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Section B Period 1 (2a-2c),Unit 7,2a Talk about the pictures below with a partner. Hows the weather? What are the people doing?,a. Its warm and sunny. She is sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.,b. Its cool and cloudy. They are climbing the mountains.,c. Its raining. She is writing a letter in her room.,2b Match each postcard below with the correct picture in 2a.,Dear Jane, Hows it going? Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. Shes working here and Im going to summer school. Im studying English and Im learning a lot. Im also visiting some of my old friends. Im so happy to see them again. Its afternoon right now, and Im sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice. Its warm and sunny, and its very relaxing here. See you soon. Su Lin,To Jane _ _ _,现在,夏季学校,Dear Jane, How is your summer vacation going? Are you studying hard, or are you having a great time in Europe! My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains. I want to call you but my phone isnt working, so Im writing to you. Its hot in your country now, isnt it? The weather here is cool and cloudy, just right for walking. See you next month. Dave,To Jane _ _ _,你暑假过得怎么样?,study hard 努力学习,在欧洲,度假,我的手机现在不能用,你们国家现在天气很热,,不是吗?,正适合步行,2c Fill in the chart with information from the postcards in 2b.,Su Lin,Canada,warm and sunny,visiting her aunt, studying English, visiting old friends, sitting by the pool,Dave,Europe,cool and cloudy,walking in the mountains, writing to Jane,1. have a great time (in) doing sth. 享受做某事、喜欢做某事、玩得愉快 相当于have a good time (in) doing sth. We have a great time (in) playing tennis. 我们打网球打得很开心。,Language points,have a difficult / hard time (in) doing sth. 很吃力 / 很费力地做某事 He is ill in bed for nearly a month, so he has a hard time _ the exam. A. pass B. to pass C. passed D. passing 解析:have a hard time doing sth.“很难做某事”,后面要用动词的-ing形式,所以选D。句意是:“因为他在床上病了将近一个月,所以很难通过考试” 。,2) summer school 指暑假专门开办的学校或开设的课程,类似于我国的“暑假班”或“暑期补习学校”等。类似的还有night school (夜校) 等等。,3. 1) work 用来表示仪器、设备的“运作;运行;工作”。这种情况下,若用于否定结构,大多表示某一物件“坏掉了”或“不运作了”。例如: The clock isnt working now. 现在钟停掉了。,Can I come to your house this evening and watch the NBA game with you? My TV doesnt work. 我能今晚来你家跟你一起看NBA比赛吗?我家电视坏了。 2) write to 表示“给某人写信”。例如: My friend, Tom, often writes to me. Now Im writing to him. 我的朋友汤姆经常给我写信,现在我正在给他写信呢。,4. Its hot in your country now, isnt it? 你们国家现在很热,对吧? 此句是一个陈述内容之后附加了一个简短的疑问部分,来对陈述的内容进行确认。语法把这样的疑问结构称作“附加疑问句”,也称为“反意疑问句”。例如: It is very cold there, isnt it? 那儿很冷,是吧?,2. 1) 现在进行时大多用来表示“当前一段时间手头上正在从事的事情,而非说话的当时正在做的动作。这是现在进行时态的又一主要表意功能。这样使用时,比用一般现在时所写相同概念的句子读起来更加形象、逼真,好像事情就发生在眼前。例如: Im reading an interesting book these days. 这几天我在看一本有趣的书。,拓展:反意疑问句 反意疑问句由两部分构成,前一部分是陈述句,后一部分是一个简略问句。通常前面部分用肯定形式,后面部分用否定形式,前面用否定形式,后面用肯定形式,前后两部分时态要一致。例如: You know her, dont you? 你认识她,不是吗? They wont come, will they? 他们不会来,是不是?,1. -You like pop music, _ you? -Yes, very much. A. arent B. dont C. doesnt D. havent 2. -Hes already back to Australia, _? -No. He is on a visit to Shanghai. A. isnt he B. hasnt C. doesnt he D. has,B,A,Look at the pictures below. Then ask and answer.,Hows the weather? What are you doing? Hows it going?,Its rainy/raining.,Im driving.,Terrible.,Hows the weather? What are you doing? Hows it going?,Its sunny and warm.,We are cleaning.,Not bad.,Its windy and cool.,Im running.,Pretty good!,Hows the weather? What are you doing? Hows it going?,Hows the weather? What are you doing? Hows it going?,Its snowy/snowing.,Im making a snowman.,Great!,. 句型展示 1. 图片d中的天气怎样? the weather picture d? 2. 我在加拿大看望我姑姑, 过得很愉快。 Im a great time my aunt in Canada. 3. 你的暑假过得怎么样? your summer vacation ?,课堂作业一,4. 我想给你打电话, 但电话不工作了, 所以我就给你写明信片了。 I want_ _you but my phone isnt _, so Im_ _you. 5. 你们国家现在很热, 对吧? Its hot in your country now, _ _?,. 单项选择 1. They are having great time in Beijing. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. Lisa is to the summer camp. A. go B. going C. goes D. comes 3. Jenny is visiting some of her friends in Sydney. A. also B. too C. either D. and,课堂作业二,4. The weather is warm and sunny. Its just right hiking. A. to B. at C. for D. to 5. you studying now? Yes, Im studying for a test. A. Do B. Could C. Can D.Are,


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