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CET6 Translation,考点一定语从句 we can say a lot of things about those who dedicate/devote/contribute their life to poems(毕生致力于诗歌的人) they are passionate, impulsive, and unique. 主要知识点:“致力于” dedicate /devote /contribute sth to,考点二,虚拟语气 1 If you had followed my sincere advice /suggestion, you would not have been in trouble ,(you would not have put yourself in trouble).(听从了我的忠告,你就不会陷入麻烦) 与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句, 条件用过去完成时,主句要用过去将来完成时。 “听从忠告“ follow one's advice “陷入麻烦“ be in trouble / fall in trouble 2 But for mobile phones, our communication would not have been so rapid and convenient.(我们的通信就不可能如此迅速和方便)考点 :but for 表示虚拟 “迅速”可用prompt / rapid,3 The manager could have attend the meeting in person /himself ,(本可以亲自参加会议)but he was called away for some urgent business abroad. 考点:与过去事实相反应用 could have done 4 Most educators advise that kids should not indulge in computer games.(不要沉溺与电脑游戏)考点:advise/demand/desire/suggest+宾语从句虚拟语气结构; 应用 should + 动词原形 5 Oh, my god ,I can not find my key , I must have left it somewhere.(我一定是把它忘在哪儿了) 考点:过去发生事的肯定猜测 虚拟语气:must have done,考点三,时态 1 The problems of blacks and women have received/ got great attention from the public in the recent decades.(最近几十年受到公众相当大的关注) 考点: 现在 完成时的用法 受到关注 receive/get/gain/attract attention from 表示程度相当大经常用 considerable/great 2 Mary could not have received my letter, otherwise /or she would have replied to me last week.(否则她上周就该回信了) 考点:过去将来完成时 “回信” reply,3 Nancy is supposed to have finished the chemical experiments(做完化学实验) at least two weeks ago. 4 Business major as he is, he has never considered working as a salesperson.(从未考率从事推销员的工作)考点:现在完成时,考点四 “It” 的用法 1 “it” 做形式宾语 She has decided to go on a diet ,but finds it hard to resist the temptation of ice cream.(很难抵制冰淇淋的诱惑) 考点:V+ it +adj/n to do sth 形式宾语 真正的宾语 2“it”做形式主语(1)How long dose a jacket like this last me ? It depends on how often you wear it?(这要看你多长时间穿一次)(2)It never occurs to their son .(他们的儿子从未想过)to leave them and strike out on his own though he is in his late twenties.,考点五,倒装结构 1 Not until the deadline did he send out /It was not until the deadline that he sent out his application form.(直到截止日他才寄出)考点:not until 位于句首用倒装 2 Only in the small town is he able to feel secure and relaxed.(他才感到社会安全和放松)考点:only 置于句首修饰状语主谓应倒装 3 The witness was told that under no circumstances should he lie to the court.(他都不应该对法院说谎) He assured his friend that under no circumstances would he break his promise of returning the money.(他会违背还钱的承诺)考点:under no circumstances 放于句首作状语应使用部分倒装,类似短语还有 in no case, on no occasion, not until,4 Never once has the old couple quarreled with each other (老两口互相争吵)since they were married. Only when I reached my thirsties did I realize that reading could not be neglected.(我才意识到读书是不能被忽视的) 考点:never /no /few /little /hardly /scarecely /rarely/ no sooner /seldom /not only /only 位于句首,用部分倒装(谓语、助动 词前置),考点六,动词结构 1With tears on her face, the lady watched her injured son being sent into the surgery/emergency room.(看着他受伤的儿子被送进手术室) 考点:动词+宾语+宾语补足语 一般为感官动词和使役动词,如see watch have 2 After the terrorist attack, tourists have been advised/suggested not to make a trip to that country for the time being.(被劝告暂时不要去该国旅游) 考点:advise+宾语+to do 结构的被动句式 短语积累:for the time being(暂时),3 The auto manufacturer found themselves competing with overseas/foreign companies for market share.(正在同外国公司竞争市场的份额) 考点:find sb. doing sth.(发现某人正在做某事) 4 (1) It is absolutely unfair that these children be deprived of the right to receive education 或 be denied the right to receive education .(被剥夺了受教育的权利)(2) I don't think it advisable that parents deprive children of their freedom to spend their spare time as they wish.(剥夺孩子们的自由) 考点:deprive sb. of sth.(剥夺),5 The Foreign Minister said he was resigning, but refused to make further explanation.(但他拒绝进一步解释这样做的原因) 考点: refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 further 表示进一步的用法 6 With the oil prices ever rising, she tried to talk him out of buying a car.(说服他不买车) 考点:talk sb. out of doing sth 说服某人不要做某事,考点七,名词结构1 Older adults who have a high level of daily activities have more energy and a lower death rate than /compared with those who dont .(与不那么活跃的人相比死亡率要低) 考点:1) a lower death rate 与 more energy 平衡 2) than/compare with 与相比,短语词汇,1 Your resume should attract a would-be boss's attention by demonstrating why you are the best candidate for a certain position. (为什么你是某个职位的最佳人选) 考点:1)最佳人选 the best candicate2)特定职位 a certain position3)why 引导的原因状语从句 2 It was very dark, but Mary seemed to know which way to take by instinct / instinctly . (本能地知道该走哪条路) 考点:1)which引导的宾语从句做know的宾语2)by instinct / instinctly 本能地 3 The theory he advanced has proved to be a challenge to many traditional concepts/notions(对许多传统概念的一种挑战) 考点: a challenge to 对的一种挑战 traditional concepts/notions 传统概念 4 Both research and practical experience have shown that a balanced diet is indispensable to health. (均衡的饮食对健康是必不可少的) 考点: indispensable / essential to 对是必不可少的 balanced diet 均衡的饮食,


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