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云南省2019年中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材系统复习 第8课时 八上 units 4-6练习

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云南省2019年中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材系统复习 第8课时 八上 units 4-6练习

第8课时八年级上册 Units 46一、单项填空1(2018·云南曲靖中考)Have you seen the movie Amazing China?Yes. It's exciting documentary.Aa Bthe Can D不填2(2018·重庆A卷)I have a bad cold.Sorry to hear that. You'd better go to see a at once.Adoctor BcookCwriter Dfarmer3(2018·广东汕头龙湖模拟)The story is so amazing! It's the most interesting story I've ever read.But I'm afraid it won't be liked by . Aeverybody BsomebodyCanybody Dnobody 4(2018·云南昆明校级合作学校统考)It seems that Jack isn't as careless as other boys.You are right. Jack is boy in the class.Acareful BcarelessCthe most careful Dthe most careless5(2018·安徽合肥三模)You know what? John has invented a walking machine for the old.Really? He is so .Aconfident BfriendlyCfunny Dcreative6(2018·河北秦皇岛海港模拟)To get the job, Laura prepared the interview .Aimpossibly BsuccessfullyCcarefully Dincreasingly7(2019·预测)The more I get to know Nancy, the more I can realize that we have a lot .No wonder she is your best friend.Ain style Bin commonCin need Din fact8(2019·原创)Daisy, I want to give my friend a surprise on her birthday. Can you give me some advice?Sure. You can a special gift for her.Agive Bchoose Cshare Dafford9(2019·原创)After the , we decided to have a party for Mr. Smith on Sunday.Amirror BgradeCcharacter Ddiscussion10(2018·云南昆明西山一模)It's true to a good habit at the beginning, you can achieve more.Aset up Btake upCend up Dput up二、完形填空(2018·安徽淮南期末)A long time ago, there was a garden. Many vegetables grew in the garden. And there was a big 1 near the vegetables.The vegetables and the big tree didn't like each other. The vegetables drank a lot of water, so the tree 2 drink enough water. The big tree looked at the vegetables 3 , and he decided to teach the vegetables a lesson.On a summer day, the 4 was shining in the sky, the tree decided not to share its shadow(阴影) with the vegetables. It made the vegetables very hot. There was not enough water to 5 , so they soon became very dry and ugly. 6 that time, the gardener came to see these vegetables. He was very sad, 7 almost all the vegetables were dry. Then he decided to build a new garden.It 8 the gardener too much time to build the new garden. He was so 9 that he couldn't take care of the old garden. 10 the big tree and the vegetables felt very thirsty. The big tree felt very regretful(后悔的), because he chose a wrong way to teach the vegetables a lesson.1A.river Bflower Ctree Dmountain2A.can't Bshouldn't Cmustn't Dcouldn't3A.happily Bangrily Ckindly Dquickly4A.star Bmoon Csun Dearth5A.eat Bwash Cdrink Dwater6A.At BIn COn DWith7A.while Bunless Calthough Dbecause8A.took Bspent Ccost Dpaid9A.free Bbusy Clazy Dkind10A.Either BBoth CAll DNone三、阅读理解A(2019·预测)THE FORKS MARKETThe Forks Market offers many different kinds of special souvenirs. In the downstairs, shoppers may buy fresh food and fruits. In the upstairs, shoppers will find artworks.Open year­round.Tel: 204­942­6302www.theforks.comMANITOBA LEGISLATIVE BUILDINGManitoba Legislative Building was completed in 1920. Many consider it to be the finest in the country. Open from 8 am. to 8 pm. for self­guided tours. Guided tours are offered free. Call for more information.Tel: 204­945­5813www.gov.mb.ca/mit/legtour/index.htmlMILLENNIUM LIBRARYEvery day, up to 5,000 visitors come to Millennium Library for books, movies, music, Wi­Fi, reading corners and study space. Open Monday to Thursday from 10 am. to 9 pm.; Friday to Saturday from 10 am. to 6 pm.; Sundays from 1 pm. to 5 pm.Tel: 204­986­6450www.winnipeg.ca/libraryCHILDREN'S MUSEUMThe Children's Museum helps lead to creative learning. There will be public programs, workshops and special events. During the holiday seasons, visitors can take a walk in Eaton's Santa's Village. Open daily.Tel: 204­924­4000www.childrensmuseum.com注:souvenirs 纪念品;legislative 议会1You may call if you want to know more about the Forks Market.A204­986­6450 B204­924­4000 C204­942­6302 D204­945­58132What can you do in the Manitoba Legislative Building?ABuy food and fruits. BWatch public programs. CHave a self­guided tour. DEnjoy music and movies.3When can you go to the Millennium Library?AAt 9 am. on Tuesday. BAt 7 pm. on Friday.CAt 8 pm. on Saturday. DAt 4 pm. on Sunday.4You can take a walk in Eaton's Santa's Village in during the holiday season.Athe Forks Market Bthe Children's MuseumCthe Millennium Library Dthe Manitoba Legislative Building5


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