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冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 5《Lesson 30 A Cookie Sale》ppt课件(第一套课件)

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冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 5《Lesson 30 A Cookie Sale》ppt课件(第一套课件)

教学重点:,教学难点:,通过学习本课的passage培养学生的助人为乐品质 本课passage的句意的准确理解,1. 固定表达在句中的实际运用 2. Elementary school的理解,What event or activity from this school is most memorable to you?,2. What did you do before helping someone?,Think about it!,Read the second e-mail and answer the questions.,How does Li Mings school help another school in a village every year?How can they make money this year?Do you think Li Mings classmates will support the idea? Why or why not?,They send books to another school in a village.,They can open a shop and sell cookies that made by themselves to make money.,Yes, they will. Because its interesting and useful.,The words or phrases in italics are from this lesson. Tick the correct answers to make the sentences meaningful.,1. Thomas Edison was the to make the electric bulb. It was his invention.first second2. You speak English than before. You really improved a lot.poorer better3. If a person or a thing you, it is dangerous. hurts touches,4. The students think Ms. Lius idea is , so they all support her.boring great5. Brian sold out of his cookies, so he .doesnt have any cookies nowstill has some cookies now,Listen and fill in the blanks:Recently, Jenny, Danny and Brian _ some money for their school basketball team. Brian _ cookies . Jenny made a _ for their cookie _. They _ _ of the cookies in _ _ an hour. Danny is _ . He invented a new product. Everyone thinks its too _ to do homework on a bicycle, so nobody bought it. He really needs to _ his invention.,raised,baked,poster,sale,sold out,less than,crazy,dangerous,improve,Practice,Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the proper articles.,In 2000, Bill Gates read _ book about _ bad disease that kills many people in poor countries. _disease is called TB, and it kills millions of people every year. There is _ medicine that can help people with TB, but it is too expensive for poor people. So Bill Gates decided to buy _ medicine for them. He gave away 21 billion dollars. That is _ lot of money! Gates thinks that it is right for rich people to help poor people. “I am _ very lucky man,” he says. “_ people in poor countries are very unlucky. I must help them.”,a,a,The,a,the,a,a,The,Talk about,Is it important to help pupils who dont have enough money to go to school? 2. What can we do for that?,Give us your hands Show us your love,Reading in the reader.The main exercises in the activity book.,Homework,


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