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,Nowadays it is common to hear people remark that the pace of life today has speeded up, leaving us rushed off our feet. This unit looks at whether we have gained or lost from our fast pace of life and whether anything needs to be done about it. Some argue that the balance between work and leisure has titled too far in favor of work, leaving us little space to enjoy other pursuits and not enough time for family and friends. Do you think so?,The Pace of Life Project,Prof Richard Wiseman has announced the results of an international study in collaboration with the British Council to measure the speed of life. The experiment was conducted by British Council researchers who secretly timed thousands of pedestrians speed of walking in city centres across the globe, including London, Madrid, Singapore, and New York.,A study carried out in the early 1990s demonstrated that pedestrians speed of walking provides a reliable measure of the pace of life in a city, and that people in fast-moving cities are less likely to help others and have higher rates of coronary heart disease. Using identical methods to those employed in the previous work, the present day research teams discovered that the pace of life is now 10% faster than in the early 1990s. The biggest changes were found in the Far East, with the pace of life in Guangzhou (China) increasing by over 20%, and Singapore showing a 30% increase, resulting in it becoming the fastest moving city in the study.,在1990年代早期进行的一项研究中显示行人走路的速度,可以衡量一个城市生活节奏。另外人们生活在快节奏的城市很少会去帮助别人,并有较高比例的冠心病。使用相同的方法,研究小组发现,如今人类的生活节奏已经比1990年代早期提高10%的速度。最大的变化是发现在遥远的东方,生活节奏在广州(中国)以逐年20%的速度增长,新加坡则以30%的速度增长,导致它成为研究中生活节奏增长速度最快的城市。,Prof. Richard Wiseman said: This simple measurement provides a significant insight into the physical and social health of a city. The pace of life in our major cities is now much quicker than before. This increase in speed will affect more people than ever, because for the first time in history the majority of the worlds population are now living in urban centres.,理查德·怀斯曼教授说:这个简单的测量在衡量一个城市物理和社会健康上提供了的重要见解。我们现在城市的生活节奏现比以前快了很多。这种增长的速度将会影响更多的人,因为这是历史上第一次有那么多的人口住在城市中心。,Surprisingly, London ranked outside the top ten, suggesting that many in the capital prefer to live life in the slow lane compared to Copenhagen and Madrid who proved to be the fastest European cities, whilst the Middle East tended to have the slowest pace of life.,令人惊奇的是,伦敦排名在前十位之外,也就是说与哥本哈根和马德里那些被证明是欧洲生活节奏快的城市相比,很多人还是喜欢较慢的生活节奏,而中东往往有较慢的生活的节奏。