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BMW产品知识培训 BMW技术亮点+原厂附件介绍,Basic Automobile Knowledge Handling 操控,Handling: Wheelbase 轴距 Drivetrain 驱动方式 CG 重心 weight 重量 Weight distribution重量分配 Chassis 底盘 Steering 转向 Suspension 悬挂 Tire 轮胎,Basic Automobile Knowledge Handling 操控,Wheelbase 轴距,Basic Automobile Knowledge Handling 操控,Wheelbase 轴距 Why we need long wheelbase? 为什么需要长轴据?,Basic Automobile Knowledge Handling 操控,轮距,Basic Automobile Knowledge Handling 操控,CG and Weight Distribution 重心与重量分配 BMWs approach:将座舱巧妙后移, 发动机后移,Basic Automobile Knowledge Handling 操控,CG and Rollover 重心与侧倾,Basic Automobile Knowledge Handling 操控,Drive train 驱动方式 FF FR MR RR 4WD / AWD,Basic Automobile Knowledge Handling 操控,Drive train 驱动方式 FF 前置前驱 FR 前置后驱 MR 中置后驱 RR 后置后驱 4WD / AWD 全轮驱动,Basic Automobile Knowledge Handling 操控,Compare and contrast the following cars drivetrain 比较以下车型的驱动方式优点与缺点,Basic Automobile Knowledge Handling 操控,驱动形式,BMW Technology. BMW 科技. Why rear-wheel drive? 为什么采用后驱? Physics speak a clear language! 物理学告诉我们答案!,看大自然的物体,看赛车运动,理论,Looking at nature,Looking at motorsports,Theorem,Advantage 1 优势1,Advantage 2 优势2,Advantage 3 优势3,Advantage 4 优势4,BMW Technology. BMW 科技. Why rear-wheel drive? 为什么采用后驱? Looking at nature. 看大自然的物体.,The fastest animals always have the strongest hind legs. 奔跑最迅速的动物往往会有最强有力的后腿,BMW Technology. BMW 科技. Physics speak a clear language. 物理学告诉我们答案. Traction. 牵引力.,During acceleration the front wheels are relieved from load and the rear wheels run under a higher load. This is the case with any vehicle concept. 有一个在任何车辆上都会发生的概念:在车辆加速时前轮的负荷会减小而后轮的负荷会增加,+,-,Front-wheel drive前轮驱动,Rear-wheel drive 后轮驱动,Advantage 1 优势1,Advantage 2 优势2,Advantage 3 优势3,Advantage 4 优势4,The wheels with the higher load are more capable of transferring the drive torque onto the tarmac. 拥有更高负荷的车轮更容易把牵引力传递给路面,Advantage of rear-wheel drive 后驱的优势,+,-,Front-wheel drive前轮驱动,Rear-wheel drive后轮驱动,BMW Technology. BMW 科技. Physics speak a clear language. 物理学告诉我们答案. Traction. 牵引力.,Advantage 1 优势1,Advantage 2 优势2,Advantage 3 优势3,Advantage 4 优势4,During acceleration the front wheels are relieved from load and the rear wheels run under a higher load. This is the case with any vehicle concept. 有一个在任何车辆上都会发生的概念:在车辆加速时前轮的负荷会减小而后轮的负荷会增加,BMW Technology. BMW 科技. Physics speak a clear language. 物理学告诉我们答案. Steering feel. 转向.,The best steering concept is the one which does not suffer from torque steer. 转向轮不承担驱动力,才能获得最佳的转向效果。,Steering and drive 转向和驾驶,Front-wheel drive前轮驱动,Rear-wheel drive后轮驱动,Advantage 1 优势1,Advantage 2 优势2,Advantage 3 优势3,Advantage 4 优势4,BMW Technology. BMW 科技. Physics speak a clear language. 物理学告诉我们答案. Steering feel. 转向.,Drive 驱动,Steering 转向,The best steering concept is the one which does not suffer from torque steer. 转向轮不承担驱动力,才能获得最佳的转向效果,To achieve this, the task of steering and the task of driving must be divided between the two axles. 想达到这一点,转向与驱动必须分别作用在前后轴上。,后驱的优势,Front-wheel drive前轮驱动,Rear-wheel drive后轮驱动,Advantage 1 优势1,Advantage 2 优势2,Advantage 3 优势3,Advantage 4 优势4,BMW Technology. BMW 科技. Physics speak a clear language. 物理学告诉我们答案. Agility.灵活性.,Masses 车身重量,Agility is the vehicle's capability to carry out slight changes in direction (= when driving into bends). This process is facilitated if vehicle masses are as near as possible to the centre of gravity. 灵活性是指当方向改变时,车辆的姿态只发生轻微变化的能力(当行驶在多弯路段). 当车身重量越接近重心时,车辆越灵活。,Center of gravity 重心,Front-wheel drive前轮驱动,Rear-wheel drive后轮驱动,Advantage 1 优势1,Advantage 2 优势2,Advantage 3 优势3,Advantage 4 优势4,BMW Technology. BMW 科技. Physics speak a clear language. 物理学告诉我们答案. Agility.灵活性.,Advantage of rear-wheel drive 后驱的优势,In rear-wheel driven cars, a high percentage of vehicle masses are near the centre of gravity. 在后驱车上,更多的车身重量接近重心,Front-wheel drive前轮驱动,Rear-wheel drive后轮驱动,Advantage 1 优势1,Advantage 2 优势2,Advantage 3 优势3,Advantage 4 优势4,Agility is the vehicle's capability to carry out slight changes in direction (= when driving into bends). This process is facilitated if vehicle masses are as near as possible to the centre of gravity. 灵活性是指当方向改变时,车辆的姿态只发生轻微变化的能力(当行驶在多弯路段). 当车身重量越接近重心时,车辆越灵活。,Masses 车身重量,Center of gravity 重心,BMW Technology. BMW 科技. Physics speak a clear language. 物理学告诉我们答案. Tracking stability. 循迹稳定性.,+,-,Superior tracking stability in bends is a characteristic feature of cars where all four wheels evenly withstand lateral forces. Tracking stability is further enhanced by a 50:50 axle load distribution on the front and rear axle. 车辆拥有良好的循迹稳定性可以使过弯时每个车轮受到均匀的侧向力,这是车辆运动性能的一个重要指标。前后桥重量配比达到50:50,可以大大提高寻迹稳定性。,前轮驱动,后轮驱动,Advantage 1 优势1,Advantage 2 优势2,Advantage 3 优势3,Advantage 4 优势4,BMW Technology. BMW 科技. Physics speak a clear language. 物理学告诉我们答案.寻Tracking stability. 循迹稳定性.,Rear-wheel drive facilitates an even weight distribution. 后轮驱动促使车辆前后桥重量分配更均衡.,Advantage of rear-wheel drive 后轮驱动的优势,前轮驱动,后轮驱动,Advantage 1 优势1,Advantage 2 优势2,Advantage 3 优势3,Advantage 4 优势4,Superior tracking stability in b


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