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A comparative study of color words and cultural metaphors in English and ChineseIntroduceIt is well known that different nations form their own cultures in the process of long-term development. The cultural differences range from political disagreements to life. Taking color words as an example, the understanding and implied meaning of Chinese and English are quite different. Color word is one of the main sensory words in human language and an indispensable part of every national culture. Its unique language function and profound cultural symbolic meaning reflect a nation's unique cultural tradition. It often has different features in different national languages, some of which even constitute people's worship and taboo of color after extension and escape. This difference is due to the cultural and historical background and aesthetic psychology of each nation. It is established in the development of society and the precipitation of history. It is a permanent cultural phenomenon.BodyAs one of the important rhetorical devices, color words are endowed with strong metaphorical meanings, which are used to describe abstract things and characters, life features, psychological activities and emotions, etc. Colors make expression add figurative metaphor and symbolic meaning, For example, the white face treacherous minister in Chinese, wear green hat, yellow books and periodicals, red eye disease, and so on. In English, blue jokes, blue talk, yellow streak, green-eyed, red with anger, etc. The different symbolic meanings of this color word reflect the special connection between political and cultural values of different nations and color words, reflect the political orientation of different societies, and also reflect the unique color consciousness and cultural tradition of a nation. Therefore, this paper takes the four colors of red, yellow, green and blue as examples to explain the differences between Chinese and western cultures and the reasons for the differences. This article is to let the reader of the Chinese and western color of the implied meaning of the word.As one of the important rhetorical devices, color words are endowed with strong metaphorical meanings, which are used to describe abstract things and characters, life features, psychological activities and emotions, etc., which make expression add figurative metaphor and symbolic meaning, For example: the white face treacherous minister, wear green hat, yellow books and periodicals, red eye disease in Chinese, blue jokes, blue talk, yellow streak, green-eyed, red with anger in English, etc. The different symbolic meanings of this color word reflect the special connection between political and cultural values of different nations. Color words reflect the political orientation of different societies, and also reflect the unique color consciousness and cultural tradition of a nation.Due to differences in cultural backgrounds and language expressions such as folk customs, ways of thinking, geographical environment, etc., various colors have different symbolic, associative and implied meanings for different nationalities psychologically, thus constituting different ethnic color cultural connotations. Here, I'll compare the symbolism of the words red, yellow, white, and blue.Red is the basic worshiping color of Chinese culture, which reflects the pursuit of material and spirit of Chinese people. In China, it symbolizes auspiciousness and happiness, for example, the person who promotes the happy marriage of others is called "matchmaker". The "good start" means good luck, indicating that it went well in the beginning and achieved good results. Male marry female marry when paste big red "happy" word, call lively, flourishing "red fire" escribe the bustling, bustling place called "red dust" t also symbolizes revolution and progress. For example, the first communist regime was called "red regime" and the first armed forces were called "red army". It is also a symbol of success, such as the situation of a person is very good known as "red", "red" and so on. It still symbolizes beauty, beautiful, if point to a woman hold makeup to be "red makeup" or "red outfit" "red sleeve", point to a woman beautiful face is "red face" wait. In the western calendar, the festival is usually marked in red, while the normal day is represented in black. In western culture, red mainly refers to the color of blood, which in the eyes of westerners is the "liquid of life" in human body. Once the blood flows down, the flower of life fades. So red reminds westerners of violence and danger, which creates a color taboo, for example, the red rules of tooth and claw, a red battle, red revenge, red alert, and so on. The common colors in English teaching are different between English and Chinese: brown sugar in English, black tea in English. If students do not master certain knowledge of Chinese and western culture, it is easy to translate wrongly. "Color is a powerful expression of


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