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全新版大学英语综合教程3 unit6 textB

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全新版大学英语综合教程3 unit6 textB

Unit 6 Text B,Thank you,Ma'm,Thank you,Ma'm,Lecture Outlines:, Text background Word Structure Sentences,Thank you,Ma'm,Hughes was born in Missouri QiaoPuLin city in1, February 1902. From “harlem Renaissance“ era began writing, he had a “new Negro movement“, the effects of the early writing with a nationalist and aesthetic tendency. The early 1930 s, the American economic depression and the world-famous framed up black case “test, Bob's LuoAn“ raised his consciousness. 1902年2月1日,休斯生于密苏里州的乔普林市。从“哈莱姆文艺复兴”时代开始创作,他受过“新黑人运动”的影响,早期创作带有民族主义和唯美主义倾向。20世纪30年代初的美国经济大萧条和举世闻名的诬害黑人案件“斯考茨勃罗案”提高了他的觉悟。,Thank you,Ma'm,He have been to the Soviet union and China, has been the reporter to participate in the Spanish civil war.Through the close to workers' movement, his position gradually turned to the revolution side. After The second world war, he turned to the creation of the reality, and wrote out a sing praise to workers' movement, against racial discrimination works.他曾到过苏联和中国,曾以记者身份参加西班牙内战,通过接近工人运动,他的立场逐渐转向革命一边。二战,他的创作转向现实,写出了歌颂工人运动、反对种族歧视的作品,Thank you,Ma'm,On the general tendency for, hughes life activities is the literature with him of age in American Negro movement closely linked, with the black fate is closely linked. Hughes' creation true and profound reflect the black American social life and poured out their suffering and poignant, joy and hope, as well as to the pursuit of freedom, democracy and desire.从总的倾向来说,休斯一生的文学活动都是同他所处的时代的美国黑人运 动紧密相连,同广大黑人的命运息息相关。休斯的创作真实而深刻地 反映了美国黑人的社会生活,倾诉了他们的苦难与辛酸、欢乐与希 望,以及对自由、民主的追求与渴望。,Thank you,Ma'm,In this article, the author of the ground floor of Negro life is lived depict, while he is also given to the good characters and sympathy. His works are spoken English and idioms, is the representation of the real life. This paper reveals the truth of the world, the figure description of lifelike, for “small“ and “great“.在这篇文章中,作者对美国底层黑人生活的刻画可谓入木三分,同时他也赋予了对笔下人物的好感和同情。他的作品多口语和习语,是真实生活的再现。本文揭示了人间的真情,人物描写的栩栩如生,因“渺小”而“伟大”,Thank you,Ma'm,snach n.片段 vt. 1.夺,夺走 eg:The robber snatched her purse and ran off.2.一下子拉,一把抓住 3.抓住机会做,抽空做eg:Peter is quick at snatghing an opportunity.相关词组:snatch at 试图抓住make a snatch at 抢夺by snatches 断断续续地,Thank you,Ma'm,strapn.带,皮带 eg: Fasten the straps round the box.用带子把箱子捆牢。vt. 1.用带扣住,束牢,捆住 eg:He strapped a bag onto his back.他背上捆了一只包。2. 用绷带包扎eg:Keep your leg strapped until the wound is better.把你的腿包扎起来直到伤口好些。相关词组:give sb. the strap 鞭打某人strap sth. on/up 用带捆住、束住某物,Thank you,Ma'm,tugv.用力拖 n.1.拖船 2.猛拉,牵引eg:They tugged the abandoned car out of the street.他们把弃车拖离街道I felt a tug at my sleeve.我感觉有人拉了一下我的袖子相关词组:tug at 用力拉,拖拽tug of war 拔河比赛 give sth. a tug 用力拉某物,Thank you,Ma'm,stoopvi.1.弯腰,俯身 2.堕落到,降低身份(做某事)n.弯腰eg:She stooped to pick up the pebble.她俯身去捡小石子。Don't stoop to quarrel with him.不要降低身份跟他吵嘴。My grandfather walks with a stoop.我爷爷走路时弓着。 搭配:stoop to sth./doing sth. 堕落到做出某事walk with a stoop 走路弓着背,Thank you,Ma'm,frailadj.1.身体虚弱的 eg:His health is very frail.他的身体很虚弱。2.不牢固的,易损坏的 eg:The bridge is a frail wooden stucture.这座桥是木质结构,很不结实。扩展:frailty n.脆弱,虚弱;弱点,缺点,Thank you,Ma'm,popvi.1.突然出现,发生 2.发出砰的声音 n. 流行音乐(pop musiic)eg:A wonderful idea popped into his head.他突然想起了一个绝妙的注意。furnishvt.1.布置,为.配备家具 2.供应,提供,装备搭配:furnish sth. with sth. 为.配备.furnish sb. with 向某人提供,Thank you,Ma'm,deviln .1.魔鬼,恶魔 2.家伙,人搭配:speak/talk of the devil 说曹操,曹操就到go to the devil 滚开,见鬼去吧have the luck of the devil 鸿运当头,Thank you,Ma'm,短语: lose one balance 失去身体平衡 eg:He lost his balance and fell down. 相关短语: keep one's balance 保持平衡 on balance 总的来说 balance the budget 使收支平衡,Thank you,Ma'm,get/be through with 1.结束,完成eg:I will be through with my work next week.下周我将完成工作 2.戒除,戒掉eg:He says he's through with drugs but it's just not that easy.他说他已经戒掉了毒品,但并没有那么容易。,Thank you,Ma'm,at the rear of 在.的后部 eg:The garage is at the rear of the building.车库在建筑物的后边 相关搭配:bring up the rear 处于最后的位置front and rear 在前后hang on the rear of 跟在.的后面伺机攻击,Thank you,Ma'm,in contact with 与某人在接触(或联系中)相关短语:out of contact with 与.失去联系switch on/off 打开/关掉get/have.in common 共有相关短语:in common with 与.一样out of the common 不寻常的grab/take/catch hold of 抓住,Structure,Parts Paragraphs Main ideasA boy tried to seize the handbagPart 1 Para.120 of lady,but the lady found and caught him.Much to the boy's surprise,he had Part 2 Part 2141 a lesson taught by the lady about how to behave in the day after.Part 3 Part.42 The boy was eventually moved by the lady.,


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