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从城乡变迁看中国人自杀格局的演变 Changing Patterns of Suicide in the Context of Urban & Rural Transformations in China,清华大学社会学系教授 Department of Sociology 景军 Jing Jun 2011.3.18,格局与变化 (1987-2009) Patterns & Changes,全国自杀率的下降 Decline of National Suicide Mortality 农村自杀率的下降 Decline of Rural Suicide Morality 农村女性自杀率的大幅度下降 Dramatic Decline of Female Suicides in Rural Areas 城市老人自杀率的大幅度上升 Dramatic Increase of Elderly Suicide in Urban Areas,全球自杀趋势 Global Suicide Trends,据国际自杀预防协会报告,2008年全球自杀率是十万分之十四点五(14.5/100,000), 到2009年上升至十万分之十六(16/100,000).这意味着全球每年大约有100万人死于自杀。世界卫生组织的自杀预防文献显示,全球自杀率在过去四十五年年上升了六十个百分点。 In the last 45 years, the global suicide mortality rate went up 60 %. In 2009, the global suicide rate is 16/100,000, costing one million lives a year. 除精神疾病和心理困扰,导致自杀的原因包括社会秩序的崩溃、家庭的解体、婚姻的不幸、经济的拮据、家庭暴力、重病中的绝望情绪。 Psychiatric and other mental problems work together with the breakdown of social order, family, and marriage as well as economic burdens, domestic violence and despondence due to terminal illness.,中国大陆自杀趋势 Trend of Suicides in China,中国的自杀趋势与全球的自杀趋势正相反,在过去20多年内出现一个明显下降的趋势。目前,中国的全国自杀率已远低于全球自杀率。 Our analysis shows a different picture in China where the suicide mortality rate went down significantly in the last 20 years, becoming much lower the suicide mortality rate worldwide.,1987年-2009年中国自杀率下降趋势(1/10万),全国数据描述 A Snapshot of National Data,中国的自杀率一度处于一个在世界范围也算得上较高的水平。例如,1987年-1995年期间曾经浮动于17.65/100,000到16.16/100,000之间; 但在1996年-2003年期间有所下降,尤其在2004年-2009年期间出现较比明显的下降,从10.87/100,000降到了7.17/100,000。 Chinas suicide rate used to be rather high by international standards. For example, it stayed between 17.65/100,000 to 16.16/100,000 from 1987 to 1995, then went down a little bit in the 8 years that followed, and eventually declined significantly from 2004 to 2008, dropping from 10.87/100,000 to 7.17/100,000.,1987年与2009年的中国自杀率比较(1/10万),Chinas Suicide Rate by Gender & Residence in 1987 & 2009,中国自杀率下降的拉力 A Major Factor of Suicide Decline in China,从1987年到1997年,农村女性自杀率曾明显高于农村男性自杀率,之后出现一个下降趋势;到2006年,农村女性自杀率开始略低于农村男性自杀率。农村女性自杀率的下降是全国自杀率下降的关键,其背后是大批农村女性从乡村到城市的劳动力迁移。,From 1987-1997,more women killed themselves than men did in rural areas and this situation began to change thereafter. By 2006, the suicide rate of rural women became lower than that of rural men. This can be traced to rural-to-urban migration.,19872009年中国自杀率的城乡分布(1/10万),Suicide Rate by Urban-Rural Division from 1987 to 2009,(1/100,000),19872009年中国农村自杀率 Rural Suicides in China from 1987 to 2009,农村女性的三个“远离” Rural Womens “3 Departures”,4千4百万农村女性远离了既往的从属地位 Departure of 4.4 million rural women from subordination 大量农村女性远离了既往的家庭冲突情境 Departure from nearly insurmountable family conflicts 打工的农村女性远离了既往自杀工具 - 农药 Departure from pesticides as a suicide tool,全国自杀率和农村自杀率与农村外出劳动力比重的逐年比较,Increase of rural labor outflow and decrease of rural and nationwide suicide trends,2006年农民工的性别、年龄与教育程度 Gender, Age, & Education among Migrant Workers in 2006,第二期中国妇女社会地位调查 Second National Survey of Chinese Womens Social Status,婚姻完全由父母决定 Marriage Decided by Parents,2000年农村男文化程度比较 Gender Difference in Education Attainment,家庭纠纷与其他诱因在农村人口自杀死亡中所占的百分例 Family Conflicts as compared with Other Causes,六个地区报告的服用农药自杀数据 Suicide Mortality Associated with Use of Pesticide,根据亚洲的自杀与自杀预防报告介绍,中国农民最常使用的自杀工具是杀虫剂,每100例自杀案件中就有62例为服用杀虫剂。,令人担忧的两个问题 Two Concerns,农村老年人的自杀率近年来虽然缓解了许多,但依然很高。以农村70-74岁的老人为例。在2002-2008年期间,这个年龄组的年均自杀率是47.05/10万,为全球极为少见的老年人自杀率。 In past few years, the problem of suicides among elders eased a great deal in the rural areas and yet it remains very serious nonetheless. From 2002 to 2008, the suicide rate among rural elders in the 70-74 age group averaged 47/100,000 per year,a situation rarely seen elsewhere in the world. 更令人担忧是城市老年人各个年龄组的年均自杀率在千禧年之后的明显上升。以70-74岁的城市老年人为例。这个年龄组的年均自杀率在1991-1999年期间为13.39/10万,2002-2008年间上升到33.76/10万。 More disturbing is the rise of suicides among elders in urban areas. From 1991 to 1999, the suicide rate among urban elders in the 70-74 age group averaged 13.39/100,000 a year. But from 2002 to 2008, that average went up to 33.76/100,000.,按年龄组计算的中国城乡老人年均自杀率(1/10万),Suicide rates of urban and rural elders in two periods,按年龄组计算的中国城乡老人年均自杀率(1/10万),Suicide rates of urban elders in two periods,已攀援的老年人自杀高点 A Peak of Elder Suicide,2002-2005年期间当属中国城市老年人的自杀高峰期.各个年龄组的自杀率远远高于90年代。 The period from 2002 to 2005 witness the peak of elder suicide in urban China. In each of these in 1990s. every age groups suicide rate became higher than the levels reached in the 90s. 城市老年人的自杀率在2006年开始明显下降。 The year 2006 marked the beginning of a dramatic decline,中国城市老年人自杀的主要诱因和方式,Major Causes and Methods of Suicide among Urban Elders Causes: (1) Despondence in Illness, (2) Family Conflicts Methods: (1) Hanging, (2) Poison, (3) Jumping, (4) Drowning,大环境因素 Environmental Factors,城市老人医保问题 Medical Insurance for the Elderly 城市搬迁过程中的老人赡养问题 Old-Age Support in Change of Residence,医保问题 Medical Insurance,即便在北京,2002年的一项研究发现某老城区内大约有20%的老年人没有医疗保险,需要自费看病。 Even a study in Beijing found 20% of the elderly in an rural district did not


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