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牛津译林版七年级下册Unit6 task2教学课件

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牛津译林版七年级下册Unit6 task2教学课件

,7B Unit6 Task More of Alice in Wonderland,I decide(决定) to take you to enter(进入)a magic world,magician (魔术师),Magic water,What happened next?,?,followed the rabbit,saw a small door,found a garden,She was too big to go through the door.,She was not small enough to go through.,Alice,She failed(失败),(1) What did the note on the bottle say ?(2) Did she drink the water? What happened?(3) Did she go through the door? Why?(4) What did she see under the table?,Drink me.,Yes. Her body became smaller and smaller.,No. Because she forgot about the key.,A piece of cake.,Read and answer,故事情节发展,Developing of the story,根据故事情节,分段描写,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,Found the water,Drank the water,Forgot the key,Found the cake,Read and match,Alice opened the bottle and drank a little. It tasted sweet. Alice liked it. She drank some more. Then she felt a little ill. She looked down and saw that her body became smaller and smaller.,Write details(细节描写): Make your story interesting,Alice opened the bottle and drank a little. It tasted sweet. Alice liked it. She drank some more. Then she felt a little ill. She looked down and saw that her body became smaller and smaller.,slowly,Adverbs(副词): sadly, happily, quickly, slowly, carefully,Make your writing vivid(生动的).,quickly,Alice opened the bottle and drank a little. It tasted sweet. Alice liked it. She drank some more. Then she felt a little ill. She looked down and saw that her body became smaller and smaller.,Conjunctions(连词):,Make your writing read better(朗朗上口).,(soon, so, when ),Alice saw a bottle on the table and she drank it _. After that, her body became _. So she decided to _ the garden. But she found she forgot the key. Alice went back to the table _ and wanted to reach the key, _ failed, _ she was too small to get it. At this time, she saw a piece of cake under the table.,slowly,smaller and smaller,enter,sadly,but,because,Magic cake,become bigger and bigger,find another key in the cake,?,can fly,Will Alice eat the cake?What will happen to her after that?Where will she go next?What will she see?Will she meet the white rabbit again?,A:,A:,A:,A:,A:,B: ,B: ,B: ,B: ,B: ,Group work: Tell a story,the simple past tense(一般过去时),(1) Did she eat the cake? (2) What happened?,(3) Where did she go? (4) What did she see?,(5) Did she meet the rabbit?,Questions,Expressions,(How did she feel?.),(What did the rabbit say?.),She ate/didnt eat She felt. Her body became,Alice opened She went to She saw,She met The rabbit said,(1)Did she eat the cake? (2)What happened?,(3)Where did she go? (4)What did she see?,(5)Did she meet the rabbit?,Questions,Expressions,(How did she feel?.),(What did the rabbit say?.),She ate/didnt eat She felt. Her body became,Alice opened She went to She saw,She met The rabbit said,Para1,.,.,Para2,Para3,.,How many stars can you get?,With imagination(想象),our life will be full of magic.,Thank you!,Homework,(1) Make your story better. (2) Put the best stories onto the wall and enjoy together.,


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