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the foreignizing translation

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the foreignizing translation

The Foreignizing Translation班级:09 级英师三班 姓名:彭珍珍 学号:20094033035摘要:摘要:异化翻译法是翻译策略中的一种重要方法,在翻译中发挥越来越重要的作用,越来 越受翻译界的重视。这种以源语文化为导向的翻译法,使译文冲破目的语常规,保留原文 中的异国情调,把外国文本中的语言文化差异注入目的语中,把读者送到外国去。这有利 于促进文化学习与交流,同时,还能极大地丰富目的语的表达方式,有助于读者扩大视野, 吸收新鲜养分,从而丰富本国文化。但是,异化翻译可能导致译文“不顺”,难以做到翻译 中的“达”或“雅”,甚至可能使读者产生误解或者根本不理解译文的意思。面对异化翻译的 优点和不足,本文着重谈论异化翻译法对文化交流所起的促进作用。而且认为,异化翻译 法会促使不了解异国文化的读者更有兴趣去学习异国文化,而不是逃避差异。异化翻译对 促进文化交流做出了不可磨灭的贡献。Key words: 异化翻译法(foreignizing translation) 源语文化(source language culture) 文化 差异(cultural difference) 文化交流(cultural communication) 异国文化(foreign culture) 源 语文本(source text) 译文(target text)(一一) Introduction Foreignizing translation is a translation strategy which deliberately breaks the target language conventions by retaining the foreignness of the original. It is SL(source language) culture-oriented. The name of foreignizing is first put forward by Lawrence Venuti, an American scholar, but the rudiment of this concept is first seen in 1813 in the speech made by Friedrich Schleiermacher, a German scholar. In the manuscript of the speech called On the Different Methods of Translation, Schleiermacher presented two different ways of translation. He said, “translators either do their best not to disturb the author of the original works and let the readers come close to the author, or not to trouble the readers and make the author close to the readers.”(Schulte & Biguenet, 1992:42). Actually the former part in his words describes Foreignization vividly.According to the definition made by these scholars, we can learn that this translation theory stresses the translated text should be source language culture-oriented. For example, if we translate the famous drama in our country梁山伯与祝英台into Butterfly Lover, we use the strategy of foreignizing in translation. Of course, foreign countries havent the people Liangshanbo and zhuyingtai, but they have the similar love stories, just like, Romeo and Juliet. The centre idea or principle of this strategy is source language culture-oriented, especially in the translation of the “culture-specific-item” (CSI). Only by doing this can the translated text retain the SL culture and transmit the original culture to the foreign readers. However, as we know that translation aims at promoting the transmitting of information between different languages, the foreignizing translation should be practiced with full consideration for the acceptability of the target readers, the text types and the purpose of the source language text. The function and advantages of foreignizing translation: Foreignizing translation is an important strategy in translation. It has a lot of advantages. First, it can transmit fully the culture of the source language to the target language, thus enriching the culture of it. Here I take one of the piece of the translation of the poem硕人as example. The original text is as following:手如柔荑,肤如凝脂,领如蝤蛴,齿如瓠犀,螓首蛾眉,巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮。There is a translated text made by a famous translator.Example: Like lard congealed her skin were tender,Her fingers like soft blades of reeds,Like larva white her neck is slender, Her teeth like rows of melon seeds,Her forehead like a dragonflys ,Her arched brows curved like a bow,Ah! dark on white her speaking eyes,Her cheeks with smiles and dimples glow. (translated by 许渊冲) Obviously the text uses the strategy of foreignizing. This makes the poem硕人full of strong classic flavor, so that the original texts graceful culture can be delivered to the foreign readers. This describes a beautiful picture of an ancient Chinese beauty (or we can call an Eastern beauty). The translator translates the poem by remaining the original texts language style and culture, thus fully transmit our Chinese culture to the foreign readers. While Some scholars worry about the use of foreignizing may create a witch rather than a beauty, so they would like to make some change on the language style and add some other images beyond the source text. But actually this may be not necessary, because by using foreignizing translation, the ideas of the source text can be well expressed and transmitted.There are some other examples of foreignizing in idioms translation. For example: In the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king.盲人国里,独眼为王。 Instead of being translated as 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。Of course, the latter changes the style of the original language though its meaning is similar to the original. However, the former can show the original culture and their foreignness. Other examples like: A living dog is better than a dead lion. 死狮不如活狗 强。An unfortunate man would be drowned in a cup. 人一倒霉,一杯茶也能淹死。The problems and some disadvantages of foreignizing : Foreignizing translation strategy also has some problems or disadvantages in translation. If we translate just for transmit the original texts culture instead of considering the acceptability of the foreign readers, we may misunderstand the readers or even confused them. For examp


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