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,职通英语,Network Now,New and Old,Unit 1,In this unit, you will learn to: talk about yourself and your family; understand a simple letter or email about someones everyday life; say what youve got and how long youve had it; write simple notes; report a lost item; cope with complex language; talk about your things.,01,02,03,04,CONTENT,Step 1 New,New and Old,Unit 1,Step 2 Old,Step 3 Lost,Reading,04,Now l Can,Step 1,Starter,A New Class Walk around the classroom and say hello to the other students (new and old) in your new class.,Hello. Im Julia. Nice to meet you. Hi Martin. Nice to see you again. How are you?,Starter,A New Class,Sender: racheldimmockdim.co.uk Subject: Hello from an old friend! Hi Lorna Thanks for the card you sent for our “big day” last month. Im sorry you werent with us, but I know that its a long journey from South Africa to Scotland! So, now Im Mrs Baxter! I decided to do the traditional thing and take Davids surname. Well, my old surname was my ex-husbands, so I was happy to change it! But my email address is the same as before. I havent got time to change it. Were so busy, we havent got time for a honeymoon at the moment! We cant leave our business because its a busy time of year for us. And Mrs Baxter senior (thats my new name for my mother-in-law!) isnt very well.,Starter,A New Class,L&C: Surnames,My two boys like David a lot. They go fishing together. Alex said yesterday, “Im luckier than most of my friends because theyve only got one dad and Ive got two.” I really like Davids two daughters. And theyre happy that Im their stepmother. They live with their mum (Davids ex-wife), but they come to us one weekend a month. We do “girly” things together. Last weekend we “styled” the dog and took photos! And how are you? Hows your new grandson? When can you come to visit us? Have you got time this year? Love Rachel,Exercise,Comprehension,They / Rachel and David got married.,1 What happened last month? 2 Is it a first marriage for Rachel? 3 And for David? 4 Why cant they go on honeymoon? 5 Are the children happy? Why?,No, it isnt.,No, it isnt.,They cant leave their business (its a busy time of year).,Yes, they are, because the boys have got two dads and the girls can do “girly” things with Rachel.,Exercise,Vocabulary: Family,Circle the words in the email for the people in the family.,ex-husband,mother-in-law,dad,daughters,stepmother,mum,ex-wife,grandson,Exercise,All About the Family,Work in small groups. Dont look at the email. What can you remember about Rachel, her family and her friend Lorna?,is / isnt can / cant has / doesnt have lives / doesnt live works / doesnt work likes / doesnt like goes / doesnt go ,are / arent can / cant have / dont have live / dont live work / dont work like / dont like go / dont go ,Rachel and David The two boys The two girls,Rachel David Lorna,Exercise,What Does She Write?,Underline the sentences in the email that mean:,We dont have time for a honeymoon.,I havent got time to change it., we havent got time for a honeymoon.,Exercise,What Does She Write?,Underline the sentences in the email that mean:, theyve only got one dad and Ive got two.,Have you got time this year?,Exercise,Language Focus,have / has got,I have got two sons, but I havent got a daughter., Have you got a brother or sister? Yes, I have. / No, I havent.,我有两个儿子,可是我没有女儿。, 你有兄弟姐妹吗? 有,我有兄弟姐妹。/ 没有,我没有 兄弟姐妹。,译 文,例 句,The company has got a branch in this city.,这家公司在本市有一个分公司。,Exercise,Has She Got .?,Tick the things that Rachels got.,1 a friend in South Africa,2 a new husband,3 a new email address,4 a busy life,5 a lot of free time,6 a dog,Check your answers with a partner. Make sentences: Rachels got / hasnt got .,Exercise,Now You: Have You Got .?,Work with a partner. Ask and answer about these things.,a friend in another country,a busy life,a friend in another country,a lot of free time,a dog, Have you got ? Yes, I have. / No, I havent.,Exercise,Connecting Ideas: and, but, because,Choose the right word for each sentence.,1 Rachels got a new name _ she hasnt got a new email address.,2 Rachel and David have got two sons _ two daughters.,3 They havent got a lot of free time _ theyve got a family business.,but,and,because,Exercise,Now You: In Your Family,Work with a partner. Ask Have you got .? Try to use and, but and because in your answers.,a husband, wife or partner,any children,any stepchildren,a mother-in-law or a father-in-law,any brothers or sisters,any nephews or nieces,any grandchildren, Have you got any brothers or sisters? Yes, I have. Ive got one brother and two sisters.,Exercise,How to Say It: Talking About Your Family,Im single / married / divorced / widowed. I live alone / with my partner / with my family. I dont have any children. I have / Ive got (two children). I have / Ive got (a child) from my firs


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