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【奥鹏】大连理工大学大工18秋大学英语3在线测试1试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert.A、coveredB、coveringC、coverD、to cover正确答案:B第2题,The poor police had never _ of winning.A、stand a chanceB、get a chanceC、have a chanceD、stood a chance正确答案:D第3题,We have only one vacancy, but so far have received more than 30 () for the job.A、applicationsB、applicantsC、applicatorsD、appliances正确答案:A第4题,I was surprised by the _ of so many people at the meeting.A、exampleB、recordC、goalD、presence正确答案:D第5题,It's important for you to make a list of your tasks in order of _ when you work on a project.A、suggestionB、goalC、priorityD、tip正确答案:C第6题,He is a slow learner. You've got to be _ with him. Remember: patience is a virtue.A、patientB、steadyC、diligentD、continuous正确答案:A第7题,Success is not won _. It takes patience, diligence and continuing efforts.A、twilightB、attentivelyC、currentlyD、overnight正确答案:D第8题,If I leave the children with you, can you _ their safety?A、seeB、see thatC、see toD、see to it that正确答案:C第9题,By the time Robert()writing the first draft of his paper, most of the other students will be completing their final draft.A、finishesB、has finishedC、finishedD、finishing正确答案:A第10题,Mary doesn't look happy today. She would rather Bob and Linda () each other any more.A、don't seeB、didn't seeC、havn't seeeD、won't see正确答案:D第11题,I ()supper when I()someone knocking at the door.A、made . . . HeardB、made . . .was heardC、was making . . . was hearingD、was making . . . heard正确答案:D第12题,I dont know the park, but its _ to be quite beautiful.A、saidB、toldC、spokenD、talked正确答案:A第13题,We have _ friendly relations with many countries in the world.A、confirmedB、establishedC、realizedD、made正确答案:B第14题,The company is run at a loss. Certain problems were _ from the outset.A、apparatusB、apparentC、appliedD、apprehensive正确答案:B第15题,Id rather we _ the plan in detail before we carry it out.A、shall discussB、must discussC、discussedD、had discussed正确答案:C第16题,The young _ interested in pop music.A、isB、haveC、hasD、are正确答案:D第17题,Will you _ me a favor, please?A、doB、makeC、bringD、give正确答案:A第18题,It was getting _, he had to stop to have a rest.A、very darkerB、dark and darkC、darker and darkerD、darkest and darkest正确答案:C第19题,When Tim came to the next morning, he found _ in a strange place.A、himself lyingB、him was lyingC、him lieD、himself to lie正确答案:A第20题,Would you please spare some time and _ us around your campus?A、instructB、aidC、motionD、conduct正确答案:D第21题,Every change of season produce some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains.A、错误B、正确正确答案:A第22题,At the conference they brought up many problems, such as soaring housing prices and the homeless, which aroused great attention from the delegates present.A、错误B、正确正确答案:B第23题,Will you please see to that the children get a hot meal after their swim?A、错误B、正确正确答案:A第24题,Mary is the kind of person who always seems to be on a hurry.A、错误B、正确正确答案:A第25题,Set out as much as possible so that you can get there before it gets dark.A、错误B、正确正确答案:A第26题,His best movie, which won several awards, was about the life of Gandhi.A、错误B、正确正确答案:B第27题,You must tell us what you are doing at ten yesterday evening .A、错误B、正确正确答案:A第28题,Professor Li, who is my friend, teaches in Peking University.A、错误B、正确正确答案:B第29题,We have so many tasks which need to do in all phases of medicine, public health and industry.A、错误B、正确正确答案:A第30题,His family was watching TV from ten to twelve last night .A、错误B、正确正确答案:A【奥鹏】大连理工大学大工18秋大学英语3在线测试2试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,She said her family ()themselves() the army during the war.A、has hidden, fromB、had hidden, fromC、has hidden, withD、had hidden, with正确答案:B第2题,They offered me this expensive wine but frankly _ I had had beer.A、Id betterB、Id preferC、Id ratherD、Id like正确答案:C第3题,The temple was _ to its original status with donations from all walks of life after the fire.A、restoredB、reservedC、retainedD、resorted正确答案:A第4题,There is an article on the disadvantages of motorbikes in the latest _ of the magazine.A、volumeB、copyC、contentD、issue正确答案:D第5题,With the help of the German experts, the factory produced _ cars in 1993 as the year before.A、as twice manyB、as many as twiceC、twice as manyD、as twice as many正确答案:C第6题,This is the first time the students _ to Hyde Park.A、have beenB、have been goneC、have been goingD、are being gone正确答案:A第7题,She is eager to _ with the latest fashions in clothes.A


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