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Oxford English 5A M4U3,Du Jieping Dec.26th, 2014,Fire safety,Lets read together,Look at the fire. Fire, fire, fire. Call the fire station. One, one, nine. Bring the fire engine. Engine, engine, engine. The brave firefighters, Put out the fire.,Look and say,Look and say,Look and say,Look and say,Look and say,fire safety 消防安全,'lektrk,fire safety,water safety,electric safety,gas safety,æs,'seft,Hello, boys and girls. Im Mr Xu, Jills father. Im tall, strong and healthy. I am a firefighter. I always help people put out fires. Today, let me tell you about fire safety.,Fires start in/on/under,Where do fires start?,Where do fires start?,Fires start in forests.,Fires start in schools. Sometimes they start at home.,Yes, you are both right. Fires start everywhere. Fires can start in forests, in schools, at home and so on.,We must be careful.,Role-play,must 必须,mst,What must we do? We must,be careful,When we cross the road, we must be careful.,'kefl,Fire is very dangerous. If there is a fire, what must we do?,(?) When we , we must be careful.,Listen and number,1,3,4,2,go outside quickly,krl,crawl out very fast,Lets learn,cover the mouth and nose,'kv,Lets learn,call the fire station,Lets learn,1.If I see a big fire, I can call _. 2. If I see a sick man in the street, I can call _. 3. If I see a thief, I can call _. 4. If I want to know the telephone number, I can call _.,119,120,110,114,Read and choose,Ask and answer,A: If there is a fire, what must we do? B: We must ,Role-play,Children, fire is very dangerous. If there is a fire, what must we do?,We must go outside quickly.,We must crawl out very fast.,Youre so clever. We must cover the mouth and nose. And we must call the fire station. Then we will be safe.,Listen and enjoy,We mustnt smoke.,We mustnt play with matches.,Thats great. What else? Look at the poster. We mustnt play near fires. And we mustnt start campfires. OK?,OK! Thank you, Mr Xu.,Now children, for fire safety, what mustnt we do?,Dont smoke,We mustnt smoke.,Dont play with matches.,We mustnt play with matches.,Dont play near fires.,We mustnt play near fires.,Dont start campfires.,We mustnt start campfires.,must mustnt,1. If there is a fire, we _go outside quickly. 2.We _ cross the road when the traffic light is red. 3.Breakfast is very important. We _ have breakfast every day. 4. People _ smoke in the smoking room. 5. We _ be careful both in the forest and at home.,must,must,must,mustnt,must,Read and choose,Ask and answer,A: For fire safety, what mustnt we do? B: We mustnt ,We mustnt smoke.,We mustnt play with matches.,Thats great. What else? Look at the poster. We mustnt play near fires. And we mustnt start campfires. OK?,OK! Thank you, Mr Xu.,Now children, for fire safety, what mustnt we do?,Lets read,Fire is very dangerous. We must be careful. We must keep away from fires.,Where do fires start?,Fires start in forests.,Fires start in schools. Sometimes they start at home.,Yes, you are both right. Fires start everywhere. Fires can start in forests, in schools, at home and so on.,Look and read,Look and read,Children, fire is very dangerous. If there is a fire, what must we do?,We must go outside quickly.,We must crawl out very fast.,Youre so clever. We must cover the mouth and nose. And we must call the fire station. Then we will be safe.,We mustnt smoke.,We mustnt play with matches.,Thats great. What else? Look at the poster. We mustnt play near fires. And we mustnt start campfires. OK?,OK! Thank you, Mr Xu.,Now children, for fire safety, what mustnt we do?,Look and read,Watch and think,Assignment,Read and copy the new dialogue. Try to write a passage about fire safety.Where do fires start?What must we do?What mustnt we do? 3. Preview Page 59.,Thank you! Have a nice day!,


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