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大学生自考教育中心 2017 年 4 月高等教育自学考试高级英语真题 I、Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (15 points, 1 point for each) 1、Such a proposal would never get through Parliament. A、popular B、detailed C、reasonable D、radical 2、He himself from hospital against the advice of doctors. A、removed B、separated C、discharged D、liberated 3、 No one knows whether a child s towards fatness is inherited or due to the food he eats. A、tendency B、possibility C、progress D、movement 4、The fall of the Berlin Wall the end of the Cold War between East and West. A、showed B、explained C、symbolized D、announced 5、If children were made to feel to other children their confidence declined. A、close B、inferior C、related D、indifferent 6、 The frequent policy changes in the company have created growing among employees. A、distraction B、distrust C、distinction D、disposal 7、How can you your fur coat and your love of animals? 大学生自考教育中心 A、reconcile B、compare C、comprehend D、recognize 8、When I was young and I believed it was possible to change the world. A、realistic B、indulgent C、idealistic D、intelligent 9、If the goods prove , the customer has the right to compensation. A、defective B、indulgent C、idealistic D、intelligent 10、 The government was accused of military operations against the regime. A、efficient B、enough C、successful D、covert 11、Jane saw a mass of bodies round on the dance floor. A、running B、shaking C、jumping D、whirling 12、This artificial fabric has the of silk. A、stature B、texture C、signature D、mixture 13、David still suffered the of having been rejected for the army. A、evidence B、experience C、stigma D、record 14、Marys father is whether or not to accept the new job that hes been offered. A、meditating B、expecting C、challenging D、deliberating 15、They around in the dark, trying to find their way out of the cinema. 大学生自考教育中心 A、fumbled B、toured C、sniffed D、turned Read the following passage carefully and complete the succssding three items, II, III, IV. (1)Its easy to keep your aging brain as nimble as it was in college. Log on to a website full of brain games or download the right apps, and within 20 minutes youll be doing your part to sharpen your memory and slow the inexorable decline of your mental functions. At least thats what the companies behind this booming industry would have you believe. But is it true? (2)Concrete proof about the benefits of brain games is hard to come by, experts say, when it comes to measurably improving aspects of mental fitness, like having a good memory or sound reasoning. “People would really love to believe you could do something like this and make your brain better, make your mind better,”says Randall W. Engle, a primary investigator at the Attention and Working Memory Lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology. “Theres just no solid evidence.” (3)Thats not to say brain games are without benefit. Experts say these kinds of mental exercises can change your brainjust not in a way that necessarily slows its aging. The brain changes with just about everything you do, including mental training exercises. But 大学生自考教育中心 numerous studies have shown that brain game lack what researchers call “transfer.” In other words, repeating a game over and over again teachers you how to play the game and get better at it but not necessarily much else. (4) “It s like, you walk through fresh snow, you leave a trace. If you walk the same route again, the trace gets deeper and deeper,” says Ursula Staudinger, director of the Butler Columbia Aging Center at Columbia University. “The fact that structural changes occur in the brain does not imply that in general this brain has become more capable. It has become more capable of doing exactly the tasks it was practicing.” (5)Brain-game designers, not surprisingly, disagree. Michael Scanlon, chief scientific officer at Lumosity, a large brain-game company, refers to a 2007 study he led as support for his company s getting into the brain-game business in the first place. “Our basic intention was to release a produce that helps people improve cognitive abilities,”he says. Scanlon says the research, which Lumosity funded and conducted, found that online-based brain training can improve thinking. The small study of 23 people is one of several studies Lumosity has performed, though most have not been peer-reviewed. (6)As the brain-game industry has grown-revenue topped $1 billion 大学生自考教育中心 in 2012 and is project to hit $6 billion by 2020, according to a report from neuroscience market-research firm Sharp Brains-so has the criticism. More than 70 prominent brain scientists and psychologists signed a withering statement on the subject last year. The open letter, organized by the Stanford Center on Longevity and covered by media outlets across the world, argued that claims on behalf of brain games about improved cognition were“frequentl


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