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2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练28 unit 3 a healthy life 新人教版选修6

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2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练28 unit 3 a healthy life 新人教版选修6

题组提分练28 Unit 3 A healthy life限时30分钟语法填空(2018·滨州质检)US teenager Thomas planned to study a second language during his time at Hebron High School in Texas. When 1._ (learn) that the school was going to offer a Chinese class, he quickly made a decision.“I think Chinese will be pretty 2._ (benefit),” said Thomas, who is now in his second year of studying the language. He 3._ (speak) Chinese to order food at Chinese restaurants and can read social media posts from his Chinese friends. 4._ it's difficult to master the language, he considers 5._ important for his future career.“People are looking on China as our next economic 6._ (compete), and interest in Chinese is growing,” said Marty Abbott, director of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Abbott estimates that as many as 100,000 students 7._ (study) Chinese now throughout the US.At the same time, the Chinese government is spreading knowledge of the Chinese language and culture through Confucius Institutes 8._ (build) in many US states. The Confucius Institute at the University of Texas has been home 9._ Confucius Institutes all over the States. For 10 years, it has sponsored Confucius Classrooms at 21 local public and private schools, 10._ tens of thousands of students are learning Chinese.答案与解析【语篇解读】文章介绍了国外中文热的现状。1learning考查非谓语动词。he与learn是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作状语。2beneficial考查词性转换。设空处所填词在句中作表语,应用形容词,故填beneficial。 3speaks考查动词时态。根据and后的谓语can read可知,设空处所填谓语动词应用一般现在时,故填speaks。4While/Though/Although考查状语从句。 根据语境“尽管掌握这门语言很难,但是他认为这门语言对他将来的职业很重要”可知,该处应填While/Though/Although引导让步状语从句。5it考查代词。设空处所填词在句中作宾语,且指代前一句中提到的单数名词the language, 故填it。6competitor考查词性转换。设空前是形容词economic,故该空应填名词,结合语境“人们把中国看作是下一个经济竞争者”可知该空填单数名词competitor。 7are studying考查动词时态。句中时间状语是now, 故谓语动词用现在进行时,故填are studying。8built考查非谓语动词。设空处所填词在句中作定语,应用非谓语动词。build与Confucius Institutes 是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作定语。build(建立)builtbuiltbuilding。9to考查固定短语。be home to . “是的所在地”。10where考查定语从句。该句是定语从句,先行词是“local public and private schools”,指地点,从句中缺少地点状语,故用关系副词where引导定语从句。短文改错(2018·武汉联考)With the society develop rapidly, more and more people begin to learn English as the second language. Have a good command of English is of great significant to us students. However, some students don't get the hang to learning English. My advice is as follows:In class, we should listen to the teachers attentive. After class, we should take part in some activities that we can be exposed to English frequently. We can join in an English club to improve our spoken English. In a word, every possible means should be made use of learn English. As long as we put our heart into it, we are bound to make great progresses.答案与解析With the society rapidly, more and more people begin to learn English as second language. a good command of English is of great to us students. However, some students don't get the hang learning English. My advice is as follows:In class, we should listen to the teachers After class, we should take part in some activities we can be exposed to English frequently. We can join an English club to improve our spoken English. In a word, every possible means should be made use of learn English. As long as we put our heart into it, we are bound to make great .developdeveloping考查非谓语动词。在with结构中,the society与develop是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作宾补。thea考查冠词。此处指英语是一门外语,而非第二门语言,故用a second language。HaveHaving考查非谓语动词。在句中作主语应用动名词不能用动词原形。have a good command of “精通;掌握”。significantsignificance考查名词。 介词of之后应用名词。be of great significance to sb.“对某人意义重大”。toof考查固定短语。 get the hang of “精通;掌握”。attentiveattentively考查副词。在句中作状语,应用副词。attentively“全神贯注地”。thatwhere考查定语从句。定语从句的先行词是activities, 表抽象地点,从句中缺少地点状语,故用关系副词where引导定语从句。be exposed to “接触”。去掉in考查动词用法。 join a club “加入俱乐部”。join in “参加”, 其后的宾语是activity,discussion等名词。 learn前加to考查非谓语动词。sth. be made use of to do sth. “利用某物做某事”, 不定式作状语表示目的。progressesprogress考查名词的数。progress“进步”, 是不可数名词,无复数形式。阅读七选五(2018·黄冈联考)体裁:记叙文话题:社会难度:I have been at my company for over a year and a half. _5_ I have learned what dishes I like, mostly by trial and error, and a lot of the workers know me and say hello.I am still getting used to eating lunch at “lunch time”, but I think the schedule definitely helps keep me on track during the day. I wish there was something like this at offices in my hometown.A. I thought I had missed a fire drill. B. There was no emergency, it was just lunchtime.C. I noticed things at lunchtime were a bit different.D. I felt that I needed to make some quick decisions. E. The canteen reminded me of my school lunch room.F. And now I am glad to say I am more confident in the canteen. G. I was not very familiar with the local food or restaurants in China.答案与解析【语篇解读】从一开始的惊讶到现在的自信,说明作者接受了中国公司的饮食习惯。1A空后一句中的关键词fire与选项A中的关键词fire呼应。2B根据空前一句中的


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