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2018-2019学年高一英语新人教版必修1同步配套练习:unit 5 nelson mandela5.2

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2018-2019学年高一英语新人教版必修1同步配套练习:unit 5 nelson mandela5.2

Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip随堂练习课后篇巩固提升一、写作词汇检测1.Do you want to attend the contest?Yes.I hear winners will be (奖赏) a trip to England! 答案 rewarded2.How did he (逃脱) being caught? I dont know.答案 escape3.I (请求) your pardon? I said that I had finished my work.答案 beg4.In my (看法),he should work hard first. I cant agree any more.答案 opinion5.I hear that he was arrested (逮捕) by the police.Thats right.He has been (判决) to four years in prison. 答案 sentenced二、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空lose heartescape fromturn tocome to powerset upbe sentenced toin ones opinionin reward for1.After failing to realize his dream three times,the boy . 答案 lost heart2.The police are searching for the two young men who prison last night. 答案 escaped from3.His parents 16 months in prison for cheating an old man. 答案 were sentenced to4.He was given $5,000 saving the drowning boy by the local government. 答案 in reward for5.,youd better not go there to ask your teacher for advice. 答案 In my opinion6.A new school was for the peasant workers children. 答案 set up7.Do you know when the new government ? 答案 came to power8.I her and caught sight of a tear before she quickly brushed it away. 答案 turned to三、单句填空1.As a soldier,he showed selfless (devote) to duty. 答案 devotion2.Mr.Kelly was sentenced six months in prison for theft. 答案 to3.Its aims are for people to be happy,so that there are no more wars or (violent). 答案 violence4.They got to know each other in the park on a (peace) evening. 答案 peaceful5.Your teacher can give you (guide) on choosing a career and writing a job application. 答案 guidance6.Although the naughty boy broke the vase on purpose,he was lucky to escape (punish). 答案 being punished7.He is waiting for the result of the interview (hope). 答案 hopefully8.No one likes to make friends with him because he is a (self) man. 答案 selfish9.He begged her (help) him but she refused finally. 答案 to help10.Armed with the information you have gathered,you can set preparing your business plan. 答案 about11.He received a medal reward for his bravery. 答案 in12.Mary is always studying hard.So she is.I believe all her efforts will (reward) at last. 答案 be rewarded13.A fund (set) up for the dead mens families after the earthquake. 答案 was set14.The boss walked out of the office angrily she could have a chance to explain. 答案 before四、完成句子1. (事实上),I am not rich. 答案 As a matter of fact2.To my surprise,David managed to (从那场大火中逃出来). 答案 escape from the big fire3.Lets go to help (困难中的人们). 答案 the people in trouble4.I think you should (树立一个好榜样) to your brothers. 答案 set a good example5.You are kind and (做你的朋友我感到骄傲). 答案 Im proud of being your friend6. (在我看来),the plan is practical to carry out. 答案 In my opinion7.Only when you receive a good education (你才能找到一份好工作). 答案 can you get a good job8.On hearing that hed got cancer,Tom felt as if (他已经被判了死刑). 答案 he were sentenced to death五、阅读理解AIf you go to Hollywood and look around the coffee shops and restaurants,it is unlikely that you will meet your favorite film star.However,it is almost certain that you will meet Dennis Woodruff.Dennis is a “film star”well,sort of.You learn this quickly because he tells everyone he meets about this.He wears a T-shirt that says “Dennis Woodruff world-famous actor”.He also hands out videotapes of his films for $10.Dennis describes himself as Hollywoods best-known out-of-work actor.He has been looking for work for 25 years.It is true that he has been on television over 300 times and has worked in about 45 films,as an extra(临时演员) of course.“Actually,Im a film star.Its just that no one has realized it yet,”says Dennis.You can watch him auditioning(试演) for parts in front of the security cameras(监控摄像头) at local restaurants.People recognize him and then,sadly,ignore him.One of the saddest tales he tells is about how he nearly made the big time.The famous actor John Wayne was going to give him a chance,but unfortunately he died.The famous producer Otto Preminger wanted to make him a star.He also died.Dennis first had the idea of selling himself over 20 years ago when he asked a director why he had been refused for a part.“Because youre not a big name in Hollywood,”came the answer.Dennis immediately wrote his name in huge letters on the top of his car.It didnt get him any work,but it did get him noticed.Denni


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