section.这个杂志以体育版面著称。21.They always have startling inside stones foreveal.他们总是有惊人的内幕披露。22.Sometimes I think televisions too biased.None of them are completely objective.有时我想电视报道有所偏颇,做不到安全客观。23.I just wish TV was more objective.我希望电视麓更客观些。24.You jusf need to be smart when you're watching.Filter the information and decide if you believe what you are hearing or not.看电视垂g过程中,你得聪明些,过滤争些苓必要的糖息,并决定你相信什么。25.The internet's a lot worse.因特网就更糟糕了。26.Millions of amateur investors kke you have to rely on a dizzying array of financial newspapers,magazines and commentators to get investment information.数以百万的像你这样的菲专业投资者都依赖那些令入眼花缭乱的金融报纸。杂志和评论员来获得投资方面的意息。27.It's sometimes scaw if vou think of the tremendous amount of media we face every day.想想我们每天露对庞大的媒体,有时候真觉得有点儿吓人。28.Good.Fortune is usually ahead of the curve. And Busirzess Week is very solid,too.财富有很好的预见性。商业周嗣的可靠性也不错。29.A good broadcast company usually does far more than press releases.好的广播公司获褥信息的途径远不止新阉发布会。30.But sometimes when a ffimsy report,or even o rumor gets n television ,there's going to be terrible" echo chamber effect有时候,不可信的传闻甚至谣言一鱼上了电襁,就会越传越讹了。3、电视伴唱No friendship lives long that owes its riso to the pot.酒肉朋友好不长。1.What's a KTV?什么是KTV?2.Do you know what karaoke is?你知道卡拉OK是什么吗?3.Aren't you going to give them a tip?你不给小费吗?4.Excuse me,who does the bill go to?请问哪一位结账?5.We're going to a KTV after dinner.晚餐之后我们去KfV。6.Yeah,singing with friends.知道,就是跟朋友唱歌。7.KTV is the same,except you get a private room.KFV也一样,只不过你有自己的房间.8.This is "your song.i picked it for you.你的招牌歌,我点给你的。9.Hey! The mic's not workingi嘿!麦克风坏了!10.Push the red button on the mic to fum it on.你要按麦克风上的红色按钮才能开。11.This key is too high


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