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1,Unit4 Your first job,2,Objectives 1. grasp the main idea and structure of the text; 2. realize the importance of examples in illustrating ones points; 3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.,UNIT 4,3,Questions: 1.How to Prepare for an Interview ? 2.How to give a good impression for your first job? 3.What is the rule for,Pre-reading tasks,4,During the early Renaissance(欧洲14至16世纪文艺复兴), as international trade revived, Italian money changers once again appeared. They did business in the streets from a bench (banca in Italian; hence the word bank). Florence, Italy, became a great banking center, dominated by the Medici (梅第奇)family. The Medici family, one of the most prominent banking families in Europe during this time, became quite wealthy from its banking and money lending practices.,Background: Banks,5,With the growth of commerce and trade in Northern Europe, the Netherlands(荷兰)became an international financial center. The Bank of Amsterdam(阿姆斯特丹/荷兰首都) was organized in 1609. A chartered public bank(特许银行)was opened in Sweden(瑞典)in 1656. Bank notes were probably first issued in the 1660s by the Bank of Stockholm(斯德哥尔摩/瑞典首都) in Sweden. It was probably the first financial institution in the world to issue standard-size payable-on-demand(随到随付)bank bills, which eliminated the handling of copper coins.,Background: Banks,6,Background: Banks,The Bank of France was founded in 1800. For most of the 19th century the money markets of Europe were dominated by the House of Rothschild. The house was operated by Rothschild and his oldest son, Amschel Mayer, until its dissolution in 1901. The four other Rothschild sons opened bank branches in Vienna, Austria; Naples(那不勒斯), Italy; London, England; and Paris, France. The London and Paris branches are still in operation.,Frankfurt House of Rothschild,7,Background: Churches and churchgoers,The British churchgoer prefers a severe preacher because he thinks a few home truths will do his neighbors no harm. -Attributed to George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright.,Nobody but poor folks get happy in church. -Richard Wright, U.S. novelist.,8,Sentence Understanding,1)Everything about him suggested a carefully dressed authority. -His clothes, his manner, etc. indicated that he was a carefully dressed man who had an important position and power. 2) Now if you will excuse me. This expression is used when one wants to go back to ones work, or to attend to other customers, or just to end the conversation.,9,3) I didnt think twice. I didnt think very carefully. 4) Excuse me? But why/ I dont understand. 5) I had my opening. I found a good chance to or to say something. 6) I moved in for the kill. I began to prepare to kill, destroy or defeat my enemy. He had a strong argument to silence the bank officer.,Sentence Understanding,10,7) How do you explain that? What can you say to get out of this ridiculous logic? 8) Look, were just wasting each others time. You are just talking nonsense. I dont want to listen to you any more. 9) has been shaking the boy down .has been getting money from the boy by using threats 10) Anyway, the police are on the case. Anyway, the police are working on the case.,Sentence Understanding,11,Word Study:,happen to do: occur by chance 我们恰好是邻居。 We happened to be in the neighborhood.,12,Word Study:,13,Word Study:,-ish: 1). somewhat,near to reddish greenish yellowish darkish 2). in the manner offoolish childish boyish womanish snobbish3). of a country Irish Polish Finnish Spanish,fortyish: at about the age of forty,14,Word Study:,15,Word Study:,more than: (colloq.) -very; extremely; beyondThey were more than willing to help. more than:The child was more frightened than hurt.He always seemed old to me, more like a grandfather than a father. no more than: -only; just / -the same as It cost me no more than $5 to buy the book.Hes no more able to read Spanish than I am.,16,Word Study:,think twice about / doing sth: -think carefully before deciding to do sth You should think twice about employing someone youve never met. Once bitten, twice shy. 一次上当,下次小心。 -(saying) after an unpleasant experience one is careful to avoid sth similar Lightning never strike in the same place twice. 同一灾祸不会在同一场所重复发生。 -(saying) an unusual event, or one that happens by chance, is not likely to occur again in the exactly the same circumstances or to the same people.,17,Word Study:,至于其他,我一无所知。 I don't know anything as to the others.,18,Word Study:,19,Word Study:,move in sth: - live, be active, pass ones time, etc. in a particular social group她生活在高级社交圈里。She moves in the highest circles of society.,20,Word Study:,敌人炮兵集中炮火于那个十字路口。 An enemy battery zeroed in on the crossroad.,21,Discussion:,1)How do you understand the authors friends attitude toward banks? The authors friend hates banks, saying that they act like churches. 2) What can banks do for us? And what about churches?Banks keep, land and issue money as well as offer many other financial services such as deposits, loans, exchange, savings, etc They also help to regulate the economy with changes in interest rate in money supply.Churches represent Almighty God; lt has right to tell people what to do and what not to do.,


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