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2018年秋季高中英语 unit 4 wildlife protection period 2 reading要点讲解课课件 新人教版必修2

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2018年秋季高中英语 unit 4 wildlife protection period 2 reading要点讲解课课件 新人教版必修2

Unit 4 Wildlife protection Period 2 Reading要点讲解课,. 选词填空 affect, contain, decrease, harm, employ, appreciate, hunt, respond, relief, mercy, distant, succeed,1. Unluckily, whales are still being _and killed in the arctic. 2. Drivers have to _ quickly to avoid accidents. 3. The young man comes from a _ village. 4. The cruel king showed no _ and killed all the prisoners.,hunted,respond,distant,mercy,5. Ill _ it if you can lend me a sum of money. 6. Our business company will _about 100 workers next month. 7. What you said has _ her self-respect. 8. He opened the box, which _ a soap and a towel.,appreciate,employ,harmed,contained,9. Technological change can _every aspect of our life. 10. The boss of the company wants to _ the cost of the kind of products. 11. If you press your luck in doing anything youll _ in nothing. 12. It is a great _ to have rain after a long time of drought.,affect,decrease,succeed,relief,. 根据首字母和汉语提示写出正确的单词 1. No matter how p_ (强大的)the enemy seems, we must fight against them to the end. 2. We should tell people the i_ (重要性)of forbidding using plastic bags. 3. We all feel that friends can bring us happiness and l_ (笑声).,owerful,mportance,aughter,4. A_(注意)please, I have something important to say. 5. A sweet fragrance rose from the w_(野生的) grasses. 6. The l_(损失)of the money has been a weight on my mind. 7. The i_(昆虫)is trapped in the spiders web.,ttention,ild,oss,nsect,8. Its difficult to raise a family on a small i_(收 入). 9. I couldnt say for c_(确定的)when hell arrive. 10. Id like to see Europe as a nuclear-free z_(地区). 11. We have made a law to protect w_(野生动植 物). 12. I pulled on the rope to see if it was s_(安全的).,ncome,ertain,one,ildlife,ecure,. 翻译下列短语 1. _ 灭亡; 逐渐消失 2. _ 和平地; 和睦地; 安详地 3. _ 在危险中; 垂危 4. _ 如释重负; 松了口气 5. _ 突然笑起来; 大声笑了出来 6. _ 保护不受(危害),die out,in peace,in danger(of),in relief,burst into laughter,protect. . . from,7. _ 注意 8. _ 对有害 9. _ 转身 10. _ 结果,pay attention to,do harm to,turn around,as a result,1 die out灭亡; 逐渐消失; (火)逐渐熄灭 品读例句, 请写出die out在句中的含义。 No one has come up with a better explanation of why dinosaurs died out. ( ) The fire died out soon after the firefighters came. ( ),灭绝,逐渐熄灭,With the development of society, many old customs are gradually dying out. ( ),逐渐消失,【知识延伸】 die of 死于(内因, 指饥饿、干渴等) die from 死于(外因, 指受伤、操劳等) die off (家庭, 种族)相继死亡; (草木)先后枯萎 die away 渐息, 渐弱, 逐渐消失(主要指声音、风、光线等) die down 减势, 平静下来, 减弱,【活学活用】 用die的短语填空。 Nowadays many people _cancer. In a severe winter, wild animals can _lack of food. This species of birds has nearly _because their habitats are being destroyed.,die of,die from,died out,The wind had _by dusk. The leaves of the tree are _.,died away/down,dying off,2 in danger(of)在危险中; 垂危 Why are they in danger of disappearing? 为什么它们会有消失的危险? You will be in danger if you walk on a railway line. 如果你在铁轨上走, 会有危险。 The man was dangerous, so we must be careful with him. 这个人很危险, 我们必须小心他。,His father has been badly ill but the doctor says he is out of danger now. 他父亲病得很厉害, 但医生说他现在已脱离危险。 As far as I am concerned, air pollution is still a danger to our health. 在我看来, 空气污染对于我们的健康仍然是一大危险。,【自我归纳】 _ adj. 危险的 be out of danger _ _ 对是一种危险,dangerous,脱离危险,a danger to,【易混辨析】,【巧学助记】图文记忆各种“危险” A dangerous tiger is running after a little girl, who is in danger . 一只危险的老虎正追赶一个小女孩, 她的处境危险。,【活学活用】 用danger的适当形式填空。 Tigers are _ to man, but they are in _ themselves. (2016·北京高考)It was the most _ part of the journey.,dangerous,danger,dangerous,The temperature is changeable, and everyone is _ _ _ catching a cold. 气温是易变的, 每一个人都有感冒的危险。 The wounded policeman is now _ _ _. 受伤的警察现在已脱离危险。 The little girl is _ _. She needs great help. 那个小女孩正处于危险当中。她非常需要帮助。,in,danger,of,out,of,danger,in,danger,3 relief n. (痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除; 减轻痛苦的事物 He sighed in relief that after all, it was just a robot. 他松了一口气, 毕竟它只是个机器人而已。,To my relief, my son won the first prize in the competition. 令我感到欣慰的是, 我的儿子在这次竞赛中获得了一等奖。 I think this medicine will give you some relief. 我认为这种药可以减轻你的痛苦。,【自我归纳】 _ 如释重负; 松了口气 to ones relief _ _ sb. (some)relief (稍微)减轻某人的痛苦,in relief,令人感到欣慰的是,give,【知识延伸】 relieve v. (从危险、痛苦中)救出, 使脱离; 解脱 relieve sb. of 解除某人的负担,【活学活用】 用relief的适当形式填空。 After having handed in his paper, he had a good rest in _. We all know that drugs can help to _ the pain.,relief,relieve,(2017·天水高一检测)I smiled _ _ after I heard I had passed the examination. 听到我已经通过了考试, 我如释重负地笑了。 _ _ _, her younger brother recovered quickly. 令她感到欣慰的是, 她弟弟恢复得很快。,in,relief,To,her,relief,4 burst into laughter突然笑起来; 大声笑了出来 On hearing the joke, we all burst into laughter. 听到这个笑话, 我们全都笑了。 Hearing the news


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