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嘉兴城乡一体化公共图书馆 服务体系之发展,20106,评估与创新,Development of Jiaxing Library and Local Library Network:,- Innovations and AssessmentJiaxing Library Mingli Zhang June,2010 Lanzhou,评 估影响与贡献 Evaluation Influence and Contribution, 媒体宣传, 政府推广, 专家研究,Medium publicity Government promoting Expert research,创 新观念与制度 InnovationsIdeas and systems,观念创新:前瞻性的视野,试点政府行为业界关注 媒体宣传政府推广专家研究 推动文化政策研究,过 程:,Innovations-Prospects,Process: experimental unitgovernmental actionconcern from professionalsmedium publicitygovernment promotingexpert researchstrenthening the studies of cultural policies, 整合各类社会资源 共同推动图书馆事业发展,Integrating various social resourcesJointly advance the development of the librarianship, 以城带乡共同发展的总分馆模式 是遵循图书馆事业规律的必然选择,国外总分馆制: 公共图书馆服务体系的较好形式优点: 资源共享普遍均等最有可能实现以最小的投入获得最大的效益 。,Main and branch libraries of joint development of urban and rural areas is inevitable,Model abroad: good form of service system of public library Advantages: resource sharingequalizationIt is most possible to achieve the goal of minimum cost and maximum effect,必须研究如何把西方成熟的图书馆学理论和中国的国情相结合,走出一条符合中国特色的总分馆之路。 不墨守成规、尊重规律、尊重现实、积极探索是任何事业成功的基础。,研 究 和 探 索,Research and Exploration,To combine Chinas current situations and mature western library theories and find a way that best suits the development of Chinese main-branch libraries, 社会需求是推动公共文化 服务体系发展的根本动力,嘉兴乡镇分馆发挥的社会效益事实上破解了相当多的政府领导干部甚至是部分图书馆人对农村是否有对公共图书馆服务需求的疑虑,破解了长期以来乡镇分馆建设关闭再建设再关闭这一困扰政府和社会认为在中国乡镇图书馆难以持续发展的难题,Social needs are the driving force to promoting public cultural service system,结 论,乡镇分馆建设前农村不是没有对公共图书馆的需求,而是在农村没有图书馆或没有吸引读者的图书馆,需求无法实现。,Conclusion,There is no library or library good enough to arouse readers interest in the countryside before the construction of main-branch libraries, so the readers needs are not fulfilled.,广大农村有着对公共图书馆服务的巨大需求,这是推动公共图书馆服务体系发展的根本动力,也是社会各界形成共识支持图书馆事业发展的重要原因。Huge demands of the villagers are the driving force to promoting public cultural service system.,制度创新:突破体制束缚Innovations of the systemrelease from the conventional systems,公共文化服务模式的一个创新 李长春 Innovation of the public cultural service system Li Changchun,李长春视察大桥分馆时讲话,有利于改变城乡公共文化服务二元结构,很好地体现公益性、基本性、便利性、均等性,保障了人民群众基本文化权益。这个经验在全国有普遍意义,值得在全国推广。,Lis Speech in Visiting Daqiao Branch Library,It is good for transforming the dualistic structure of the public cultural service system in rual and urban areas, ensuring peoples basic cultural rights., 体制创新根据嘉兴现状寻求最佳发展 模式是乡镇分馆建设成功的重要原因,寻求一条既能够打破现行城乡二元结构的公共图书馆建设体制又能够适应现行体制需要的发展之路,寻求一条能够得到政府主导具有现实可操作性的模式才是成功之道。,Innovation of the System,-The reason that the construction of branch libraries in urban and rural areas succeed, 适应“分级行政”“分灶吃饭”的现行行政与财政体制,体现了各级政府都应提供公共服务的责任 采取对乡镇分馆人财物集中管理 管理层级适当上移的办法,为乡镇分馆的建设提供了体制保证,,Centralization of Management,Government at all levels should be responsible for providing public services. Centralization of management ensures the construction of the branch libraries in urban and rural areas.,结 论,构建起一个能打破城乡二元结构的公共图书馆服务体系。,Conclusion,To establish a public library service system that can release from the dualistic structure.,这一突破,显示在中国现行的财政体制和行政体制之下,存在着实现紧密型总分馆制的可能。这将有助于推动国内图书馆学总分馆理论的研究,也为拓展图书馆事业、提高图书馆服务水平提供了新的内容。,This breakthrough helps promote the study of library theories and provides room for further research., 政府主导是打破服务体系 城乡二元结构的关键原因,行业行为不能替代政府行为需要清醒地认识到:政府主导并不是嘉兴乡镇分馆建设成功的唯一原因,Government Dominance,-The key factor in releasing from the dualistic structure But government dominance in not the only factor in the successful construction of the branch libraries in urban and rural areas.,嘉兴经验证明,在政府主导的同时,遵循图书馆事业发展的规律,探索符合国情的城乡公共图书馆发展道路,才能建立起乡镇图书馆制度化的可持续发展机制,才能较好地解决农民读书难问题。,What Jiaxings Success Proves,Combine the government dominance and laws of library development, a sustainable library system could be esbablished and the problems of “villagers have no access to reading” could be solved.,嘉兴总分馆建设的特点, 政府主导 统筹规划 多级投入 集中管理, 资源共享 服务创新,The characteristics of the construction of the branch library in Jiaxing,Government dominance resource sharing Overall planning Service innovation Multi-level performance Centralization of management,“嘉兴模式”与国外的“紧密型总分馆”达到了类似的效果-引自首都图书馆馆长倪晓健记者采访 20094,“Jiaxing Model” achieved the same effect with “intensive type library” abroad-from the interview of Chief librarian of the Capital Library 2009-04,结 语 Conclusion, 观念创新是前提 Concept Innovation, 制度创新是核心 System Innovation, 技术创新是保障Technology Innovation,我们相信,各地总分馆体系建设的探索都将与当地的社会经济文化相适应,都将走具有自己特色的总分馆建设之路。,谢 谢!嘉兴市图书馆 章明丽057382535011zml6288163.com,Thank you! Jiaxing Library, Mingli Zhang,


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