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九年级英语上册 module 6 problems练习题(无答案)(新版)外研版

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九年级英语上册 module 6 problems练习题(无答案)(新版)外研版

Module 6 练习题1, 你最好不要养成喝酒的习惯Youd better not _ _ _ _ _drinking.2,我应当在学校,而不是在这儿躺在床上。I should be at school _ _lying here in the bed .3,我将试着和他达成协议。Ill try to _ _ _ _him4,我现在是对你们说的最后一次了Now thats my _ _to both of you .5, 我认为这辆汽车装不下你们这些人I _ _the car _ _you all .6, 上星期他顺道来访,我们闲谈了一会He _ _last week and we chatted for a while .7, 我们每天应该至少刷两次牙We should bush our teeth _ _twice a day .8, 好啦,我真的需要你试用这新产品Come on ,I really want you to _ _this new product .9 时间已到八点,我们不能再等了。Seeing that it is eight oclock ,we ll wait _ _.10 , 他因我什么也没干而很生气He _ _ _me for not having done anything .11, 他很骄傲能成为一名战士He _ _ _being a fighter 12 ,他的办公室在走廊的尽头His office is _ _ _ _the passage.13, 我认为她的主意不怎么样I _ _much of her idea. 14, 如果你在课堂上不听,你就不明白要做什么If you _ _in class, you _ _what to do 15, 吃你的早餐,否则在学校你会饿的。_ _ _ _you will get hungry at school .16, To make your DIY work perfect ,youd better not start _ you get all the tools ready.A, when B, while C, before D, after17, Did you sleep well last night ?Oh ,no . _ noise outside the hotel almost drove me mad .A , Too much B, Much too C, Too many D, So many 18, If he _ Guilin, hell probably go to Yangshuo .A, visits B, is visiting C, will visit D, has visited 19 , What do you think of the boy ?He is _ honest student today and _useful man tomorrow .A, a ;an B, an ;a C, an ;an D, a ;a 20 , That was the _ that he was late for school again .A, suggestion B, secret C, reason D, problem 21, The weather is too bad!So it is .Its reported that it will be even _ later on A, bad B, badly C, worse D, worst 22, After she finished _ the story ,Alice wrote a review for her school newspaper .A, read B, reads C, to read D, reading 23, I dont know _ he will come or not this afternoon .A, why B, when C, whether D, how 24, He will go to the mountains with his parents if it _ next Sunday .A, wont rain B, doesnt rain C, isnt rain D, will rain 25, Please wait .She _to you in a few minutes .A, talk B, talked C, have talked D, will talk 26, With a population of over 20 million. Beijing is a large city which is short of fresh water. Everyone should get into the _of saving water.A, research B, habit C, attitude D, pleasure 27, I _ you if I find my uncles phone number .A, tell B, told C, will tell D, have told 28, The fridge doesnt work .Why not consider _a new one ?A, buy B, bought C, to buy D, buying 29, I play _guitar in my spare time .It makes my life more colorful .A, a B, an C, the D, /30, Lets go hiking _staying at home ,shall we?Good idea!A, as well as B, in order to C, instead of D, in addition to 31, Jamie could hardly wait to _ his new bike.A, try out B, find out C, try on D, put on 32, If you must go ,_ wait till the rain stops .A, at last B, at least C, at first D, at the beginning 33, Youd better take care ,_ you will hurt your eyes .A, so B, but C, or D, and 34, I dont care what people think .Well ,you _.Youre not alone in this world .A, can B, may C, should D, will 35, The Chinese dream _true if everyone works hard enough .A, come B, comes C, will come D, came 36, I dont think she will agree with us ,_?A, will she B,wont she C, dont you D, do you 37, Tim says he cant come to the party tonight .Oh,_.A, no problem B, thats a shame C, take it easy D, its a deal 2


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