,The fastest rhythm city in China 中国生活节奏最快的城市,香港,CommentsThe people in there always have a sense of urgency; Everyone has investment ideas; Artists always work instead of love and rest; Part-time job and charge is the two wings of wage-earning class; The type of fast food Newspaper is always the best selling.,评语:危机感长盛不衰;每个人都有投资观念;艺人们永远是为了工作而不敢恋爱和休息;兼职和充电是工薪族的两翼;快餐型报纸总是销量最大。,其他: 电视时间:守着电视的师奶居多,亚洲电视和无线电视的650万观众是港人无开销的休闲方式,但人们更多时候忙得只好在路上听广播,于是这个城市的电台多达13个。 快餐店:中国城市的中西快餐店数香港种类最齐全,麦当劳的广告也全年无休地做 步行速度:“动感之都”绝不是浪得虚名,交通绿灯时播送着马达的声音,每个路口总有一队人等着冲锋。 酒精度:除了兰桂坊,香港人的餐桌上几乎没有酒精度可言,只有麦芽度。 作息时间:朝九晚五,但“开OT”是香港人的口头禅,日均客流量230万人次的地铁每天从上午6时到午夜1时运行,夜店也是人潮汹涌。,上班时间逛街人气:行政效率居亚洲第二的城市很少人上班时间逛街,街上更多是内地游客。今年春节一周内,内地游客在港消费27亿。跳槽频率:香港不跳槽的是公务员。市民随时因为行业景气、公司裁员、增薪挖角而跳槽,18至24岁的年轻人创业率超过30%。身体运动量:运动量偏少,眼病腰病胃病多。手机通话状态:何时何地都可谈工作。婚恋状况:结婚人数大减,离婚高企,单亲家庭比十年前增加7成,趋势是女孩要同居、男孩想结婚;单身派对流行。,苏州,Comments: Foreign investment is the deadly attraction to the migrant workers , its workshop status in the world is ready to shake Dongguan and Shen zhen. Meanwhile, it is the tourists destination. The reason of citys development is working ,most of the piece rates is backing development.,评语:吸引外资是对打工者致命的吸引,它的世界工厂地位正在撼动珠三角的东莞和深圳,这里亦是旅游目的地;工作是这个城市发展的理由,计件工资是大多数人的发展后盾。,其他电视时间:多;电视在这里是大多数工薪族的精神食粮之一。 快餐店:多,但多不过工厂的食堂。 步行速度:有人说苏州好像架在了车轮子上,其实有工业苏州与古典苏州的区别,前者匆匆,后者优雅。 酒精度:偏低,小酌型;十全街的酒味不敌水天堂的茶味。 作息时间:保守型的时间表,按时作息的典范,休息是为了更好地工作。,上班时间逛街人气:旺,集中在观前街和人民路,大多是游客(多过香港),本地人不愿当一六八(苏州下岗工人的代称,其救济金是每月168块,后来有增加)。跳槽频率:一般,因为是外向型经济,企业普遍产销两旺。身体运动量:尚可;有人花钱买健康上健身中心,大多数人的运动只是活络筋骨,把工作当运动。手机通话状态:忙,是一种娱乐休闲方式和社交型消费。婚恋状况:婚介业和婚纱摄影业发达,结婚忙,先成家后立业和先立业后成家的观念并存。,深圳,Comments:It is in the platform of business and high platform of consumption ; Because the moment of inertia of the city development potential energy and the high cost of requirements, the work here is very busy; Leisure reduce the working pressure ; Quite a few people who disgust to work on time choose to create their own career.,评语:处于创业的平台期和消费的高潮期;工作的忙碌来源于城市发展的惯性势能和高消费的要求;休闲成为工作的减压阀;相当多厌于按时上班的人群选择开自己的小型公司、店铺或工作室。,其他电视时间:不多,因为夜生活丰富;而爱看电视者,一则香港频道构成吸引,二则想学粤语,三则想忘记现实压力。快餐店:多,外卖“侵略”了几乎所有的写字楼。发展到网上建立“深圳快餐网”,并有快餐店着手进行英国权威机构BSI的ISO9002和国内卫生和环保权威机构的环保ISO14000认证,要争深圳快餐配送的第一品牌。步行速度:一向以快为傲,但现在算慢了,因为太过拥挤了,市民在街上少不了无法忍受走路太慢的人堵在前面的“人行道之怒”。酒精度:高;这里是北方和南方血统的混合体,北方人能喝,南方人敢喝。作息时间:类似香港的朝九晚五,但夜生活要占用大把睡眠时间,事实上这个城市缺睡。,上班时间逛街人气:旺,因为本城工作形态太多。跳槽频率:高,因为工作机会多。身体运动量:私家车狂增,个人运动量偏少,亚健康状态流行。手机通话状态:煲电话粥的现象普遍;手机成为情感寄托的通道;工作必备。婚恋状况:女多男少,男懒娶女恨(粤语,“渴望”的意思)嫁,情人多过夫妻。,台北,Comments: Most commuting time belongs to the city's nostalgia; After the high-tideperiod growth of economic ,employment in different age have fierce competitions .Wage earners has strong sense of pressure and strong consciousness of self study ; A part of people devote themself to make the business more cultural; Tourism and play in different way become the export of escape from work.,


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