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2TIMESeptember 24, 20184 |From the Editor5|For the RecordTheBriefNews from the U.S.and around the world9 | Trumpsnegativeefecton Senateraces12 |Why the U.S.distrusts theInternationalCriminal Court13 |Farewell toBurtReynolds14 |More timeto sue over childsex abuse16 |TIME with .former PresidentJimmy Carter18 |Kabuljournalists face ireTheViewIdeas, opinion,innovations21 |Takingirst accusersseriously in sexual-harassment cases23 |Ian Bremmer onthe odd coupling ofRussia and China23 |The problemwithphilanthropy25 |James Stavridissays America mustreassure its alliesTimeOfWhat to watch, read,see and do55 |TheFortnitephenomenon60 |Movies:TheLand of SteadyHabits, The Angeland A Simple Favor62 |Debut novelsby Wayétu Mooreand Olivia Laing67 |CarrieUnderwood takesa turn68 | Questions for7cellistYo-Yo MaFeaturesTeachers Strike BackFacing stagnant wages and shrinkingpensions, Americas public schoolteachers have had enoughBy Katie Reilly26Plus:Teachers get politicalBy Molly Ball32The New Face of EuropeItalys far-right Matteo Salvini wantsto remake the E.U.By Vivienne Walt34Future CuresStem cells are changing the wayscientists treat diseaseBy Alice Park40A Womens Road TripWith shared passions and goals,women across America create newcommunitiesByLucyFeldman50VOL. 192, NO. 12 | 2018TIME (ISSN 0040-781X) is published weekly, except for two skipped weeks in January and one skipped week in March, May, July, August, September and December due to combined issues by Time Inc., a wholly owned subsidiaryof Meredith Corporation.PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281-1008. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and additional mailing ofices.POSTMASTER: Send all UAA to CFS (See DMM 507.1.5.2);Non-Postal and Military Facilities: send address corrections to TIME Magazine, P.O. Box 62120, Tampa, FL 33662-2120. Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40110178. Return undeliverable Canadian addressesto: Postal Station A, P.O. Box 4322, Toronto, Ontario M5W 3G9. GST No. 888381621RT0001. © 2018 Time Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. TIME and theRed Border Design are protected through trademark registration in the United States and in the foreign countries where TIME magazine circulates. U.S. Subscriptions: $49 for one year.SUBSCRIBERS:If the Postal Servicealerts us that your magazine is undeliverable, we have no further obligation unless we receive a corrected address within two years. Your bank may provide updates to the card information we have on ile. You may opt out ofthis service at any time.CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUBSCRIPTIONS: For 24/7 service, visittime.com/customerservice. You can also call 1-800-843-TIME; write to TIME, P.O. Box 62120, Tampa, FL, 33662-2120; or emailprivacytime.customersvc.com.MAILING LIST:We make a portion of our mailing list available to reputable irms. If you would prefer that we not include your name, please call or write us.PRINTED IN THE U.S.XXXXXXXAt ColumbiaUniversity, Dr. Jobde Jong oversees300 “mini-brains”grown fromstem cellsPhotograph byCole Wilson forTIMEFrom the EditorTeaching lessonsI WAS RAISED TO BELIEVE THAT THERE ARE NO HIGHERprofessional callings than health care and teaching, no duties more sacred than the welfare and education of our kids. And yet, as TIMEs Katie Reilly reports in this weeks cover story, more than half of all states are spending less per student than before the Great Recession, and annual pay for Americas public-school teachers has barely budged in three decades. In 2017, teachers made nearly 20% less than comparable collegeeducated professionals.THE OCEAN CLEANUPThe education of future generations is not solely the job of teachers, however. All of us have a part to play, including those of us in the media. A few weeks ago, TIMEs Katy Steinmetz took a deep look at a critical educational challenge that is particularly close to home: news literacy. We can blame Facebook, Twitter and web proiteers in Macedonia all we want for the proliferation of false information online, but at some level the responsibility comes down to each of us having the baseline ability to discern fact from iction. “Having a well-informed citizenry,” Katy wrote, “may be, in the big picture, as important to survival as having clean air and water.” (You can read her story at TIME.com/fake-news.) That work needs to begin early. According to an extensive recent report from PEN America, students need to be taught news literacy before middle school in order to be “inoculated” from disinformation.At TIME, weve been focused on this issue for m


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