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Self-assessment and Peer-assessment in the English Language Classroom,Developing cognitive, affective and social learning skills through alternative assessment,Rationale,“ if we see education as fostering achievement in a personal sense then an emphasis on personal achievement, focussing on self-knowledge, self-assessment, and self-regulation (the true meaning of autonomy) appears long overdue.” (Lier, L. Van (1996) Interaction in the Language Classroom: Awareness, Autonomy & Authenticity. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman p.119),More ,“Self-assessment encourages the student to become part of the whole process of language learning, and to be aware of individual progress.”Harris, M. (1997). Self-assessment of language learning in formal settings. ELT Journal Vol. 51/1, pp. 12-20. Oxford: Oxford University Press. P. 15.,Even more ,Assessment leading towards evaluation is an important educational objective in its own right. Training learners in this is beneficial to learning. Self-assessment is a necessary part of self-determination. Self-assessment is one way of alleviating the assessment burden on the teacher.Dickinson, L. (1987). Self-Instruction in Language Learning. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.,Osscarson (1989) gives a “rationale of self-assessment procedures in language learning”:,promotion of learning; raised level of awareness; improved goal orientation; expansion of range of assessment; shared assessment burden; beneficial postcourse effectsOscarson, M. (1989). 'Self-assessment of language proficiency: rationale and implications. In RELC Journal, Vol. 19. No. 1 pp. 75-93,Self-assessment in the school classroom:,Self-assessment is a “practical tool” that can “make students more active” and can “assist them with the daunting task of learning how to communicate in another language” (Harris (1997, p. 19). Harris, M. (1997). Self-assessment of language learning in formal settings. ELT Journal Vol. 51/1, pp. 12-20. Oxford: Oxford University Press. “ this kind of self-appraisal would be particularly helpful in the case of (false) beginners” (Blanche 1988, p. 86). Blanche, P. (1988). Self-assessment of foreign language skills: implications for teachers and researchers. In RELC Journal Vol. 19. No. 1, pp.75-93.,Reliability and Validity,“the validity of learner judgements can in fact be quite high” (Oscarson 1989:2). “.a majority of students find it easier to estimate their purely communicative competence level than their mastery of grammar” (Blanche 1988:75).,Peer-assessment,Haughton & Dickinson (1989) found “a relatively high level of agreement between the peer assessments and the marks given by the lecturers“ in their study of a collaborative post-writing assessment: Students were able to assess their own work realistically, even though most felt inexperienced as testers (lack of reliability) and were not comfortable with being tested by classmates (fear of losing face). Students were sincere. Students demonstrated a similar level of assessment to that of the lecturers. The scheme did not result in a lowering of standards. The students benefited in their understanding of and attitude towards assessment by taking part in the study. Miller, L. & Ng, R. (1996). Autonomy in the classroom: peer assessment, (p. 142). In R. Pemberton, S.L. Edward, W.W.F. Or, and H.D. Pierson (Eds.), Taking Control: Autonomy in Language Learning. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, pp. 133-146.,


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