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人教版七年级英语上册教案七上Starter Unit1第一课时

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人教版七年级英语上册教案七上Starter Unit1第一课时

课题:Starter Unit 1 Good morning!生词课Teaching and learning Goals:1.能争取使用下列词汇(Curriculum words):good, morning, hi, hello, afternoon, evening, how, are, you, I, am, fine, thanks, OK.2.能争取使用下列常用短语(Useful expressions)Hello! Hi! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! How are you? I am fine. Im OK. Thanks. 3.能认读下列词汇(non-curriculum words): HB, CD, BBC, Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Frank, Grace, Helen.Teaching and learning steps:Step 1: Learn to read the wordsT: I am your English teacher, this term we will learn English together. Now look around, can your see any English letters or words? S: Yes.T: We can see English everywhere. English is very interesting and useful. (设计意图:让学生环顾四周寻找英文字母或单词,引导其发现英语是随处可见而且是非常有用的,从而引导学生步入快乐的英语世界,并激发学生学习英语的兴趣。)1. 1. Open the books at Page 94. Students try to read the words using the phonetics by themselves,mark the difficult words that they cant pronounce correctly or clearly . (设计意图:让学生学会试读单词是一种学习习惯的培养,首先学生自己根据音标字读单词,并标出试读时有困难的。)2. Read the difficult words in groups so that they can help each other. They should pay more attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. The teacher should give them a hand if necessary.(设计意图:在小组内互读交流发言,相互纠正发音,以小组为单位解决遇到的困难。培养他们合作学习及解决问题的能力。)3. Get one or two middle-level students to read all the words. Ask the good students to correct the wrong pronunciations. If necessary, the teacher corrects them.4. Read after the tape.5. Read the words aloud by themselves, and the teacher walks around to see if they need some help. (设计意图:采取分组学习兵教兵的方式,充分发挥这一部分学生的积极性来带动全体学生的学习英语的积极性。用这种先自学再合作交流的方式才能促使学生大胆张嘴,大声朗读。学生学会识读单词是一种自学能力和习惯的培养,提高全体学生积极性。鼓励没过关的学生课前课后努力赶上。) Step 2 Learn to remember words1. Remember the words by looking at pictures. morning n. 早晨 We do exercises in the morning.afternoon n. 下午 We should have a rest in the afternoon. evening n. 晚上 We go to sleep in the evening.hello/hiWe say hello or hi to our friends.(设计意图:让学生据图片猜测生词,让学生直观地理解单词的意思,通过建立语境和语义之间的关系,促进理解、加深记忆,培养学生用英语思维的习惯。减少了学生对汉语的依赖,避免孤立地理解和记忆单词。)2. T: Now lets meet some new friends.Alice Bob Cindy Dale Eric FrankGrace Helen3. Guess the abbreviations.T : Do you know what the letters mean? HB CD BBC4. Get the students to read the words by the rules of pronunciation. a /æ/ am Alice thanks Frank /ei/ Dale Grace e /e/ Eric Helen 结尾不发音 are fine Alice Dale Grace i / i / Alice Cindy Eric /ai/ hi I fine o / / Bob /u/ hello oo / u:/ afternoon /u/ good(设计意图:让学生通过元音字母及字母组合的读音规则来拼读记忆新单词)5. Remember the phrases by matching itself with its meaning. Hello! 嗨! Hi! 你好!Good morning! 你好吗?Good afternoon! 早上好!Good evening! 谢谢。How are you? 下午好!I am fine/OK. 晚上好!Thanks. 我很好。(设计意图:让学生根据其意思连线,以此给学生提供根据英语释义记忆单词的能力.)6 .Competition: A guessing game. Divide the students into two groups ,show some pictures and let the students guess who they are.Students say their names as quickly as they can.(设计意图:挑战记忆王 分组竞赛,调动学生的积极性,让他们根据图片的闪现快速回想起图片中孩子的英文名字,看哪组最迅速准确,锻炼学生的迅速反应能力。)7. Remember the words by their Chinese . 1.怎样;如何 _ 2.是_ _ 3.你;你们_ 4.我_ 5.健康的;美好的_ 6.好;可以 _Step 3: Consolidation of words 1. Ask the students to read the words and phrases and their Chinese. Cover the English words and phrases , look at the Chinese and say the English for them. Write down the words they havent grasped.(设计意图:先自我检查,找出仍未达标的单词,然后仍然采取小组互助的形式,需要利用自习课或课余的时间让小组长跟踪检查,尽量能让全部学生顺利过关。)2. The students write down the words with the Chinese given in guide books. Underline the words they havent grasped. If they cant, dictate after class in groups. (设计意图:学生利用各种感官巩固单词。通过音素分类、抢答或使用助学默写等各种形式对单词加以巩固。教师应及时督促,让小组长反馈检查结果,尽量能让全部学生顺利过关。)Step 4 Sing the song and translate it into Chinese.1. Ask the students to sing the song, and underline the new words.2. Translate the song into Chinese in groups of three.3.Sing the song fluently by themselves.Good morning!Good morning!How are you?Im fine, thanks.How are you?Im OK.Good afternoon, Alice!Good afternoon, Cindy!How are you, Grace?Im fine, thanks.How are you, Helen?Im OK.Good evening, Bob!Good evening, Dale!How are you, Eric?Im fine, thanks.How are you, Frank?Im OK.早晨好!早晨好!你好吗?我很好,谢谢!你好吗?还不错。下午好,艾莉丝!下午好,辛迪!你好吗,格蕾丝?我很好,谢谢!你好吗,海伦?还不错。晚上好,鲍勃!晚


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