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Module2 Me, my family and friends,Unit2 Friends,Topic:Do you have any friends? Who are they?How often do you meet them?What do you usually do with them?,Who are Sallys friends?,Hello, Im Sally. I have two good friends. They are Kitty and Alice. We are in the same school, Rainbow Primary School. But we are in different classes. Im in Class Two. Alice is in Class One. Kitty is in Class Three.,1.Which school are they in?,2.Which class are they in?,Sally/Alice/Kitty is in _.,Theyre in _.,They are in Rainbow Primary School. They are in the same school.,the same(相同的),Kitty is in Class Three.,They are in different classes.,Alice is in Class One.,Sally is in Class Two.,different(不同的), or ×,-Are the the same or different? -They are _.,Ask and answer,( ),(× ),( ),(× ),(),(× ),Hello, Im Sally. I have two good friends. They are Kitty and Alice. We are in the same school, Rainbow Primary School. But we are in different classes. Im in Class Two. Alice is in Class One. Kitty is in Class Three.,We all like sports. Kitty and I both like playing volleyball. We often play at weekends. Alice likes playing badminton. So we are all healthy and strong.We all like helping old people. Sometimes we help the old people cross the road. Sometimes wego to the Old Peoples Home to visit them. We like each other and we like to be together. We are good friends.,Read and choose T or F:( ) 1. Sally and Kitty both like playing volleyball.( ) 2.They often play on Saturday and Sunday.( ) 3. They all like helping old people.( ) 4. They often help old people do some housework.( ) 5. They like each other and they like to be together.,We all like sports. Kitty and I both like playing volleyball. We often play at weekends. Alice likes playing badminton. So we are all healthy and strong.We all like helping old people. Sometimes we help the old people cross the road. Sometimes we go to the Old Peoples Home to visit them. We like each other and we like to be together. We are good friends.,both and all,Tips: both和all都表示“都”,但两者用法上 不一样。both代表的是“两者都”,而all 代表的是“三个或三个以上都”。,I have a friend. Her name is Alice. We are _ in the same school. We are _in Class One. We _ like playing badminton. We are _ happy.,But my brother Ben has two friends. Theyre _ tall and thin. They are _ in Rainbow Primary School. They _ like playing football. Theyre _ good at sports.,both,both,both,both,all,all,all,all,A: What do they like doing? B: They both/all like _.,playing football.,Ask and answer,Hello, Im Sally. I have two good friends. They are Kitty and Alice. We are in the same school, Rainbow Primary School. But we are in different classes. Im in Class Two. Alice is in Class One. Kitty is in Class Three.We all like sports. Kitty and I both like playing volleyball. We often play at weekends. Alice likes playing badminton. So we are all healthy and strong.We all like helping old people. Sometimes we help the old people cross the road. Sometimes we go to the Old Peoples Home to visit them. We like each other and we like to be together. We are good friends.,Let's read,Talk about you and your friends,Talk about you and your friends,We both/ all like We each other and we like to be together. We are good friends ., is/are my friend(s). We are in (the same)./ We are in (different),Make friends with others. You will be happy every day.,Homework,1. Read and act. 2. Introduce you and your friends.,


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