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天 气 Its raining!,Sunny, sunny, its sunny. Cloudy, cloudy, its cloudy. How is the weather? How is the weather? Raining, raining, its raining. Windy, windy, its windy. How is the weather? How is the weather?,Lets chant!,sunny,cloudy,windy,rainy,snowy,What do they mean?,A: Hows the weather? B: Its ,raining/ rainy,sunny,cloudy,snowing/ snowy,windy,= A: What's the weather like ?,Hows the weather?,Whats the weather like?,Watch and learn,dry,humid,= wet,foggy,A: How is the weather in?(Whats the weather like in?),B: Its sunny/rainy/ windy/cloudy,humid,How is the weather?,cold,cool,warm,100,cold cool warm hot,hot,R=Ray D=Diane R: Whats the_1_ like up north? D: Its a bit _2_. R: Do you know what the temperature is? D: Its about _3_ degrees. Whats it like there? R: Its much _4_. Its about _5_ degrees here. D: Is there_6_ in the forecast for today? R: No, its supposed to be _7_ and _8_ today. D: Youre _9_. Theres a 75% chance of rain this _10_ here! R: You still have a chance of _11_ skies! D: A_12_chance! R: Did it rain last night there? D: Yes. The ground is all _13_. How about there? R: We _14_ had much rain here at all. We could actually use some! D: If I could send you the rain, I would! R: Likewise with the _15_! D: _16_ _17_ _18_. R: _19_ _20_.,R=Ray D=Diane R: Whats the weather like up north? D: Its a bit chilly. R: Do you know what the temperature is? D: Its about 50 degrees. Whats it like there? R: Its much warmer. Its about 80 degrees here. D: Is there rain in the forecast for today? R: No, its supposed to be warm and sunny today. D: Youre lucky. Theres a 75% chance of rain this afternoon here! R: You still have a chance of clear skies! D: A small chance! R: Did it rain last night there? D: Yes. The ground is all wet. How about there? R: We havent had much rain here at all. We could actually use some! D: If I could send you the rain, I would! R: Likewise with the sunshine! D: Enjoy your day. R: You too.,1. Its really wet outside today. 2. This summer has been very rainy. 3. Beijings winter is really dry. 4. There hasnt been a sunny day for a while. 5. April showers bring May flowers. 6. The thunderstorm woke me up last night.,7. She was stuck by lightning. 8. Today should be clear and sunny. 9. Did you see the rainbow after the rain? 10. Its so foggy, I cant see the car in front of me. 11. The smog is bad this morning. 12. Today was really humid.,13. In America, we use Fahrenheit to talk about the temperature. 14. The hail damaged the roof of my car. 15. Their boat was hit by a storm. 16. Its pouring with rain!,How is the weather in ? What is the weather like in ?,sunny (and warm 暖和的/hot 热的).cloudy (and cool 凉爽的).Its windy (and cool).raining/rainy (and humid 潮湿的).snowing/snowy (and cold 寒冷的).,Hows the weather in spring? Its raining, humid, warm. Hows the weather in summer? Its sunny, hot, hot, hot. Whats the weather like in autumn? Its cool, cool, cool. Whats the weather like in winter? Its snowy, cold, cold, cold.,Chant,今天你要和同学去公园,和妈妈商量要 穿什么衣服: A: Its . Can I wear my? B: Yes, you can. / No, you cant.,Pairwork,Lets chant!,1a. Match the words with the pictures.,1._ hot 3._ cool 5._ humid 2._ cold 4._ warm,a,b,c,d,e,d,a,e,b,c,1b. Pairwork,A: Hows the weather in picture d? B: Its hot.,d,2c. Pairwork,Hi! Hows itgoing?,Oh, great! What are you doing?,Im reading a book.,3a. Read and underline the things that people are doing. Circle the wordsthat describe the weather.,Thank you for joining CCTVs Around The Worldshow. Today, were in Australia. Its a beautiful, sunny day! There are many people here on vacation. Some are taking photos. Others are lying on the beach. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. They look cool! I am surprised they can play in this heat. This is a very interesting place. The people arereally relaxed!,3b. Look at the pictures of France. Then fill in the blanks.,Its winter in France. The weather is _ and _. People are wearing _ and scarfs. But everyone is having a good time. Friends are _ in restaurants. In a _ , a musician is _ and some boys _. One man is _ a _.,windy,cold,coats,eating/drinking/meeting,park,playing the guitar,are playing soccer,taking,photo,3c. Interview,Where do you want to go? When do you want to go there? Hows the weather there? What do you want to do there?,Report like this:My friend wants to go to It is . He/She wants to Because,Japan,enjoy the flowers,spring,warm,Hawaii(夏威夷),swim,summer,hot,Canada,watch leaves,autumn,cool,America,skiing,winter,cold,4. Survey: What does your friend do in different kinds of weather?,Language Points,


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