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Chapter 1 A letter from a pen-friendReadingKnowledge objectives: 1.To learn how to meet and describe people. 2.To learn to guess the meaning of new vocabulary according to the context. 3.To learn to understand the whole meaning of the text by asking and answering some questions. Skill objectives: 1.To use pair work to study new words . 2.To use scanning and skimming to improve their reading ability. 3.To use tasks to train students cooperative habits. Emotional objectives: 1.To learn to be friendly to other people. Points: How to teach new vocabulary efficiently in class. Difficulties: To use different ways to let most of the students be interested in reading and learn how to read.Period 1Warm-up: 1.Revision about the words and their explanation. (competition) want to=would like to likebetter than=preferto be good at= does well in well-known= famous very small= tiny not safe= dangerous have a good time= enjoy oneself though= although notany longer= no longer make sick people better=doctor Pre-reading preparation: 1.Introduce two new characters appeared in the cartoon. The boy is called Hi, do you know why ? Because he is high or tall. The robot is called Lo,because he is low or short. We wiil meet them in every chapter. They will make some jokes or puns and tell us what we will learn in this chapter. 2.Look at the picture in the cartoon and read the dialogue between the two characters. (pair work) 3.Learn to use English to explain the meaning of pen-friend= someone you write letters to as a hobby. 4.Discuss the meaning of cartoon and share opinions. (they can use Chinese to explain when necessary) 5.summarize the cartoon: Hi and Lo are thinking of the meaning of Pen-friend in two different ways. The boy is thinking of the meaning we have just learnedsomeone you write letters to, but Lo is thing of a friend who is a pen. Thats funny, isnt it? 6.Read the dialogue in groups and ask: what is the topic of this chapter?Pen-friend. While-reading procedure:1.One thing which we often write about in a letter to pen-friends is sports. Can you tell the names of various sports? 2.Look at the exercise 1 on P2. Look at the picture and match them with their names. rugby橄榄球, hocky- 曲棍球 3.Read them and discuss which sport is your favorite sport, why? 4.Take a look at the text and tell why it is a letter and not a story or a poem. Introduce the normal formats of writing an English letter. Do Exercise B Look and think: explain the meaning of any words in this exercise: title(标题), signature(签名), greeting(问候语), top right corner(右上角). 5.Tick the things that you can see in this text. Check answers together. Post-reading activity: Listen to the recording and do Exercise B2, when listening is finished, the exercise should be done as well. Assignment: 1.Listen to the recording twice. 2.Copy new vocabulary. 3.*Write three reasons about your favorite sport.Period 2Warm-up: 1.read and spell Pre-reading preparation: 1.A letter should have an address at the top-right corner, a date under the address, a signature at the end and a greeting. (Revision) 2.Find the information in the letter in Ex B2 as quickly as you can .(competition) 3.Check answers individually. While-reading procedure: 1.Listen to the recording and circle the new words. 2.Let students work in groups and help each other to explain these new words. Teacher gives help if necessary. 3.Look at the board and match the meaning with the correct words. 4.Read the new words after the teacher and students repeat them one by one. 5.Do ExC2 on P5. choose the correct meaning from two. It is not difficult for them to do. So check answers in the whole class. 6.There are four paragraphs in the letter. Skim the text and match the synopsis with each paragraph. Post-reading activity: Divide the class into four groups and have a discussion. Try to ask some questions according to each paragraph. Then do “ask and answer” in competition. Assignment: 1.Copy new vocabulary and their explanations.2.Listen to the recording and read after it twice. 3.*Choose one paragraph and recite it.Period 3Warm-up: 1. Competition: Hot seat! (Listen to the meaning and speak out the right word as soon as possible) Pre-reading preparation: 1.Read the news words together. 2.When we meet a new word, you can tell its meaning by reading all the words around it. This is a good way to read articles and it is much quicker than looking it up in the dictionary. Look at the example on P4. 3.Use this way to complete the exercise in ExC1. Read and think first before you ask or use the dictionary. Try to guess the meaning with the words or sentences around it . Check answers individually. While-reading procedure: 1.Read the first paragraph after the recording and tick the things that Sidney actually mentions in his letter.( Ex D: find the facts) 2.Read the other two paragraphs and complete the table.Family membersnationalityBirth o


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