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译林版七年级下Unit3 Integrated skills课件 (2)

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译林版七年级下Unit3 Integrated skills课件 (2)

Integrated skills,UNIT 3,Dream about traveling around the world,When I was young, I wanted to be a guide.,Beijing,the capital of China places of great interest (名胜),the Palace Museum,Tiananmen Square,the Great Wall,the Summer Palace,the Palace Museum,Taihe Palace 太和殿,Taihe Palace,golden throne 金色的 御座 龙椅,hold important meetings,Zhonghe Palace 中和殿,Zhonghe Palace is a place for the emperor(皇帝) to have a rest before meetings.,Baohe Palace 保和殿,Baohe Palace,have big dinners,have palace exams,works of art 艺术品,Fengxian Palace奉先殿,clocks and watches,Huangji Palace 皇极殿,Chinese paintings,Come to the Palace Museum! There are many things to see here. Dont miss them. Taihe Palace the golden throneBaohe Palace works of art Huangji Palace Chinese Paintings and many more You learn all about Chinas history at the museum!,The shows at the Palace Museum,10:00 a.m.,11:00 a.m.,2:30 p.m.,1:00 p.m.,10:30 a.m.,Taihe Palace,Baohe Palace,Zhonghe Palace,Huangji Palace,Fengxian Palace,the golden throne,works of art,Chinese paintings,works of art,clocks and watches,Let's listen to their tour guide!,Please correct the mistakes in the notes!,a.m.,watches,Baohe,10:30a.m.,Huangji,Neil is writing an e-mail to his mum. Please read it and complete it.,Dear Mum, I am happy in Beijing today because I visited the_. It is very famous. It has lots of palaces and interesting things _(see) there. Taihe Palace is the highest palace. It is about 27 metres high. The _ throne is in this palace. It is wonderful. There are nice _ of art in Zhonghe Palace and Baohe Palace. In Huangji Palace, I saw some Chinese _. There are some clocks and _ in Fengxian Palace. It is a great day today. I learn a lot about the history of China at the museum. If you visit Beijing next time, dont miss it. Best wishes! Neil,Palace Museum,to see,golden,works,paintings,watches,Simon,Neil,making plans to go out,Simon is inviting Neil to Beihai Park.,Where do they want to go tomorrow?They want to go to the Beihai Park. What can they do there?They can row a boat on the lake. When and where will they meet?They will meet in front of the hotel at 8:30 tomorrow morning.,Listen and answer:,Have a try!,Would you like to invite your partner to go out?,Useful expressions: Would you like to go to ? What can we see there? That sounds great.What time shall we leave? Where shall we meet? ,Lets plan a day out!,What can you do there?,Wuxi Zoo,Wuxi Commercial Mansion,Wanda Cinema,Mashan,A: Would you like to go to Wuxi Zoo this weekend? B: That sounds great. How far is it from our school? A: It takes about 3 hours by bus. B: What can we do there? A: We can see different kinds of animals there. B: Oh, thats wonderful. What time shall we meet? A: What about 8 a.m. this Sunday? B: No problem. But where shall we meet? A: Lets meet at the school gate. B: OK. See you this Saturday.,Plan a day out!!,Now its show time(大显身手) Are you ready?,PK,1,2,4,3,Exercises,5,6,7,8,1.在故宫的一天 2.不要错过他们 3.金色宝座 4.艺术品 5.中国画,a day at the Palace Museum,Dont miss them,the golden throne,works of art,Chinese paintings,Translate the phrases. (5分),Translate the phrases.(5分),6.还有很多 7.划船 8.在你的旅馆前面 9.有许多东西可以看 10.全面了解中国的历史,many more,row a boat,in front of your hotel,There are many things to see.,learn all about Chinas history,1.I like Chinese_(paint)very much. 2.This picture is one of the greatest _ (work)of art in the world. 3.He often _(错过)the early bus in the morning.,paintings,works,misses,Fill in the blanks (3分),Fill in the blanks(4分),4.There are lots of interesting things _(see). 5.What about _ (划船) a boat this weekend? 6.The girl with _ hair is Annie.(gold). 7.There are many _(旅馆) in the town centre.,to see,rowing,golden,hotels,A:Hi,Kitty! B:Hi,Daniel! A:_ B:No.What about you?_ A:Well,Im going to Yancheng zoo.Would you like to go with me? B:Of course._ _ A:We can see the animals there. B:That sounds great._ A:We shall be there at 9 a.m.and have a good time there._ B:OK,thats fine.,What shall we see there?,Do you make a plan for this weekend?,What are you going to do?,What time shall we meet in the morning,So Ill meet you at the school gate at 8 a.m. tomorrow. Lets take a bus there.,(10分),( )1.Jack is busy because he has too much homework _ every day.A. do B.to do C.doing D.to doing ( )2.Dont _ the beginning of the party.A. miss B. catch C.watch D.play ( )3.There are _ things _ today.A.much more; to do B.many more; to doC.much more; doing D,many more; doing ( )4.What _ you do tomorrow,Tom?A.shall B.do C.are D.will ( )5.-_ is the No.2 bus stop?-Its about five minutes on foot from here.A.How long B.How many C.How far D.When,


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