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英文paper写作--Non-power leadership

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英文paper写作--Non-power leadership

摆渡论文网(www.baydue.com)-专业留学生作业辅导中心英文paper写作-Non-power leadershipEveryone has non-power leadership, so we need to remind people with leadership skills who have no job or rank to not easily deny their leadership skills.Non-power leadership is the ability to gain followers. It has nothing to do with power. Everyone has non-power leadership, so we need to remind people with leadership skills who have no job or rank to not easily deny their leadership skills. So how do you get followers? This is related to one's own ability, conduct and way of dealing with people. Personal quality is very important. However, the purpose of using one's ability and charm is to gain followers, not to show one's ability and charm. That is to say, talent is only a means, not an end, because the size of the non-power leader is mainly embodied by the ability of followers. The more followers you have, the more power you have. To be a leader, one should first have foresight and insight. That is to say, the goal of a leader should conform to the values of the team. Because non-power leadership, refers to the leader through his own good comprehensive quality and the behavior manifests, establishes the leadership prestige, affects the subordinate from the emotion, causes the subordinate to unite in own surroundings one kind of cohesive. To subordinate leadership, either through the use of power, but can be by the embodiment of the high level of comprehensive quality and their own behavior, make subordinates feel sense of admiration to achieve on their own, not the difference between power and right leadership is very big, the power led condensed charm although there is no direct relationship with the leading power, but can assist leadership power more efficiently, is essentially a kind of attractive to others and cohesion. Power leadership is achieved through the use of power, which makes subordinates fear the power in the hands of the leader, rather than the power leadership, which makes subordinates feel no fear of the leader and can achieve good influence on activities.The non-power factors such as quality, style, knowledge, ability, performance and role model of the non-power leader will affect the leader. This influence is not as obviously binding as the position power, but in fact it often plays a role that the power leadership cannot play, so these factors cannot be ignored for the non-power leaders.Charisma is a kind of important non-power leadership, is a reflection of a person overall quality, also is a person with its individual personality, character and style, prestige, psychological quality, etiquette culture of the inner and outer quality of integrated embodiment, under certain conditions, these qualities often produces the influence and the ability to summon, this is a kind of doesn't rely on incentives and power oppression, all by your own personality and ability to lead and inspire faith power.Because charisma is convincing, a person who is inspired is impressed and influenced by his overall qualities. As a result of the influence of emotional appeal, the inspired will consciously and voluntarily mobilize the initiative to the behavior desired by the inspirational leader. Truly moved and consciously restrained and controlled their words and deeds, so that they meet the requirements expected by the inspirational leader. It can be seen that the leader should meet the psychological needs of the inspired person when designing the inspiring behavior, which can only be realized after the effective behavior is implemented. So start to inspire commitment is also very important, so you must put forward the objective to meet the psychological needs of the interests of the benefit target, may take the form of organizational goals directly, may also take the form of objects to inspire the individual goals, but no matter how, the organization's goals and individual goals is not replace each other, the second is to both compatible, not mutually exclusive.Leaders must first create a psychological momentum, and then the leadership charisma enters the implementation process. The energy gathered by the charisma is used to release the desired organizational behavior, and finally the leadership goal is achieved. Therefore, the formation and realization of leadership charisma should be borrowed. Be inspired by "triggers". So not leader will power with a keen eye and sensitive mind, good at discovering that appear from time to time "cause" to inspire, once found that "incentive" to inspire research how to promote immediately, how to "fuss" and then borrow its strength, enlarge its action, within the scope of the more extensive space or time promoting effect to inspire, to strengthen its behaviors to inspire, to stable and durable, the correct grasp reasonable, fair, legal relations are not only the embodiment of the leading art to inspire, and lead to harness the embodiment of the art. At the same time, it is the basi


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