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2018年秋九年级英语上册 unit 2 colours period 2 reading分层训练 (新版)牛津版

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2018年秋九年级英语上册 unit 2 colours period 2 reading分层训练 (新版)牛津版

Unit 2 Colours第2课时分层训练Period 2 .根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1People all over the world love _ (和平)2I _(要求) you to send the book to the office as soon as possible.3What he experiences now will _(影响) him for the rest of his life.4A little _(困难) like this is nothing to us.5White is a _ (平静的) colour.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空12017·宿迁Bob stayed up late last night and now he feels _(sleep)2When the walls in your room _ (paint) blue, you'll feel calm and peaceful.3We all know blue represents _(sad)4Let yourself enjoy the _(feel) of getting things done.5_ you ever _ (walk) into a room and felt stressed?.单项选择()1.Helen has no difficulty _ writing.AofBtoCinDat()2.People may say “_” when they are feeling sad.AI'm feeling red BI'm feeling blackCI'm feeling blue DI'm feeling white()3.2017·岳阳改编Though he often made his little sister _, today he was made _ by her.Acry; to cry Bcried; cryingCto cry; cry Dcry; cry()4.I felt so _ yesterday evening that I fell _ quickly.Asleeping; asleep Basleep; sleepyCsleepy; asleep Dasleep; sleep()5.Miss Green was _ white _ her wedding day.Aon; in Bin; inCin; on Don; on.完形填空 There are many colours in nature. But do you think that a colour has a weight? I think you'll say “no”. But I am afraid you are wrong. _1_ you don't believe it, you may do a small experiment.First, put two objects with the same weight into two boxes. _2_, cover the boxes. Third, wrap(包裹) one box with a red piece of paper, and the other with a white piece of paper. OK. Now, hold the boxes with your hand one by one. It is certain that you will think the red one is _3_ heavier.Why do you think so? A scientist found that different colours have different weights in a man's _4_. So he did many tests and at last he got the result. _5_, every colour has its own weight in our mind.The scientist told us that colours _6_ have smells. Can you smell the colour? Of course not. Then why did the scientist say so? That is because every colour _7_ a kind of light with a certain wavelength. It reaches our brain through sense organs(器官)According to this discovery, scientists say that people _8_ the colours they like, and refuse the colours they hate. So your body and mind will be healthy by using the colours you like. _9_ you'll be nervous or even get ill. For example, you like blue and hate red. If you stay in a room with red windows, wallpaper and furniture for two hours, you'll feel you_10_ there for four hours. But if the room is blue, you'll feel you have been there for only one hour. And if a person walks out of a blue room and into a red room, his or her temperature will rise. That means our body temperature will change with different colours.()1.A.When BIfCWhether DWhile()2.A.ThenBAfter CAndDBefore()3.A.moreBa little CveryDsuch()4.A.body BstomachCback Dmind()5.A.It's hard to say BThat is to sayCIn some ways DIn this way()6.A.eitherBalso CtooDas well()7.A.stands for BlikeCrepresent Dlooks like()8.A.receive BacceptedCaccept Dreceived()9.A.And BSo CBut DOr()10.A.have gone Bhave beenChave gone to Dhave been to第3课时分层训练Period 2.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1Warm colours can _(创造) a warm and comfortable feeling.2My daughter _(更喜欢) drawing to singing when she was young.3This story _(使想起) me of my childhood.4Green can give you energy, _(因为) it is the colour of nature.5What colour do some people prefer when they hope for _(成功)?.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1If you require _ (strong) in either body or mind, you should wear red clothes.2Vitamins are necessary for healthy _ (grow)32017·攀枝花Aron tells of the importance of making good _(decide), and of being in control of one's life.4Yellow is the colour of _ (wise)52017·白银Be quiet! The patients _(sleep)6Your support makes us _(believe) that we are doing something meaningful.7Working in groups makes it _(relax) to learn English.8The book may be of great _(important) to you.根据汉语意思完成句子1我们正在猜这首歌曲会使他想起什么。We are guessing what the song _2. 2017·济南环境在日益恶化,人们必须开始采取行动改善它。The environment is getting worse. People have to start_ to improve it.3穿蓝色(衣服)能给我们的身心带来平和。_ can bring peace to our _4这个女孩既不喜欢唱歌,也不喜欢跳舞,但她偏爱弹钢琴。The girl enjoys neither singing nor dancing, but she prefers to _. 5面对如此多的选择,在短时间内真的很难做决定。With so many choices, it's really hard _ in such a short time. .单项选择()1.Jim hasn't decided _ to go


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