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(仁爱版)七年级英语上册同步教学课件:Unit 3 Topic 1 Section D

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(仁爱版)七年级英语上册同步教学课件:Unit 3 Topic 1 Section D

,Unit 3 Topic 1 Does he speak Chinese? Section D,Does he speak Chinese?,No, he doesnt. He speaks English.,What does he want to do?,He wants to visit Beijing.,He likes Chinese very much.,pay attention.,Questions and answers with do/does:, Do you come from the USA? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Does he speak Chinese? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. Does Jane like China? Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.,Exercise:,1. He (want/wants) to Beijing. 2. She (like/likes) it a lot. 3. (Does/Do) he speak Chinese?Yes, he (does/do). / No, he doesnt. 4. (Does/Do) Lucy speak Chinese?Yes, she does. / No, she (dont/doesnt).,wants,likes,Does,does,Does,doesnt,A: Excuse , are you from Canada?,A: Is Mr. Brown yourEnglish teacher?,B: Yes, am.,B: Yes, is. Welike very much.,(I/me, he/him),me,I,he,him,(we/us, she/her),A: want to give this letter to Miss Wang. But we dont know . Could you help ?,B: No problem. is the teacher in red.,her,us,She,We,Were in the same class. I like it very much. He lives in England. She is a doctor. so I often help her. Are they your friends? Do you like them? Please help us find him.,Personal Pronouns,用法口诀: 人称代词分两格,主格宾格来分说;主格定把主语作,宾格作宾不会错。,Could you please+动词原形?你能吗? Sure. / Of course. / No problem. 能。 Sorry. 不能。,2. help sb. with sth.help sb. (to) do sth.,3. speak 讲、说(某种语言)He can speak English .,Useful Expressions,A: Excuse me, (could/do) you please tell me your name? B: Sure. My name is Jane.,A: Could you help me with it? B: (No/Not) problem.,could,No,Functions,Functions,A: Do you (like/likes) Chinese?B: Yes, I like it very much/a lot/a little./ No, I dont like it at all.,like,like . very much/a lot,非常喜欢,like . a little (not) like . very much,有点喜欢/不是很喜欢,(not) like . at all,一点也不喜欢,1. They like English very much.2. He likes Chinese a little.3. She doesnt like it at all.,Read the following sentences and match them with pictures on the next page.,I like English very much. I have many English books. I often read them. These books help me a lot with my English. B. I am an actor. I often visit America, Canada and England. I meet a lot of people. Some of them have blond hair and blue eyes. C. Every day I read many letters from my pen pals. These letters are in English. D. I have many friends. They come from America. Some of them can speak Chinese well. They often help me with my English.,A,B,C,D,do/does开头的一般疑问句。 (1)你经常去购物吗? (2)你在这有好朋友吗? (3)你的朋友喜欢英语吗? (4)她讲英语吗? (5)他帮助你学汉语吗?,Have a try!,Sum up,


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