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2017湖南中考面对面 英语 语法专题突破 专题八 动 词 (共48张ppt)

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2017湖南中考面对面 英语 语法专题突破 专题八 动 词 (共48张ppt)

第二部分 语法专题突破,专题八 动 词,第一节 动词的分类及辨析,命题点一 动词语境辨析,命题点二 近义动词辨析,第二节 动词短语,考点精讲,第一节 动词的分类及辨析 命题点一 动词语境辨析,分析湖南各地市近3年中考真题可知, 动词语境辨析是完形填空的必考点(14道), 单项填空中偶尔考查。选项设置:完形填空中以3个实义动词的语境辨析为主, 单项填空主要考查系动词的用法辨析(2016郴州22题,2015张家界30题)。,现学现用,1. Its said that this kind of tofu smells terrible. Thats true. But it _ delicious. A. feels B. sounds C. tastes 2. Jiang Dunhaos songs _ very wonderful and he became the winner of Sing!China in 2016. A. looked B. sounded C. smelled,C,B,3. The meat on the plate _ so delicious. Lets taste it together. A. smells B. feels C. sounds 4. Dreams are beautiful. However, to _ them needs lots of time and work. A. advise B. find C. achieve,A,C,5. Fresh food is good for you. But you have to _ it first because sometimes it is a little dirty. A. stop B. plant C. wash,C,6. Whats wrong with Simon? He isnt at school today. His legs hurt. He was _ by a motorcycle this morning. A. treated B. hit C. operated 7. The movie is so interesting that I dont _ seeing it again tomorrow. A. hate B. mind C. like,B,B,8. The running water makes the stones _ very smooth. A. sound B. taste C. feel 9. Do you _ that Anna has been a little upset these days?Yes, she didnt even say a word this afternoon. A. hear B. notice C. touch,C,B,10. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and I didnt _ him at first. A. recognize B. promise C. teach 11. The school network will be shut down for safety reasons. That doesnt _ me at all. Im not a net worm, anyway. A. satisfy B. surprise C. worry,C,A,12. We dont have enough books for everyone, so youll have to _. A. share B. explain C. belong,A,考点精讲,命题点二 近义动词辨析,分析湖南各地市近3年中考真题可知, 单项填空和完形填空中偶尔会考查近义动词辨析, 如“说”(tell, talk, speak与say)和“花费”(take, cost, spend与pay)。,以下为几组常见的近义动词辨析: 说:speak, tell, talk 与say 【具体讲解详见本书P19】 2. 看:watch, look, see与read 【具体讲解详见本书P11】 3. 拿:bring, take, get与carry 【具体讲解详见本书P24】,4. 给:give, offer, provide与supply 【具体讲解详见本书P46】 5. 花费:spend, pay, take与 cost 【具体讲解详见本书P30】 6. 听:listen, hear与sound 【具体讲解详见本书P24】,7. 到达:reach, arrive与get to 【具体讲解详见本书P46】 8. 借:borrow, lend与keep 【具体讲解详见本书P68】 9. 发现:discover, invent与create 【具体讲解详见本书P86】,10. 分开:separate与divide 【具体讲解详见本书P109】 11. 赢:win与beat 【具体讲解详见本书P20】 12. 实现:achieve与come true 【具体讲解详见本书P20】 13. 发生:happen与take place 【具体讲解详见本 书P20】,现学现用,13. It was such a long way that they didnt _ the hotel until it got dark. A. reach B. arrive C. get 14. Its reported that Chinese _ more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat. A. spend B. take C. pay,A,A,15. There was something wrong with my phone. I couldnt _ you clearly. A. listen B. sound C. hear 16. Where did you get the CD?From my friend. And I have _ it for three days. A. borrowed B. kept C. lent,B,C,17. Would you please _ me that book?OK. Wait a moment. A. bring B. take C. carry,A,考点精讲,分析湖南各地市近3年中考真题可知, 基本上每年都会在单项填空或完形填空中考查1道动词短语。,对动词短语的考查分为三种形式:1. 相同动词不同介词/副词(2016年3次, 2015年7次, 2014年6次),第二节 动词短语,2. 不同动词不同介词/副词(2016郴州27题, 2015年2次, 2014益阳39题)3. 不同动词相同介词/副词(2016年4次, 2015年2次, 2014年2次)常见的动词短语如下:,相同动词不同介词/副词,不同动词相同介词/副词,现学现用,1. Do you know our new manager?Yes. He _ to be my brothers friend. A. turns up B. turns in C. turns out,C,turn短语,2. Could you _ the computer for me, dear? I want to check my e­mails. Certainly, Ill do it right away. A. turn on B. turn down C. turn off,A,3. Never _ till tomorrow what should be done today. A. put off B. put up C. put on 4. Sir, its a no­smoking area here. Could you please _ your cigarette?Sorry, I will do it right now. A. put out B. put away C. put down,A,put短语,A,5. _ the past three years, I can remember many wonderful memories. A. Looking up toB. Looking forward toC. Looking back at,C,look 短语,6. Helen is going to work in an old peoples home to help _ the old people. A. look for B. look after C. look through,B,7. What do you plan to do after the entrance examination?Id like to _ a new hobby to make my free time colorful. A. take away B. take out C. take up 8. Little Tom is an honest boy. He never _ people around him. A. takes off B. takes in C. takes down,C,take 短语,B,9. Many rich people are willing to _ some of their property to the charities after their death. A. give up B. give out C. give away 10. In spring, many flowers _ a nice smell. Its the time to have a trip around. A. give back B. give in C. give off,C,give 短语,C,11. Maybe after three years, you will _ your dream college. So work hard now!A. get over B. get in C. get up,


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