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重型卡车制动系统-中英文版 2015-10

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重型卡车制动系统-中英文版 2015-10

0,Chassis Department of C&C Trucks Co., Ltd. Research Institute 2015年9月 September, 2015,制动系统简介,Brake System Introduction,第一部分 概述 Chapter 1 Overview 第二部分 制动系统构造 Chapter 2 Brake System Construction 第三部分 制动系统工作原理 Chapter 3 Operating Principle of Brake System 第四部分 制动系统主要部件功用及工作原理 Chapter 4 Functions and Operating Principle of Main Brake System Components 第五部分 制动系统装配调校注意事项 Chapter 5 Precaution for Assembling and Adjustment of Brake System 第六部分 制动系统故障及排除 Chapter 6 Brake System Problems and Troubleshooting,1,目录 Contents,1、制动系的功用:Functions of Brake System: 使行驶的汽车减速或停车; Decelerate or stop the running vehicle; 使下坡行驶的汽车车速保持稳定; Keep the speed stable when the vehicle is driven on the downhill; 使已停驶的汽车在原地(包括在斜坡上)驻留不动。 Leave the stopped vehicle in original location (including on the slope). 2、制动系的类型: Types of Brake System: 行车制动:通过操纵制动踏板实现 Service brake: it is achieved by operating the brake pedal 驻车制动:通过操纵驻车制动手柄实现 Parking brake: it is achieved by operating the parking brake handle 应急制动:与驻车制动相结合,通过操纵驻车制动手柄实现 Emergency brake: Combining with the parking brake, it is achieved by operating the parking brake handle 辅助制动:通过操纵驾驶室内辅助制动按钮实现 Supplemental brake: it is achieved by operating the supplemental brake button in the cab 3、制动系的组成: Components of Brake System: 供能装置:如空压机、储气筒等 Supply device: such as air compressor, air reservoir 控制装置:如制动踏板、手阀等 Control device: such as brake pedal, parking brake 传能装置:如各控制阀及管路元件等 Transmission device: such as various control valves and pipe components 执行装置:如制动器等 Execution device: such as brake,2,一、概述 Chapter 1 Overview,3,驻车手阀+挂车手阀 Parking Brake + Trailer Parking Brake,前盘式制动器+气室 Front Disc Brake + Air Chamber,挂车连接头及管路 Trailer Connector and Pipeline,制动大管束及散管 Big Brake Pipe Bundle and Separate Pipes,后ABS电磁阀 Rear ABS Solenoid Valve,前ABS电磁阀 Front ABS Solenoid Valve,挂车阀 Trailer Valve,空压机 Air Compressor,制动踏板+脚阀 Brake Pedal + Service Brake,制动硬管Brake Hard Pipe,限压阀 Relief Valve,四回路Four-circuit,干燥器 Dryer,差动阀Differential Valve,继动阀Relay Valve,后桥盘式制动器及制动气室 Rear Axle Disc Brake and Brake Chamber,储气筒模块 Air Reservoir Module,排气制动蝶阀Exhaust Brake Butterfly Valve,二、制动系统构造 Chapter 2 Brake System Construction,多通接头 Multi-way Connector,前继动阀 Front Relay Valve,储气筒 Air Reservoir,适配阀 Adaptation Valve,挂车ABS电磁阀 ABS For Trailer,变速箱+缓速器 Transmission and Retarder,储气筒 Air Reservoir,联合卡车制动系统整车布置简图 Complete Vehicle Layout of C 执行元件即气路终端制动器及相关执行气路。 Executive components are the brakes at the end of the air circuits and the relevant executive air circuits.,4,执行元件部分 Executive Component Part,供能元件部分 Supply Component Part,控制元件部分 Control Component Part,联合卡车制动系统工作原理详见下图(以4×2牵引车为例) 1. See the following drawing for the operating principle of C&C trucks brake system (take 6×4 tractor for example),从图中可以看出,整个制动气路大致可分为:行车制动、驻车制动、辅助制动及其余辅助用气等。下面将分别对这几种制动方式的工作原理作以详细介绍。 As seen from the drawing, the whole brake air circuit is roughly divided into: service brake, parking brake, supplemental brake, other auxiliary air and ect Next, the operating principles of these braking methods will be described in detail.,5,三、制动系统工作原理 Chapter 3 Operating Principle of Brake System,6,a.行车制动:Service Brake: 联合卡车行车制动采用双回路气压制动系统。即前行车制动回路和后行车制动回路,二者彼此独立。见下图线条加粗部分,其中红色代表前行车制动回路,绿色代表后行车制动回路。 The C&C truck service brake uses the double-circuit pneumatic brake system. It includes the front service brake circuit and the rear service brake circuit, which are independent. As shown by the bold lines in the drawing, the red represents the front service brake circuit, the green represents the rear service brake circuit.,脚阀 Service Brake,踏板 Pedal,制动气室 Brake Chamber,制动器 Brake,行车制动操纵装置 Service Brake Operating Device,行车制动执行装置 Service Brake Execution Device,7,当需要车辆减速或遇红绿灯等其余路况需要临时停车时,驾驶员踩下制动踏板,顶杆下移,推动制动总阀8的顶杆座下移,消除排气间隙,制动总阀排气阀门关闭,进气阀门被打开,这时由后桥储气筒4过来的控制气流经制动总阀上腔流向后继动阀10的控制口,通过气流压力打开继动阀进气阀门,这时由后桥储气筒过来的供能气流便经继动阀进出气口,到后桥行车气室14,从而实现中后桥的行车制动; When it is necessary to decelerate the vehicle or stop it temporarily as encountering the traffic light or other road conditions, the driver depresses the brake pedal, the push rod is moved downward, the push rod seat of the brake valve 8 is pushed downward to eliminate the exhaust clearance, the exhaust valve of the brake valve is closed and the intake valve is opened. At this time, the controlled air flow from the rear axle air reservoir 4 passes through the upper chamber on the brake valve, flowing into the control port of the rear relay valve 10, the intake valve of the relay valve is opened by the air flow pressure, then the supply air flow from the rear axle air reservoir passes through the inlet and the outlet of the relay valve, flowing into the rear axle service brake chamber 14, it achieves the service braking of the center rear axle. 与此同时,由前桥储气筒5过来的控制气流经制动总阀下腔流向前继动阀10的控制口,通过气流压力打开继动阀进气阀门,这时由后桥储气筒过来的供能气流便经继动阀进出气口,到前桥制动气室13,实现前桥行车制动。 At the same time ,the controlled air flow from the front axle air reservoir 5 passes through the lower chamber on the brake valve, flowing into the control port of the front relay valve 10, the intake valve of the relay valve is opened by the air flow pressure, then the supply air flow from the front axle air reservoir passes through the inlet and the outlet of the relay valve , flowing into the front axle brake chamber 13, achieving the service braking of the front axle. 对于牵引车,由制动总阀过来的行车制动控制气流同时流向挂车阀17控制口,控制挂车制动。 For the tractors, the service brake controlled air flow from the brake valve flows into the control port of the trailer valve 17 to control the trailer brake.,


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